Volume 24 Number 03 Linden Lines Father Linden Council 3627 September, 2015

Reaching for the Star(s)

The goal for star council remains the same as last year 8 new members and 3. As of this date we have one new member who will be taking his First, Second, and Third Degree at St. John Breubeuf on September 27 and one new insurance member.

From the Editor

On August 14 and 15 the Father Linden Council and members of the Hillinger Assembly had the honor of retiring the regalia of our Faithful Brother Sir Knight Alan V. Motz and attended his funeral Mass on the 15th. I can honestly say that Al was deeply pleased with the sendoff the Knights provided him. On behalf of the family and friends of Alan V Motz I would like to extend my sincere thanks for all the Brother and Sir Knights who were in attendance at either the wake or funeral service.

Vivat Jesus,

LeRoy Dziewulski


3. Jim Ward

3. Gerald Manning

4. Earl Carda

4. John Zielinski

5. John Schlachter

9. Joseph Hahn

14. Robert Rovito

15. Emil Schwarz

15. Leonard Dreiling

15. John Motz

19. Richard Staiert

20. Albert Bruder

20. Richard Figiel

21. Richard Bird

24. Ron Jawgiel

September Wedding Anniversaries

4. Ken and Kelly Grimshaw

4. Alan and Sally Cunningham

9. Jerome and Laurie Motz

14. Thomas and Linda Kurcab

16. Emil and Cornelia Schwarz

17. Thomas and Roberta Diamond

23. Francis and Larissa Guiao

27. Leonard and Louise Dreiling

Who Took His First Degree in September

Albert Bruder, Peter Bueza, Richard Figiel, Ken Florey, John Galluzzi, Jeffery Jurczyk, Steve Kois, John McManemin, Emil and Kurt Schwarz

From Your District Deputy

Brother and Sir Knights, first off, with our deep loss of Brother Sir Knight Alan V. Motz, the Council is facing a dilemma. The Council is facing the need to replace a person who was a very valuable asset to the Council with the many offices he held during his 50 years with the Council. We are looking to fill some big shoes. Al was a man of many talents (among them Financial Secretary). While still in his days when he was feeling better I spoke with Al about his resignation as Financial Secretary and asked for suggestions for Knights who could replace him. Al mentioned three names (all qualified Knights) but due to current circumstances are unable to fill this important role. Third Degree members dig deep into yourselves and consider this an opportunity to fill the shoes of a GREAT KNIGHT. Contact either myself or your Grand Knight Jeffery Jurczyk if you are willing to accept the challenge of the FS position.

Secondly, later this month the Knights of Columbus will be having their Annual Tootsie Roll Drive September 18-19-20. This is an opportunity to help all of God’s and the Knights Special People who are in need of help. None of the money we collect comes back to the Council. Once the bills are paid, the remainder of the funds are contributed to organizations in need of our help. Won’t you please consider spending an hour or two of your time helping the Knights fulfill the needs of these special people? Contact Chairman Ken Gault to volunteer your time.

Vivat Jesus,

LeRoy Dziewulski

Lead Me Guide Me Lord

From Your Grand Knight

Enjoy a night of Harness Horse Racing with the Father Linden Council on Friday September 25 at Maywood Park Race Track. For the low cost of $25 for adults, children 5 to 10 - $10.00 and children under 5 FREE you will receive:

Free Admission
Free Maywood Program
Race Dedication
Winner's Circle Photo
VIP Ride in Starter Car
All You Can Eat Buffet (Chef’s Carving Station
Chicken Entrée
Linguini & Shrimp Entrée
Sausage & Peppers
Vegetable and Potato Sides

Mail your checks payable to Knights of Columbus, Attention: Maywood Park Event

To Jeffrey Jurczyk, 1014 N. Clifton, Park Ridge, IL 60068-2043. Contact either Jeff Jurczyk (H: 847-823-3969 C: 847-409-8674) or LeRoy Dziewulski (C: 773-318-7987) for further information. Ticket requests and checks must be received by September 18.

Vivat Jesus,

Jeffrey Jurczyk

Grand Knight

From Your Field Agent

Raising Awareness About Life Insurance

Each September since 2003 has been designated as Life Insurance Awareness Month. Like most awareness-raising campaigns, Life Insurance Awareness Month was created because there is an overwhelming lack of understanding of life insurance, its uses, its benefits, and its variations among the general public. Each year, the Life Insurance Market Research Association (LIMRA) puts out the results from a recent survey, and unfortunately, the numbers they report continue to be discouraging.

A recent survey found that more than 75 percent of people polled did not have a personal financial advisor, even though 68 percent of them said their opinion of the current economic conditions was somewhat unfavorable or very unfavorable.

In other words, a majority of those surveyed were uncomfortable with the economy and the uncertainty it brings, yet they did not seek professional assistance. Maybe they spoke with their friends and family. Maybe they hoped the instability would go away on its own. Maybe they did not know to whom to turn.

If you fall into this category, please remember that as a member of the Knights of Columbus, you have a full-time, professional agent you can call your own. My primary responsibility is the care and service of your family’s life insurance, retirement and long-term care needs. I’ll answer your questions because I want your decisions to be informed ones. I want to help.

Another LIMRA statistic said 43 percent of people did not buy life insurance because they worry about “making the wrong decision.” Talk with me, your agent, and, afterwards, you’ll understand that the only wrong decision was not purchasing sooner to protect your family’s future. Vivat Jesus.

James Keefe

Field Agent 773-343-1003

September-October Calendar

Sept. 4 Council Business Meeting

Sept. 9 District 3 Council Meeting at Holy Rosary Council Hall (Arlington Hts. 7:00 PM)

Sept. 17 Council Officers Meeting

Sept. 18-19-20 Tootsie Roll Drive

Sept. 21 Hillinger Assembly Meeting OLR

Sept. 25 A Night at the Races Maywood Park Race Track

Sept 26-27 Tootsie Roll Drive St Stephens

Oct. 2 Council Business Meeting

Oct. 3-4 Tootsie Roll Drive at St. Zachary

Oct. 3 4th Degree Exemplification St. Charles

Oct. 10-11 Tootsie Roll Drive at OLR

Oct. 15 Council Officers Meeting

Oct. 17-18 Tootsie Roll Drive St Marys (Tentative)

Fun Facts About September

The 9th month of the year is an outstanding one
In the Georgian calendar, the calendar that most of the world uses, September is the ninth month of the year. However, it used to be the seventh month on the Roman calendar. It had 29 and 31 days but it later was changed to 30 days by Emperor Augustus. In Southern United States, it is the warmest months of the year and very cool nights for Northern states. It is the harvest time for crops and that is why Switzerland calls September the harvest month. In the Northern hemisphere, beginning of September leads to the beginning of meteorological autumn while it is the beginning of the meteorological spring in southern hemisphere.
Below are some fun facts about September:

1. The birthstone for September is the sapphire.
2. The zodiac signs for September are Virgo (August 23 - September 22) and Libra (September 23 - October 22)
3. The birth flower for September is the morning glory.
4. On September 1, 1905, Alberta and Saskatchewan were established.
5. On September 1, 1939, World War II began in Europe because the German troops invaded Poland.
6. On September 2, 1789, the United States Department of Treasury was established.
7. On September 3, 1783, the Revolutionary War in America ended after Great Britain signed the Treaty of Paris.
8. On September 6, 1901, William McKinley, the 25th President of the United States, was assassinated.
9. On September 8, 1565, the first permanent white settlement was founded in St.Augustine, Florida.
10. On September 10, 1846, Elias Howe patented his sewing machine.
11. On September 14, 1847, United States forces took control of Mexico City.
12. On September 14, 1940, the Selective Service Act was passed by Congress which provided the first peacetime draft in the United States history.
13. National Chicken Month
14. National Rice Month
15. National Potato Month
16. National All-American Breakfast Month
17. Labor Day - first Monday of September
18. September 8 - Pardon Day
19. September 13 - Uncle Sam Day (his image was first used in 1813)
20. September 16 - Mexican Independence Day
September 3rd: The famous novel Wizard of OZ was published on this day in 1900!
September 7th: On this day in 1915, Babe Ruth hit his first ever home run!
September 9th: In 1776, the name “United States of America” was adopted by the US!
September 13th: Today is International Chocolate Day! (Who doesn’t love chocolate?)
September 14th: On this day in 1814, the Star-Spangled Banner was composed!
September 15th: Today in 1928, Alexander Fleming discovered the drug Penicillin!
September 19th: The loveable Mickey Mouse made his first debut on this day in 1928!
September 23rd: In 1846, the planet Neptune was discovered!
September 24th: Today is F. Scott Fitzgerald’s, author of “The Great Gatsby”, birthday! He was born in the year 1896!
Good of The Order
Ed Manning (Father of Gerald Manning passed away)
AV Motz (Passed away in Florida)
Barbara Berg (Mother of Tim Berg – recovering at home from illness)
Diana Schultz (Wife of Dan Schultz recovering at home from Spinal fusion surgery).
Thomas O’Connell (Undergoing brain Cancer treatment)
The brother of Andy Samborski (passed away)
John Rolfe Recovering from a wasp sting
Ron Zydel (recovering from Heart Problems)
Dan Schultz (recovering from a 95% blockage in a major artery.)
Any comments about the Linden Lines may be mailed to Editor, Linden Lines,
Knights of Columbus, PO Box 261, Des Plaines, IL 60016. Please remember to visit our Council web site at When you enter the
site enter 3627 under Council and you will then be able to see the many links containing information about the Father Linden Council. You can also view our Facebook page at
Vivat Jesus,
LeRoy Dziewulski