August 4, 2015
The Massie Township Board of Trustees met for Regular Session at the Massie Township Government Center, 10 N. Harveysburg Road, Harveysburg, Ohio 45032. The meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm by President Darrell McKinney. Present were: TrusteeDave Crisenbery, and Mary Wilkie, Fiscal Officer. Vice-President Mark Dawson was not present.
McKinney led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Crisenbery made a motion, seconded by McKinney to approve the Board of Trustees Special Meeting of March 20, 2015. Vote: McKinney-Yea, Crisenbery-Yea. Motion passed.
Crisenberymade a motion to approve the minutes of the Board of Trustees Regular Meeting of July 7, 2015 with additions. McKinney seconded the motion. Vote: McKinney-Yea, Crisenbery-Yea. Motion passed.
Mayor Dick Verga updated the Board on the retention facility on Harveysburg Road. The Warren County Soil and Water Department inspected the facility and decided that the design was correct but that Hamilton Construction Company did not construct the retention facility correctly. Hamilton is in the process of fixing the problems and it will be re-inspected.
Road Department- Todd Fairchild present:
The road truck was used to spread gravel on the berm of the roads. The front brakes are working but the rear brakes are not. He would like to take the truck to Ford to check on the back brakes.
The tree towards the front of the building is half-dead and needs to come down.
The pre-construction meeting for the chip-sealing joint project with the County is scheduled for August 12th. We are doing Harlan-Carroll Rd., Huddleson Rd., Pioneer Village Rd., and both sides of Sherrod Rd. After discussion, the striping was decided to be a waste of money. It only lasts three or four months and would cost over $3000.00. Stop lines will be requested.
Todd inquired about the status of the cement flooring for the back barn. McKinney stated he is still waiting for the 3rd bid.
The bridge on Harlan-Carroll Rd is in need of repair. There is major open space near the berm.
Fire Department-Chief Scott Hines:
The Chief reviewed the July run report.
The new lights look good in the bay. McKinney is waiting to hear back from the electrician to renegotiate the lights in the meeting room.
The Chief recommended Joshua Grefes from Wayne Township as a new member of the Fire Department. He is certified in FF Level 1 and is in EMT school. He has his 36 hour card. After discussion, Crisenbery made a motion, seconded by McKinney to accept Joshua to the Department. Vote: McKinney-Yea, Crisenbery-Yea. Motion passed.
There are three local people waiting to take the EMT class. They are RN’s but still have to take the EMT class to be First Responders. They can jump to paramedics after that by taking a challenge test. They understand they have to pay for the class and then can be reimbursed. We have a grant award that can pay for the classes. After discussion, Crisenbery made a motion, seconded by McKinney to approve the reimbursement for EMT classes for the three new local members after they pass their EMT class.
Former Assistant Chief Hannigan wrote the FEMA grant and we were awarded the grant for $230,000.00 for a new tanker. The Chief would like to modify the tanker to a four-man cab instead of a two-man cab. The price difference is approximately $259,000.00. He would also like to upgrade the pump to a 1250 pump from a 750 pump. This would allow us to sell the pumper. It should sell for approximately $65,000.00. This would more than pay for the upgrades and allow us to save space and insurance money. The Chief is checking with the people in charge of the ISO rating to make sure eliminating the tanker doesn’t change our rating. The Chief stated that we are still in the running for air packs.
The Chief would like to host a block party next month with refreshments.
Crisenbery stated we need to send a thank you to Matt Hannigan.
Zoning Board member Paul Gordon was present. He stated that a workshop on the Zoning Book is scheduled for August 18th at 7:00 PM.
TRUSTEES-Old Business:
McKinney reported on the status of the replacement 4 mil levy. After getting the figures from the Auditor’s office, the levy would cost too much for the residents. Besides the increase in bringing the levy cost to present figures, the resident would also loose the 10% rollback and homestead. The CAUV taxes are going up for the farmers and the school has a levy on the ballot. We have a five year renewal levy due to renew on the ballot next year. McKinney did not think the timing for the 4 mil replacement levy was good for this year. We will revisit the issue at a later time.
The quotes for propane were discussed. Presently Ferrell’s quote is $1.399 per gallon. Collett’s quote is $1.369 per gallon. Tri-County Propane presented McKinney a quote for $1.199 per gallon. McKinney was not familiar with Tri-County but Chief Hines state he has used them for several years and is very happy with them. Crisenbery stated that Collett Propane should have never let us run out last year and they were very slow in coming for the fill even though we had members sleeping here overnight. Crisenbery stated he would like to switch to the best quote with Tri-County. The purchase of our own propane tank was discussed. Harveysburg Mayor asked McKinney to request a prepay quote for the propane.
Crisenbery asked the Chief is he was ok talking about a raise in open session. He was ok with the discussion. McKinney stated that the Todd Fairchild has not had a raise since 2011 and the Chief’s last raise was March 2015. After discussion, Crisenbery made a motion, seconded by McKinney to approve $100.00 monthly raise for each Todd Fairchild and Chief Hines. Vote: McKinney-Yea, Crisenbery-Yea. Motion passed.
McKinney met with the blacktop contractor. They agreed to fix the holes, cracks and other issues. He requested with them a quote to do a 25 foot - 30 foot apron in front of the new road department accessory building.
McKinney stated that he does not want to include striping in the joint bid for chip seal the roads with the Warren County Engineer. It costs several thousand dollars and only lasts a few months. Crisenbery agreed.
McKinney shared concern about the low number of EMT members on the Fire Department presently. The Chief said we are covered on the weekends but not during the week. The Chief said that when a call comes in, he waits three to four minutes to see if anyone responds as available. If no one is available he then requests mutual aid. McKinney would like to see if the Chief can find out beforehand if members are available and if they are not then to have dispatch go directly to mutual aid. This would save minutes and maybe lives. The Chief stated this is why he wanted to pay daytime people to be at the station to save time. McKinney said we don’t have the people and requested the Chief to check to see if the dispatch situation can be done.
TRUSTEES-New Business:
R08-04-2015-01: McKinney made a motion, seconded by Crisenbery to approve the renewal agreement with LCNB as the Township depository. Vote: McKinney-Yea, Crisenbery-Yea. Motion passed.
Correspondence and Announcements:
Grassroots publication; Ohio Department of Transportation; various vendors.
Fiscal Officer Reports:
Crisenbery made a motion, seconded by McKinney to approve the warrants. Vote: McKinney-Yea, Crisenbery-Yea. Motion passed.
Crisenbery made a motion, seconded by McKinney to approve the financial report. Vote: McKinney-Yea, Crisenbery-Yea. Motion passed.
As there was no other business to come before the Trustees at this time, a motion was made by Crisenbery to adjourn the meeting at 7:35 PM. McKinney seconded the motion. Vote:McKinney-Yea, Crisenbery-Yea. Motion passed.
ATTEST: ______Mary A. Wilkie, Clerk
Mary Wilkie, Fiscal Officer
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