ICTO 2018 TRACK 11: Knowledge management for inclusion

Short Description

Current research has put focus on how corporates and organizations invest in leveraging knowledge management, a today underpinning condition for increasing their organizational development and business value. Knowledge management tools including new technologies are adopted by individuals and teams to design, develop and use knowledge, so they can create, transfer and apply acquired knowledge. Yet, while knowledge is at the core discussion, individuals participating at knowledge management and organizations are not questioned their position on how they can participate at and directly benefit from leveraging knowledge. Defined as the “The process of improving the terms on which individuals and groups take part in society—improving the ability, opportunity, and dignity of those disadvantaged on the basis of their identity.” (World Bank, 2017), social inclusion is subject to policy environment, social, political and economic systems and is interdependent to knowledge management in these contexts.

Knowledge management for inclusion track intends to open scientific discussions on how knowledge and knowledge management can stipulate inclusion in opposition to diversity and exclusion. This year specific theme at ICTO intends to explore how knowledge management can be used for individuals’, teams’ and organizational inclusion and to which extend inclusion through knowledge management can contribute to create human based and business value.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

-  KM and gender inclusion

-  Immigrants inclusion and knowledge transfer

-  Inclusion at the workplace

-  Inclusion, culture and KM

-  Inclusion and exclusion in and through KM

-  Teams and institutional inclusion

-  Diversity and equity in KM creation, transfer and dissemination

-  Individual and organizational learning and social inclusion

-  Social inclusion and Knowledge representation

-  Customer and employee inclusion through knowledge management

-  Citizens inclusion in public institutions

Track Co-Chairs

Name – Surname / Sana Rouis Skandrani (primary contact)
Title / Associate Professor-Research Fellow Information Systems
E-mail /
Affiliation / Paris Nanterre University-France
URL / http://www.parisnanterre.fr/
Name – Surname / Olfa Chourabi
Title / Associate Professor- Information Systems
E-mail /
Affiliation / Telecom Ecole de Management Evry France
URL / http://dsi.telecom-em.eu/departement/enseignants/

Track Reviewers

Name – Surname / Ikram Bououd
Title / Associate Professor - Information Systems
E-mail /
Affiliation / ISG Gabes-Tunisia
Name – Surname / Mondher Feki
Title / Associate Professor – Information Systems
E-mail /
Affiliation / IAE Nantes-France

Dr. Sana Rouis Skandrani, PhD in e-Commerce, Luleå University of Technology Sweden, is Associate Professor and Research Fellow in Information Systems Management at Paris Nanterre University, France. Sana has got joined experience in academia and as consultant and practitioner. Former consultant at SAP and Project Manager for projects funded by the EU and the World Bank in MENA region with an international teaching and research experience in Tunisia, Sweden and France. Her research work focuses on information systems management, social media usage, and knowledge, information and data management. Her publications appeared in respected journals in the field such as Information Systems Frontiers and Cyberpsychology Behavior and Social Networking.

Dr. Olfa Chourabi, PhD in Information Systems,