Last Updated: / 2017-04-11 2:17 PM
Initial Author: / Alistair Tulloch (EECD)
Last Updated by: / Alistair Tulloch (EECD)
Time period(s) most often used: / All months
Making Changes to the Second Semester Master Schedule and Individual Student Schedules
This document is to assist you when making changes to your school’s second semester master schedule and managing changes to student schedules. It is important to note that maintaining student information is critical and some changes to schedules can result in errors in student information.
Three Methods to Locate Courses in Your Second Semester
There are three methods to locate a second semester course: find the course through 1) the Master Schedule; 2) Teacher Schedules or 3) through School – Set Up – Sections and then locating the section through the course number.
No method is better than another; however, it may be beneficial to see where the course is currently located in you Master Schedule. All three methods will achieve the same end result.
Before making any changes, it is best practice to print a current enrolment list(s) for the course(s) to be changed. The changes to courses will directly impact student schedules and the hard copy will able to follow up that the affected students’ schedules have been addressed.
In the Master Schedule, click the numerator to select the enrolment to print.
Or, either through Teacher Schedules or School>Setup>Scheduling>Sections, click on the enrolment number.
If the section has not started yet (because you may be making changes to a future class) you may need to: 1) turn on the Detailed View and 2) select Pre-Registered and Active to see all students.
To print the list of students either: 1) print the screen (Note: the font is quite small) or 2) Make the Enrolment your Current Student Selection and return to the Start Page and print the list using List Students under the Group Functions.
Moving Second Semester Courses to a Different Period – Master Schedule
Master Schedule: Under Functions click Master Schedule. Scroll to the bottom and click Show Preferences to select the periods, teachers or courses needed. Click Submit.
Look for the class that needs to be moved.
Click the Section Number.Remove the old check mark, select the new period. Scroll to the bottom, click Submit.
Moving Second Semester Courses to a Different Period – Teacher Schedules and Setup>School>Scheduling>Sections
Teacher Schedules - Locate the teacher that has the course that needs to be changed. Click the section number. (Remember to print the class list first).
Setup>School>Scheduling>Sections – Locate the section that needs to be changed. Click the section number. (Remember to print the class list first).
Remove the old check mark, select the new period.
Scroll to the bottom, click Submit.
Removing Unwanted Sections from the Semester Two Schedule
If for some reason you need to collapse a section due to low enrolment or staff changes, modifications can be made by locating the courses using the same processes outlined above.
Again, it is important to remember to print the class lists before making changes. These students will have gaps in their schedules and your admin team or guidance will have to look at each student’s schedule to assign a new course.
The main key point for these changes is to remember to drop the students from the course you are collapsing.
In the Master Schedule, click the numerator to select the enrolment to print.
Either through Teacher Schedules or School>Setup>Scheduling>Sections, click on the enrolment number.
If the section has not started yet (because you may be making changes to a future class) you may need to: 1) turn on the Detailed View and 2) select Pre-Registered and Active to see all students.
Select Drop from this Class.
Removing Unwanted Sections from the Semester Two Schedule – Master Schedule
Master Schedule: Under Functions click Master Schedule. Scroll to the bottom and click Show Preferences to select the periods, teachers or courses needed. Click Submit.
Look for the class that needs to be moved.
Click the Section Number.
Click directly on the current teacher’s name and a drop down menu will appear. Assign the class to Temp, TeacherOS. Scroll to the bottom and click Submit. Submit a Help Desk request to your SIS to have the section deleted.
Removing Unwanted Sections from the Semester Two Schedule – Teacher Schedules and Setup>School>Scheduling>Sections
Teacher Schedules - Locate the teacher that has the course that needs to be changed. Click the section number. (Remember to print the class list first).
Setup>School>Scheduling>Sections – Locate the section that needs to be changed. Click the section number. (Remember to print the class list first).
Click directly on the current teacher’s name and a drop down menu will appear. Assign the class to Temp, TeacherOS. Scroll to the bottom and click Submit. Submit a Help Desk request to your SIS to have the section deleted.
Changing Lead Teachers for Semester Two Based Courses
It is possible to change a lead teacher for a semester two based course at any time in the year prior to the start of the second semester. There is no attendance data, stored grades or assignments associated with the upcoming course. Using the steps outlined above to locate the course. Under the Teacher – Section Lead, click directly on the current teacher’s name and a drop down menu will appear. Assign the class to the new teacher. Scroll to the bottom and click Submit. (Note: If this is a new staff member and the teacher’s name does not appear on the drop down list, Submit a Help Desk request to have the new teacher added.)
Changing Lead Teachers for Year-Long Courses
Best practice would be to wait to change the Lead teacher for a year long course after the grades have been stored for Q2. Changes on the turn-around days is the best time to make changes. When changing the Lead teacher, it is imperative you DO NOT remove the former teacher, just add the new teacher. 1) Click Add: a second Lead Teacher line will appear. 2) Click in the drop down and select the new teacher. 3) Adjust the end date of the former teacher to the end of S1. 4) Adjust the start date to the beginning of S2. There should be no gaps between the two adjusted dates. Click submit.
Note: Attendance, any assignments created and grades will be maintained. The PowerTeacher Pro grade belongs to the section, NOT the teacher. The new teacher will be able to see the past assignments created by the former teacher. Any auto calculations that have been set up will still work.
Modifying a Students Schedule for the Second Semester – Semester Two Courses Only
It is possible to change a student’s semester two based courses at any time in the year prior to the start of the second semester. There is no attendance data, stored grades or assignments associated with the upcoming course.
On the Start Page select the student needing a schedule change. Select Modify Schedule.
It is best practice to add courses to a student’s schedule before dropping the unwanted course.
1)Ensure the enrolment date has been changed to the start or second semester.
2)If you know the period, sect here. If not, go to number 3.
3)Click find.
1)If needed, you can select a different period.
2)Select the correct term. If looking for a year long course change to 20XX-20XX.
3)Reconfirm the enrolment date to be the start of S2.
4)Click directly on the Course Name to enrol the student.
Once the Course Name has been clicked, you will return to the Modify Schedule – Enrollments page.
1)Note there are now two period one (H1) classes.
2)Select the course you want to drop.
3)Click Dropped Selected.
Modifying a Student’s Schedule for the Second Semester – Full Year Courses
The same steps outlined in the last section for modifying a student’s full year courses are identical with one major point. DO NOT CHANGE A FULL YEAR COURSE UNTIL THE Q2 GRADES HAVE BEEN STORED. Grades from the first semester will not be stored if the student switches sections. While sections can be moved and lead teacher changed and no data is lost, this is not the case for modifying a student’s full year courses. As mentioned above, attendance and PowerTeacher Pro belongs to the section. When a student is moved to a new section, the attendance, assignments and grades for that student do not transfer to the new section. The Former teacher must provide a report (Individual Student Report from PowerTeacher Pro works very well) to the new teacher on the current progress of the child. The attendance, grades and assignments are not lost from the old section however they can been seen as a Dropped Student in the former section.