Mid-Maryland Workforce Investment BoardFebruary 17, 2017
WIB Membership Present:
Beaver, Denise
Bohnet, Kimberly
Butler, Karen
Discepolo, Stephanie
Enrique, Meagan
Giangrasso, Suzanne
Givens, Julie
Griffin, Gary
Heflin, Lisa
Hipp, Cammy
Larson, Andrew
Plump, Sharon
WIB Membership Absent
Brown, Wallace
Kennedy, John
Kendall, Jeanette
McClarty, Leonardo
Merkle, Karen
Thompson, Vernon
Walters, Christine
WIB Staff
Hill, Stephanie
Trout, Francine
Rickell, Denise
Berry, Steve
Boxal, Patricia
Wiggins, Grayson
Mile, Sam
Trout, Cynthia
· Introductions –Lisa Heflin, Vice Chair
The meeting was called to order by Vice Chair, Lisa Heflin. Introductions were made by all.
· Approval of Minutes- Francine Trout
Minutes were approved by a unanimous vote.
· Local and Regional Plans- Fran and Denise
o All plans in the state were conditionally approved by GWIB. Mid-Maryland’s plan
was substantially approved. Mid-Maryland submitted plan revisions and is awaiting final approval.
o WIOA Eligibility change- Mid-Maryland has redefined its definition of self-sufficiency for employed adults and dislocated workers and will use the following guidelines: 175% of the federal poverty guideline for adults and 50% at the wage of dislocation for dislocated workers. The board is in agreement with the change.
o Mid-Maryland is collaborating with other areas to develop a regional plan describing how we will work together to serve businesses and job seekers. Mid-Maryland is part of the central region which includes: Anne Arundel, Baltimore County, Baltimore City, Carroll County, Harford County, and Howard County.
· Partner Training Update- Sharon Plump and Julie Givens
o In Mid-Maryland, WIOA title I (OWD and BERC) led an effort to train direct services staff, of required WIOA partners, in services available and appropriate referrals. Training was held on January 27. Partners in attendance included: DSS, DORS, DLLR and Adult Education. Partner meetings will be held quarterly at each partner site.
o Partners shared information about their services, programs, and performance metrics.
· Performance- Francine and Denise
Performance reports were shared. Mid-Maryland continues to meet or exceed state performance standards.
· MOU/RSA- Francine and Denise
There are 19 required partners under WIOA. The current MOU/RSA expired December 31, 2016. Mid-Maryland partners met to develop a new MOU. Signatures are currently in process.
· One-Stop Operator- Francine and Denise
o In accordance with WIOA regulations, the Mid-Maryland Workforce Development Board is required to competitively procure the One-Stop-Operator.
o Francine and Denise requested assistance from the board in preparing and evaluating an RFP. Andrew Larson and Julie Givens agreed to help. Christine Walters will be asked to assist as well.
o The board agreed that the One-Stop Operator would not be engaged in the delivery of direct services and that the role would be limited to what is required by law and regulations. There is no additional funding for this function.
· Adult ED RFP
Under WIOA, the state is required to award multi-year grants or contracts on a competitive basis to eligible providers for adult education and literacy activities. Local boards are required to review applications to determine if they are consistent with and align with the local plan. Francine and Denise have agreed to participate in the review process on behalf of the Mid-Maryland Workforce Development Board.
· Business Highlights
o There was a logistics and transportation roundtable held at the Columbia Workforce Center to discuss the industry needs of area businesses.
· Announcements
o IT Job Fair.The Office of Workforce Development will hold an IT job fair on March 29.
o Raising the Bar Conference- Turf Valley Resort & Conference Center on March 15-16.
Next meeting: TBD
Meeting adjourned at 10:45 AM.