Hives --RN triage--
Better Worse
Hive-free >2wks Hive-free <2wks On H1Blockers?
Eliminate 2nd Continue present No Yes
dose of H1 blocker treatment until
hive-free >2wks,
then call office Add Allegra On H2 Blocker? Cimetadine (tagmet),
or Zyrtec Ranitidine (Zantac), Famotide (Pepcid)
Hive-free Hive-free one to two times
>2wks <2wks a day
No Yes
Stop H2 Continue treatment
Blockers until hive-free >2wks, Improved Not improved Add Zantac On hydroxyzine
then call office one to two or doxepin?
a day
Hive-free Hive-free Continue Call office
>2wks <2wks for 1-2wks No Yes
Stop Continue treatment Improved Not
doxepin until hive-free>2wks, improved
or then call office
Continue Call office
Add Schedule OV or
doxepin task to MD to Stop H1 or hydroxyzine start steroid blockers--use prn only
Call office if worsens
or if hive free >2wks