Issue 11 –November 2017

P4B’s Remembrance Day Assembly

Primary 4B led an assembly about Remembrance Day on Friday 10th November. Each pupil read out a line of an acrostic poem that they had written. The acrostic poem represented the letters in Remembrance Day. They did very well and we would like to congratulate them for their hard work and effort. On Sunday the 12th of November Kirsty and Kenny, in Primary 7, were chosen to represent Stornoway Primary School at the Remembrance Sunday service. They attended the service at the High Church, then they laid a poppy wreath at the War Memorial.

P4A/4B Road Safety

On Monday 13th November, PC Katie Hebditch came to visit P4A and P4B. She was teaching them about the importance of the Green Cross Code and how to keep safe on the road. The pupils took part in role play. They acted out how to cross roads safely. PC Hebditch asked and answered lots of questions.

Bingo Night

On the 17th of November in the golf course Primary 7 parents held a bingo night. We were raising money for the school’s P7 trip. There was also a raffle and a small sweets tombola. Everyone had a lot of fun and overall we were able to raise a whopping £2,800. If we keep this up we’ll definitely have enough money for our trip and everyone will be happy.

Children In Need

On Friday 17th November the whole school dressed up to raise money for Children in Need. We also had a visit from Pudsey and all the children were so happy to see him. We raised the amazing amount of £1138.85.


The Nutcracker show takes place every year around Christmas time. It is a story that is told in dance. This year EvieMaciver (GM6) is taking part as one of the lead parts Christina. She will be doing a solo, a duet, a group dance, the finale and other dances!There will be four shows over two nights. It will take place in An Lanntair on Wednesday 13th December and Thursday 14thDecember!

Defibrillator training for P6 and P7

Primary 6 and Primary 7 were learning how to use a defibrillator and what to do in an emergency when someone has a cardiac arrest. We used a dummy to learn how to do CPR and how to use a defibrillator. We were paired up and practised the Recovery Position on each other then we learned what to do if someone was choking. We each received a certificate after we completed the course.Don’t forget to call for help or call 999 if there is an emergency like this. This was a very good opportunity for us to learn such important skills.

P7B’s Advent Assembly

P7B had an interesting assembly about Advent and the countdown to Christmas. They talked about the meaning of Christmas and that you should do kind acts all year round. We also sang Seek Ye First and This Little Light of Mine.

A’ ReicFuine

Air 23 an t-Samhainrinn GM6-7 fuineairsonairgead a chruinneachadhairsonturasclas 7. Reiciadtòrrchèicicheanguclas 5-7! Chruinnichiad £240.40 airsonturasclas 7 gutìrmòr.

Turas GM1, GM2, P2A agus P2B

Chaidh GM1, GM2, P2A agus P2B air splaoidgu port-maraSteòrnabhaigh. Chunnaicsinncrùbag, faoileagaguscorrabhàn.Chaidhsinntimcheall am port-maracòmhlari Roy. Bha e choinntinneach!

La Na Gàidhlig

On Wednesday the 22nd of November the school celebrated LànaGàidhlig. We all sang songs, such as Teann a Nall, Chan FhaodthuPutadhGranaidhfar a’ Bhus and Latha Math air anEilean. Each class took part in workshops in drama, using a computer program or Gaelic media. Angus Maclennan, the Headteacher of e-sgoil, and Rachel Kennedy from An Lanntairtold us about learning Gaelic and how Gaelic can help us throughout our lives. We really enjoyed it! Please look at our school website for more photos and videos of the day.

P7A’s Spooky Slow Writing Stories!

P7A were working on slow writing stories. The theme was spooky! We each received success criteria to complete the slow writing task. Each sentence had to include one or two of the techniques we have been learning. We were using adverbs, similes, alliterations, commas, conjunctions and different sentence types and openers. This was to improve our writing skills.

Katie Morag GM1, GM2, P2A agus P2B

Eve Maclean GM1’s mother very kindly offered to come in and show us some of the props that were used on the Cbeebies series Katie Morag. We had great fun trying these on!