Doc No:10: (2)
László Surján - Section III (Commission)
Vladimír Maňka - Other Sections
PARLIAMENT - 2ndREADINGMeeting of 1/12/2009 - amendments adopted at 1st reading and rejected or modified by the Council, and retabled by the rapporteurs on behalf of the Committee on Budgets or by another author
— Letters of Amendment 1, 2 & 3 included —
PARLIAMENT: SECOND READING / Page 1 / 1 / 1.1 - EN12 02 01 Implementation and development of the Internal market
Draft amendment 0145 / === BUDG/9533===< Committee on Budgets >
Amend remarks and figures as follows:
12 02 01 / DB 2010 / PE1 / CSL2 / AMENDMENT / PE2Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments
Appropriations / 8 000 000 / 6 000 000 / 8 700 000 / 7 500 000 / 8 000 000 / 6 000 000 / 700 000 / 1 500 000 / 8 700 000 / 7 500 000
After paragraph
To the appropriations entered in this article must be added ...... section, which forms an integral part of the general budget.
Add following text:
Part of this appropriation is intended to cover expenditure incurred by the Commission for ensuring the effective functioning of the European Counterfeiting and Piracy Observatory.
The increases in budget line 12 02 01 are justified due to the benefits of the internal market for the EU economy as a whole, in particular during the economic downturn. This amount of money is amongst others necessary for effective implementation and monitoring measures as well as for the strengthening of administrative cooperation between Member States in order to bring the internal market closer to citizens and businesses. Therefore, the original figures of the PDB should be restored.
The Observatory serves as the central resource for gathering, monitoring and reporting information and data related to IPR infringements. It is essential to assure the effective functioning of this Observatory.
BUDG has taken over and modified the amendments tabled by IMCO and Edit Herczog.
The Council not having accepted this amendment in its entirety, Parliament is retabling it at second reading.
PARLIAMENT: SECOND READING / Page 1 / 1 / 1.1 - EN12 02 02 Solvit programme and Single Market Assistance Services Action plan
Draft amendment 0146 / === BUDG/9302===< Committee on Budgets >
Amend remarks and figures as follows:
12 02 02 / DB 2010 / PE1 / CSL2 / AMENDMENT / PE2Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments
Appropriations / p.m. / p.m. / 1 000 000 / 1 000 000 / p.m. / p.m. / 1 000 000 / 1 000 000 / 1 000 000 / 1 000 000
After paragraph
It can effectively and efficiently deal with problems faced by ...... to which citizens and business can directly submit their problems.
Amend text as follows:
However, Solvit like many other public assistance services relating to EU issues is still not widely known among potential users of the system. At the same time citizens and businesses are often very confused about the right address for their requests for information, assistance or problem solving. To remedy this, the Commission has announced, as part of the Single Market review, that it will endeavour to create a single web-based access point guiding citizens and business to the right service. This single access point should be implemented by the end of 2010. The European Commission shall inform the competent committee of the European Parliament in a yearly report about the frequency of use of the contact point and possible measures to further improve it.Moreover, in its May 2008 action plan on Single Market Assistance Services a range of actions is proposed to increase cooperation between the existing assistance services so that they can offer a better, faster and more streamlined overall service to citizens and businesses.
Add following text:
Member States should be urged to take appropriate measures to notify their citizens about the provision of such a single contact point.
Add following text:
Moreover, in its May 2008 action plan on Single Market Assistance Services a range of actions was proposed to increase cooperation between the existing assistance services so that they can offer a better, faster and more streamlined overall service to citizens and businesses.
The consultation 2009 on the use of SOLVIT has shown that the number of cases submitted by businesses has remained stable. Figures show that engaging in business in another EU country is still viewed as a costly enterprise. The budget allocated to this line should be used to promote SOLVIT as a concrete problem-solving tool for consumers and businesses, e.g. by a wide advertisement strategy in consumer and trade magazines, consumer/entrepreneur/enterprise web portals focusing on concrete examples ("success stories" in the SOLVIT Report 2008) and with regard to the Services Directive.
The Council not having accepted this amendment in its entirety, Parliament is retabling it at second reading.
PARLIAMENT: SECOND READING / Page 1 / 1 / 1.1 - EN12 04 01 Specific activities in the field of financial services, financial reporting and auditing
Draft amendment 0147 / === BUDG/9469===< Committee on Budgets >
Amend figures as follows:
12 04 01 / DB 2010 / PE1 / CSL2 / AMENDMENT / PE2Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments
Appropriations / p.m. / p.m. / p.m. / p.m. / p.m. / p.m. / p.m. / p.m.
Reserves / 5 300 000 / 4 300 000 / 6 000 000 / 6 000 000 / 5 300 000 / 4 300 000 / 700 000 / 1 700 000 / 6 000 000 / 6 000 000
The appropriations for the new budget line 12 04 01 are below the amount put at disposal by the "Community program to support specific activities in the field of financial services, financial reporting and auditing" adopted earlier this year. In the wake of the current crisis and the legislative initiatives under way in the area of financial markets, the workload for the bodies financed by this program justifies an increase in appropriations for the year 2010.
The Council not having accepted this amendment in its entirety, Parliament is retabling it at second reading.
PARLIAMENT: SECOND READING / Page 1 / 1 / 1.1 - EN13 03 04 Completion of European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) — Objective 2 (2000 to 2006)
Draft amendment 0148 / === BUDG/9394===< Committee on Budgets >
Amend figures as follows:
13 03 04 / DB 2010 / PE1 / CSL2 / AMENDMENT / PE2Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments
Appropriations / p.m. / 98 800 000 / p.m. / 103 800 000 / p.m. / 98 800 000 / 5 000 000 / p.m. / 103 800 000
Restore the PDB.
The Council not having accepted this amendment in its entirety, Parliament is retabling it at second reading.
PARLIAMENT: SECOND READING / Page 1 / 1 / 1.2 - EN13 03 13 Completion of Interreg III Community initiative (2000 to 2006)
Draft amendment 0149 / === BUDG/9395===< Committee on Budgets >
Amend figures as follows:
13 03 13 / DB 2010 / PE1 / CSL2 / AMENDMENT / PE2Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments
Appropriations / p.m. / 177 300 000 / p.m. / 202 300 000 / p.m. / 177 300 000 / 25 000 000 / p.m. / 202 300 000
Restore the PDB.
The Council not having accepted this amendment in its entirety, Parliament is retabling it at second reading.
PARLIAMENT: SECOND READING / Page 1 / 1 / 1.2 - EN13 03 16 European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) — Convergence
Draft amendment 0150 / === BUDG/9638===< Committee on Budgets >
Amend remarks and figures as follows:
13 03 16 / DB 2010 / PE1 / CSL2 / AMENDMENT / PE2Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments
Appropriations / 22 782 329 782 / 14 884 200 000 / 22 782 329 782 / 16 384 200 000 / 22 782 329 782 / 14 884 200 000 / 750 000 000 / 22 782 329 782 / 15 634 200 000
After paragraph
This appropriation is intended to cover the programmes under the ...... intended for financing the management of the Natura 2000 network.
Add following text:
Part of the appropriation is intended for financing sustainable and environmentally friendly actions (Green New Deal) that provide for reconciling economic, social and environmental development requirements and for recovery of European regions after the economic and financial crisis.
In response to the crisis the Commission presented a recovery plan, including measures to combat the crisis as well as climate change (housing insulation measures). The concept of sustainable and environmentally friendly actions, Green New Deal, requires however more important reprogramming of the Structural funds. This approach should be bottom up and involve all relevant civil society stakeholders.
The level of payments has to be adapted to better implement EU policies.
BUDG has taken over and modified the amendments tabled by the REGI, the VERT group and the rapporteur.
The Council not having accepted this amendment in its entirety, Parliament is retabling it at second reading.
PARLIAMENT: SECOND READING / Page 1 / 1 / 1.2 - EN13 03 18 European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) — Regional competitiveness and employment
Draft amendment 0151 / === BUDG/9639===< Committee on Budgets >
Amend remarks and figures as follows:
13 03 18 / DB 2010 / PE1 / CSL2 / AMENDMENT / PE2Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments
Appropriations / 4 261 005 835 / 3 197 472 000 / 4 261 005 835 / 3 497 472 000 / 4 261 005 835 / 3 197 472 000 / 300 000 000 / 4 261 005 835 / 3 497 472 000
After paragraph
This appropriation is intended to cover the programmes under the ...... at strengthening regions’ competitiveness and attractiveness as well as employment.
Add following text:
Part of the appropriation is intended for financing sustainable and environmentally friendly actions (Green New Deal) that provide for reconciling economic, social and environmental development requirements and for recovery of European regions after the economic and financial crisis.
Add following text:
Part of the appropriation may also be used for enhancing regional attractiveness and competitiveness and creating long-term jobs by restoring, protecting and upgrading historic buildings and sites of architectural interest.
In response to the crisis the Commission presented a recovery plan, including measures to combat climate change (housing insulation measures). This concept requires the reprogramming of the structural funds. It should be bottom up and involve all civil society stakeholders.
The measure's purpose is to restore and upgrade historic buildings, sites of architectural interest to house facilities for promoting tourism, organising major events so as to enhance local tourist attractiveness, thus strengthening regional competitiveness and creating long-term jobs.
The level of payments has to be adapted to better implement EU policies.
BUDG has taken over and modified the amendments tabled by the REGI, the VERT group and the rapporteur.
The Council not having accepted this amendment in its entirety, Parliament is retabling it at second reading.
PARLIAMENT: SECOND READING / Page 1 / 1 / 1.2 - EN13 03 19 European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) — European territorial cooperation
Draft amendment 0152 / === BUDG/9534===< Committee on Budgets >
Amend remarks and figures as follows:
13 03 19 / DB 2010 / PE1 / CSL2 / AMENDMENT / PE2Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments
Appropriations / 1 069 579 848 / 515 196 000 / 1 069 579 848 / 815 196 000 / 1 069 579 848 / 515 196 000 / 300 000 000 / 1 069 579 848 / 815 196 000
After paragraph
This appropriation is intended to cover the programmes under the ...... cooperation and exchange of experience at the appropriate territorial level.
Amend text as follows:
Part of the appropriation may also be used for the purpose of:
–preservation and conservation of the finds of regional museums through the creation of digital archives,
–wider dissemination of the rich cultural heritage and history of the peoples of the European Union through the exchange of digital data,data.
–support for the creation of programmeson regional and local channels in cross-border regions that report on neighbouring regions across borders,
–promotion of cooperation and exchanges of information and programmes between regional broadcasters and media companies in cross-border regions to stimulate them to report on neighbouring regions across borders, with a view to a better knowledge of neighbouring regions and localities.
Add following text:
This appropriation is also intended to support and promote environment-friendly tourism by cofinancing transborder cycling networks, such as Euro-Velo and the Iron Curtain Trail.
In bordering regions (in neighbouring EU member-states), support for regional and local broadcasters or media companiesthat invest in programmes on the adjacent region, will contribute to transcending national borders and thus to the development of European citizenship. Such activities should be developed under the objective of European territorial cooperation.
The level of payments has to be adapted to better implement EU policies.
BUDG has taken over and modified the amendments tabled by the VERT and EPP groups and the rapporteur.
The Council not having accepted this amendment in its entirety, Parliament is retabling it at second reading.
PARLIAMENT: SECOND READING / Page 1 / 1 / 1.2 - EN13 03 20 European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) — Operational technical assistance
Draft amendment 0153 / === BUDG/9640===< Committee on Budgets >
Amend remarks as follows:
13 03 20 / DB 2010 / PE1 / CSL2 / AMENDMENT / PE2Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments
Appropriations / 50 000 000 / 41 600 000 / 50 000 000 / 41 600 000 / 50 000 000 / 41 600 000 / 50 000 000 / 41 600 000
After list beginning with :
The process should reach a climax at a convention gathering, ...... 2009/2010, especially regarding regional and rural development and territorial cohesion.
and ending with :
proposals for changes in policy frameworks and measures that appear ...... 2009/2010, especially regarding regional and rural development and territorial cohesion.
Add following text:
Part of the appropriation is intended for financing sustainable and environmentally friendly actions (Green New Deal) that provide for reconciling economic, social and environmental development requirements and for recovery of European regions after the economic and financial crisis.
Add following text:
This appropriation is also intended to finance a one-stop shop to help applicants for renovation of buildings or for construction of new buildings, with a view to «positive energy» or «passive» buildings, in the context of the directive on energy performance of buildings.
In response to the crisis the Commission presented a recovery plan, including measures to combat the crisis as well as climate change (housing insulation measures). The concept of sustainable and environmentally friendly strategies, a Green New Deal, requires however more important reprogramming of the Structural funds, for which technical assistance funding should be used. This approach should be bottom up and involve all relevant civil society stakeholders.
In view of the new eligibility criteria on housing measures adopted in the framework of the recovery plan, the Structural funds should also provide for funding for a one stop shop so that such measures can be implemented with minimum bureaucracy for the applicants.
BUDG has taken over and modified the amendments tabled by the REGI, ITRE and the VERT group.
The Council not having accepted this amendment in its entirety, Parliament is retabling it at second reading.
PARLIAMENT: SECOND READING / Page 1 / 1 / 1.2 - EN13 03 23 Pilot project — Enhancing regional and local cooperation through the promotion of EU regional policy on a global scale
Draft amendment 0154 / === BUDG/9535===< Committee on Budgets >
Amend figures as follows:
13 03 23 / DB 2010 / PE1 / CSL2 / AMENDMENT / PE2Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments
Appropriations / p.m. / 1 000 000 / 1 500 000 / 1 500 000 / p.m. / 1 000 000 / 1 500 000 / 500 000 / 1 500 000 / 1 500 000
This is a pilot project for which the implementation will continue in 2010. Particularly in the context of the global economic crisis, this project, aiming at promoting the European regional policy model with important countries outside the EU, needs to dispose of consolidated budgetary appropriations for its implementation completion in 2010. In order to ensure a thorough understanding of the major contributions that it can bring in terms of helping regions emerge from recession and strengthening cooperation, all its actions need to be appropriately supported along 2010.
BUDG has taken over and modified the amendments tabled by the REGI.
The Council not having accepted this amendment in its entirety, Parliament is retabling it at second reading.
PARLIAMENT: SECOND READING / Page 1 / 1 / 1.2 - EN13 03 24 Preparatory action — Promoting a more favourable environment for micro-credit in Europe
Draft amendment 0155 / === BUDG/9536===< Committee on Budgets >
Amend figures as follows:
13 03 24 / DB 2010 / PE1 / CSL2 / AMENDMENT / PE2Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments
Appropriations / p.m. / 2 000 000 / 3 000 000 / 3 000 000 / p.m. / 2 000 000 / 3 000 000 / 1 000 000 / 3 000 000 / 3 000 000
In the current economic crisis, it is very important to ensure an appropriate financing of an action that can have a direct impact in the creation of new jobs.
BUDG has taken over and modified the amendments tabled by the ECON.
The Council not having accepted this amendment in its entirety, Parliament is retabling it at second reading.
PARLIAMENT: SECOND READING / Page 1 / 1 / 1.2 - EN13 03 25 (New)
Draft amendment 0156 / === BUDG/9537===< Committee on Budgets >
Add: 13 03 25 —
Amend classification: NCE
Amend type: DA
13 03 25 / DB 2010 / PE1 / CSL2 / AMENDMENT / PE2Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments
Appropriations / 1 000 000 / 1 000 000 / 1 000 000 / 1 000 000 / 1 000 000 / 1 000 000
Pilot project for actions in connection with the textile and footwear sector
Add following text:
This appropriation is intended for an assessment of the situation in the textile and footwear sector in the context of the abolition of the quota system with a view to the creation of a Community programme for the sector, in particular for the less-favoured regions, in order to support research and innovation, restructuring, vocational training and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).
Legal basis:
Add following text:
Pilot project within the meaning of Article 49(6) of Council Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002 of 25 June 2002 on the Financial Regulation applicable to the general budget of the European Communities (OJ L 248, 16.9.2002, p. 1).
The creation of this pilot project is proposed in line with Parliament's resolutions P5_TA(2004)0055 of 29 January 2004 and P6_TA-PROV(2005)0321 of 6 September 2005, with the aim of responding to the crisis in the sector resulting from the soaring increase in imports from third countries and minimising its socio-economic consequences, particularly in the less-favoured regions which are heavily dependent on the sector.
BUDG has taken over and modified the amendments tabled by the GUE group.
The Council not having accepted this amendment in its entirety, Parliament is retabling it at second reading.
PARLIAMENT: SECOND READING / Page 1 / 1 / 1.2 - EN13 04 02 Cohesion Fund
Draft amendment 0157 / === BUDG/9538===< Committee on Budgets >
Amend figures as follows:
13 04 02 / DB 2010 / PE1 / CSL2 / AMENDMENT / PE2Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments
Appropriations / 10 185 294 880 / 4 350 000 000 / 10 185 294 880 / 5 000 000 000 / 10 185 294 880 / 4 350 000 000 / 650 000 000 / 10 185 294 880 / 5 000 000 000
The level of payments has to be adapted to better implement EU policies.
The Council not having accepted this amendment in its entirety, Parliament is retabling it at second reading.
PARLIAMENT: SECOND READING / Page 1 / 1 / 1.2 - EN13 05 01 02 Instrument for structural policies for pre-accession — Closure of pre-accession assistance, relating to eight applicant countries
Draft amendment 0158 / === BUDG/9396===< Committee on Budgets >
Amend figures as follows:
13 05 01 02 / DB 2010 / PE1 / CSL2 / AMENDMENT / PE2Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments
Appropriations / p.m. / 158 400 000 / p.m. / 170 000 000 / p.m. / 158 400 000 / 11 600 000 / p.m. / 170 000 000
Restore the PDB.
The Council not having accepted this amendment in its entirety, Parliament is retabling it at second reading.
PARLIAMENT: SECOND READING / Page 1 / 1 / 4.0 - EN13 05 02 Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA) — Regional development component
Draft amendment 0159 / === BUDG/9641===< Committee on Budgets >
Amend figures as follows:
13 05 02 / DB 2010 / PE1 / CSL2 / AMENDMENT / PE2Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments / Commitments / Payments
Appropriations / 308 300 000 / 30 000 000 / 324 300 000 / 30 000 000 / 308 300 000 / 30 000 000 / 16 000 000 / 324 300 000 / 30 000 000