Computer Information Science Applications 305 (Beginning Word Processing)
Course Objectives and Goals / Cognitive/Performance Level / Activities/Assignments to Facilities Objectives / Word ProcessingConcepts and Skills Rubric
Recognize and identify word processing terminology and default settings within specific software package within integrated Office Suite. / Manipulate the basic default settings within the software program; use different screen menus, sub-menus and modes, directories and sub-directories, ruler, scroll and tool bars, and dialogue boxes.
Summarize the linkage between the Windows or LINUX operating systems and the word processing software package. / Sequence of basic laboratory exercises utilizing both operating system and software default settings as well as manipulating menus and sub-menus, directories and sub-directories, scroll and tool bars, and dialogue boxes.
Successive laboratory activities applying these basic settings and screen components to access and complete other text processing assignments. / 1Fails to utilize and manipulate operating system and software settings, menus, directories, tool bars and dialogue boxes.
2Laboratory applications reflect rudimentary understanding of basic settings and screen components.
3Laboratory applications reflect working understanding of basic settings and screen components.
4Laboratory assignments reflect clear understanding and application of basic settings and screen components
5Laboratory assignments reflect significant understanding, application, and analysis of basic settings and screen components.
Course Objectives and Goals / Cognitive/Performance Level / Activities/Assignments to Facilities Objectives / Word Processing
Concepts and Skills Rubric
Interpret and operate a major word processing program as used in the Sacramento employment community. / Integrate word processing features within the standard Office Suites.
Categorize the different types of save/close/exit processes and differentiate between internal and external saves (save as/save), backup and password; analyze the cautions regarding specific drives and changing diskettes within software.
Demonstrate various methods of retrieving or opening documents and/or windows and discuss advantages and disadvantages of each; complete assignments inserting dates, documents, or other files to existing documents or files. / Basic introductory exercises using word processing features and functions which are standardized components within different Office Suites.
Series of beginning laboratory activities demonstrating different save/close/exit concepts and introducing various retrieval or open processes.
Successive intermediate and advance laboratory assignments utilizing variations of these retrieval processes and emphasizing the save/close/exit concepts. / 1Fails to access appropriate software within Office Suite, or complete basic exercises using word processing features and functions.
2Laboratory activities demonstrate basic ability to retrieve/open documents and save/close/exit correctly.
3Laboratory activities indicate ability to apply knowledge of basic settings, screen components, retrieval, and save processes to complete simple documents.
4Laboratory assignments reflect clear understanding and manipulation of basic settings, screen components, retrieval and save processes to complete complex documents.
5Laboratory assignments reflect significant understanding and synthesis of the operating system and software settings, screen components, retrieval and save processes to complete multiple complex documents using multiple windows.
Course Objectives and Goals / Cognitive/Performance Level / Activities/Assignments to Facilities Objectives / Word Processing
Concepts and Skills Rubric
Describe and analyze concepts and theories of the specific word processing software programs using text processing commands, functions, or features. / Demonstrate a basic understanding of computer concepts of mouse/cursor movements and file management; complete assignments using basic input features (blocking/selecting, cancel, go to, page and section breaks, soft and hard returns).
Distinguish between different methods of the editing functions (insert, delete, overtype, undo/ redo), enhancement features (size and appearance such as centering, bold, underlining, italics, sub/superscripts, special characters, case conversions, animation, and color).
Use the horizontal/vertical cut/copy/paste function on documents between different pages and/or documents (windows operations).
Appraise the various options for printing functions and revise printing configurations to various operating systems as needed. / Basic introductory laboratory exercises utilizing specific mouse/cursor movements while inputting text and page/section functions, editing new and stored documents, and adding appropriate enhancements.
Simple laboratory exercises inputting text and editing resultant documents (in the same or different window) using horizontal/vertical cut/copy/paste functions.
Series of simple and complex activities utilizing different printing functions to produce single or multiple documents. / 1Fails to input, edit, or manipulate documents using page/section functions and enhancement features.
2Laboratory exercises show rudimentary ability to input and edit documents using page/section or enhancement functions, or text manipulation.
3Laboratory activities demonstrates ability to input and edit single documents using page/section, printing, or enhancement functions, or text manipulation.
4Laboratory assignments reflect distinct understanding and manipulation of single-window text documents using page/section, printing, or enhancement functions.
5Laboratory assignments indicate substantial understanding, manipulation, and analysis of multiple-window complex text documents using page/section, printing, or enhancement functions.
Course Objectives and Goals / Cognitive/Performance Level / Activities/Assignments to Facilities Objectives / Word Processing
Concepts and Skills Rubric
Complete and evaluate acceptable quality business materials such as correspondence and memos, reports and manuals without use of help feature or templates. / Differentiate between the different “codes” (auto code placement, reveal codes, initial codes, delay codes, and temporary codes) used within the Corel WordPerfect Suite only. Describe the help feature, auto-function commands, and the concept of software automatic commands. Apply constraints used within Microsoft Office Suite only.
Arrange and evaluate theories and concepts of format programming, including major relationships between each format command and the respective programming order within documents
Automatic commands or constraints; Respective software language or units of measure; Printer change and effect on fonts and font/size; Font and Font Size; Paper Size and Orientation; Line Measurements (Left and Right); Line Spacing; Alignment or Justifications; Tab Settings--Absolute versus Relative (different types of tab settings –left, right, center, decimal, dot leaders); Alignments (Indents–Regular, Double, and Hanging); Columns (regular, text, number)
Design and plan all format programming commands within presentation quality documents, including all format commands, different types of tab settings, alignments, footnotes/endnotes, headers/footers, page numbering, speller/grammar/thesaurus.
Evaluate table features (including borders/shading, equations), different sorting methods (line, paragraph, columns, table, and merge data).
Demonstrate knowledge of the merge functions (data and form files, envelope/label setup, and bar code incorporation). / Series of business-related laboratory text processing assignments applying format concepts and commands to specific documents.
Beginning activities focus on incorporating automatic software instructions with user format commands (units of measure, printer selection, font/font sizes, paper size and orientation, and page setup) to complete business documents.
Intermediate activities apply basic user format commands to specialized business documents which include different column properties, tab settings, and the usage of different tab types (left, right, center, decimal and dot leaders).
Integrated multiple-page assignment applying all format commands to analyze, re-design, and produce a high-quality professional document to fit specific business needs.
Successive advance laboratory projects producing publication-quality professional documents utilizing all text processing functions and incorporating specialized tables, sorting methods, and merging components. / 1Fails to apply all format commands to appropriate documents
2Laboratory exercises indicate selective application of several format commands to complete simple text documents.
3Laboratory activities demonstrates ability to apply all beginning and advance format commands to specialized business documents.
4Laboratory assignments indicate analysis and integration of all beginning and advance format commands to produce specific business documents.
5Laboratory projects present extensive understanding of all format commands and specialized components to complete publication-quality documents.