| 832.472.2777

Career interests: Environmental Consulting, IndustrialWater Management, Groundwater Conservation


Master of Environmental Management, May 2018

Duke University, Nicholas School of the Environment, Durham, NC

Applicable Coursework: Project Management, Advanced Geospatial Analysis, Wetlands Ecology and Management, Water Resources Finance & Planning, Landscape and Global Hydrology,

Master’s Project: Quantifying trends in industrial water usage, both spatially and temporally across the U.S.

Bachelor of Science, cum laude, May 2015

Trinity University San Antonio, TX;

Double Major: Geosciences Environmental Studies – Biology.

Awards: Edward C. Roy, Jr., Geosciences Outstanding Research Award (2014-2015), Edwin E. Eckert Scholarship in Geology, 2014-2015, Presidential Scholarship (2011-2015)

Semester Abroad: Universidad San Francisco de Quito, Ecuador: studying fresh water supply in the Galapagos


Geologist Intern, Geosyntec Consultants, Jacksonville, FL, Summer 2017

  • Composed essential project documentation for multiple offices; Health and Safety Plans, Task Hazard Assessments, Scope of Work, project budgets, and Task Assignment Change Orders
  • Completed soil and groundwater sampling events using EPA protocol and corresponding data analysis as a member of the Groundwater Action Group.

Water Policy Assistant, The Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions, Duke University, Durham, NC, 2016-2017

•Drafted briefing memos on current state of groundwater usage in varying industrial and settings for the 2017 Aspen-Nicholas Water Forum: Deepening Groundwater Sustainability.

•Assessed progress of reservoirs using release rates, sediment flows, and precipitation data using R software and MS Office to craft reports for US Army Corps of Engineers.

Structural Geology and Hydrology Technician, Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio, TX, 2015-2016

•Completed groundwater sampling field work data to create a model of the recharge zone for a Texas Groundwater Conservation District.

•Researched the injection volumes, pressures, and locations, for thousands of Texas salt water injection wells to create a concise database in Microsoft Access and graphics in ArcGIS for groundwater conservation districts.

•Utilized stratigraphic and outcrop fracture data to model the impact of hydraulic fracturing on the Eagle Ford formation using Abaqus finite element modeling software for a consortium of oil companies.


Ferrill, D., Morris, A., McGinnis, R., Smart, K., Wigginton, S., Hill, N. (2016) Mechanical stratigraphy and normal faulting. Journal of Structural Geology, 94, 275-302.

Surpless, B., Hill, N., & Beasley, C. (2015). The unusual 3D interplay of basement fault reactivation and fault propagation fold development: A case study of the Laramide-age Stillwell Anticline, west Texas (USA). Journal of Structural Geology, 79, 42-56.


Duke Water Network: Organized large scale water sustainability forum and hosted professional networking events.

Boston Marathon Finisher (April 2017)