English II
MHS – Room B141
Email is the quickest way to get in touch with me. Please don’t hesitate to do so if you have questions, comments, or concerns.
Brief Overview of the Year:
1st9 weeks: Narrative writing, literary terms review, short stories2nd9 weeks: Reflective writing, To Kill a Mockingbird
3rd9 weeks: Informative writing with presentation, poetry,
short stories
4th9 weeks: EOI Test review, argumentative writing,
Julius Caesar
Why this class is important:
- Course Description:This course fulfills the 10th grade English requirement.
- Also: Words are magic, books are time machines, and language gives you the power to read minds!
How to succeed:
Arrive prepared. Work hard. Be nice.
- Please bring a binder filled with notebook paper, writing utensils, and personal reading book to class every day.
- Plan on having a spiral notebook for the second nine weeks.
And if you want to be a hero:
Be kind to those in pain; offer help to those who struggle; and listen closely for the stories of those who speak least.
And now for the details:
- Grammar/Vocabulary
English II students study the use of grammar as it applies to effective reading and writing. This includes the understanding and proper use of parts of speech, sentence types and structures, agreement, usage, and commonly confused words. Emphasis is also placed on learning, understanding, and implementing new vocabulary into one’s speech and writing.
- Writing
Expressing ideas effectively through writing is a life skill that will be evaluated by the state mandated test upon the completion of this course. Students will master the steps of the writing process through various modes of writing including narrative, informative, argumentative, and reflective essays as well as a research project, EOI practice activities, and dailyreflections.
- Literature
ThroughTo Kill a Mockingbird,Julius Caesar, as well as a wide selection of short stories, poems, podcasts, articles, and excerpts, students will learn to respond to and analyze literature. They will also apply reading skills and develop vocabulary while increasing fluency.
- Assignments/Grades
A minimum of two grades will be taken per week, and one writing assignment will additionally be assigned each nine weeks. Daily work, research prep, mini projects, and homework will equal 40% of the overall grade. All tests, major projects, quizzes, and the final research paper make up the remaining 60%. The research paper and all major projects will equal two test grades maximum each.
- Supplies
Starting Monday, students should bring the following every day: pencils/pens (blue or black ink please), a folder or binder full of notebook paper with three sections, and a red pen for grading. Additional supplies may be required at a later date. If students would bring one box of Kleenex or one bottle of hand-sanitizer it would be sincerely appreciated (but not required). For the second nine weeks, please bring a spiral or composition notebook.
- Late Work and Absences
Daily work will be accepted one day late for a maximum of 50% creditduring 1st semester only. Projects/papers will not be accepted late. Make-up work due to absences must be completed according to the time frame given in the student handbook. It is the STUDENT’S RESPONSIBILITY to obtain copies of any work/notes missed.
- A Note about Plagiarism and Cheating (Academic Misconduct)
Students will be expected to present their own ideas or to indicate the source of all material drawn from sources. Any student found to be cheating on any assignment will receive a zero and will be assigned detention either before or after school until the assignment is completed honestly. Zeros for cheating will not be eligible for extra credit replacement assignments.