McDevitt Grant Final Report Form
240 East Onondaga St. | Syracuse, NY 13202 | 315.472.0203 |
Your report information is critical to the Diocese of Syracuse. Your results are used to help us understand the overall impact of our grantmaking so we can continue to effectively serve our parishes in the future.
In the report, you are asked to provide a final status update of your grant. If you received multiple grants, please complete separate reports.Reports due by Friday, July 8th, 2016
Project Description______
Grant Amount______Circle: Youth | Family Life | Food
Report Due Date______Project Time Frame______
Name of Authorized Signer & Title Pastor’s Approval
Signature of Authorized Signer Date
Report Forms should be e-mailed to: or mailed to:
Diocese of Syracuse, Stewardship & Development, 240 E. Onondaga St., Syracuse, NY 13202
All reports are due by Friday, July 8th 2016 to remain eligible for future McDevitt funding.
McDevitt Grant Final Report Form
240 East Onondaga St. | Syracuse, NY 13202 | 315.472.0203 |
- NarrativeUse additional sheets as necessary.
- Please share any outcomes achieved through this project.
- Was there a gap between the intended and actual results? If so, what do you believe were the reasons?
- What did you learn and what would you change if you were to do the project over?
- Please assess the overall strength of your Evangelization program. How has it changed during the course of this grant?
- What plans do you have to increase/enhance these outcomes in future years?
- Financial Summary
- Provide expense information related to the grant by attaching the original budget form as well as any financial statements related to the grant.
- Please explain any significant variances from the original budget
- Feedback to the Diocese of Syracuse:
What would you want us to know about your grantmaking experience? Do you have suggestions for improvements?
- Optional Information
The Diocese of Syracuse enjoys hearing about the projects that are funded and that may be replicated in other parishes. Please feel free to include a brief story that exemplifies what happened, or any successes in the project. This may be used on our website or in future articles with your approval.
**Please note: All reports must be received by the Diocesan Office of Stewardship & Development by Friday, July 8th, 2016.