FRC Handbook Table of Contents - DRAFT

FRC Handbook Table of Contents Instructions

As a part of the Administration on Developmental Disabilities Family Support Planning Grant, we began work on a Family Resource Center Handbook. The following Table of Contents (TOC) was developed and we are now moving forward with the process of collecting the resources to fill out the TOC topics. If you have already provided an entry for the Draft TOC , please review it and provide any additional information that may be needed. Under each of the Chapters (the numbered topics) there are five sub-headings: Trainings, Resources, Technical Assistance, Templates, and Strategies.

Trainings: This can be 1) a training that you know about that fits the topic (include title of training, trainer’s name, contact information or 2) a training that your FRC is be able to offer to other FRCs – or that you are willing to place on the website so that other FRCs can download them (include agency name, title of training, trainer’s name, contact information). Resources: Books, articles, websites, etc that fit the topics (see #2 & 3 for more information)

Technical Assistance: Your FRC, or agency, has a person who is available to provide technical assistance to a FRC (see # 4) or you know of a source of technical assistance.

Templates: Your FRC has sample forms, documents, guidelines, etc that you can share with other FRCs. We will be able to post these so that they can be downloaded from (Please attach to response)

Strategies: This is the place to share ideas, successful strategies that you have used at your FRC.

Guidelines for Submissions

1. Be sure that your submission is clearly identified as to which section, which chapter and which category within the chapter it belongs. (i.e. Part 1, Chapter 1, Trainings or Administration, Finances & Budget, Trainings). Please see page two of this document to view the way in which the Table of Contents has been organized.

2. For written resources please provide the full title, author, ISBN (usually on the same page as the copyright), publishing date, if available. If there is an on-line link please provide the full URL (Uniform Resource Locator).

3. For websites and internet sources, please provide the full URL (Uniform Resource Locator) such as

4. If you are suggesting a person as a technical assistance resource, please provide their name, title, agency, address, phone, fax, email, etc.

5. For templates or trainings that are to be posted on the website, please double check to be sure any documents that you are emailing have actually attached themselves to the email.

At the end of this document you will find two pages entitled FRC Handbook Submission Tables which include sample entries for each Chapter sub-heading. These have been provided in the hope that they will make it simpler for you to make submissions for the Handbook.

Please send all questions and submissions to by June 30, 2005.


Part I: Administration

1. Finances/Budget / 7.Board Development / 13. Laws and Regulations / 19. Choosing Hardware and Software
2. Bookkeeping Systems / 8. Succession Planning / 14. Should you be a 501(c)(3)? / 20. MIS -Management Information Systems
3. Taxes / 9. Non-Profit Guidelines / 15. Developing By-Laws / 21. Grant Writing
4. Financial Statements / 10. Human Resources / 16. Fund Development / 22. Assessing Your Readiness to Start a FRC
5. Program Management / 11. Benefits / 17. Technology
6. Program Evaluation / 12. Employee Evaluation / 18. Developing Collaborative Partners

Part II: Public Awareness and Outreach

1. Image and Branding / 5. Promoting your FRC / 9. Website Development / 16. Video Conferencing
2. Developing brochure/flyers / 6. Developing Educational Materials / 10. Public Speaking / 17. Web Conferencing
3. Printing-Professional or with Printer / 7. Video Production / 11. Conference Calls / 18. List servs/Sub- list servs
4. Knowing/Visitors your Legislators / 8. Photo Release forms / 12. Bulletin Boards / 19. Other

Part III: Program

1. Parent to Parent / 6. Confidentiality / 11. NICU Visiting / 16. Expand Capacity
2. Training & Workshops / 7. Skill Building/Minimum Competencies-ASK / 12. Resources and Information / 17. Engage Collaborative Partners
3. Conference Planning / 8. Library / 13. Support Groups - Starting and Maintaining / 18. Emphasize Data Gathering Importance
4. Documentation / 9. Home Visiting / 14. Essential Resource Materials for FRCS / 19. Increase Awareness of FRCs in Community
5. Scholarships / 10. Parent Liaisons / 15. Evaluation of Program/Services / 20. Increase Staff Compensation


CCFRC – Comfort Connection CKFRC - Carolyn Kordich FRC EFRC – Exceptional Family Resource Center ELAFRC – East Los Angeles FRC ESFRN – Early Start Family Resource Network FF – Family Focus FRC FRN (Ann) – Family Resource Network – Stockton FRN (Kate) – Family Resource Network – Alameda PHP – Parents Helping Parents PP – Parent’s Place RFENC – Rowell Family Empowerment SCPN – Sutter County Parent Network SFCD – Support for Families UCEDD – University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities (formerly UAP) FRC Handbook Table of Contents May 2005

FRC Handbook Table of Contents - DRAFT


TOPIC / Trainings / Resources / Technical Assistance / Templates / Strategies
Finances / Budget / Surviving a Crisis” from Alliance of Nonprofits – Ann FRN – Stockton / Paul Schultz – CFO @ PHP / Template for contracts/ in kind / multiple funding tracks. EFRC / Zero based budgeting – Mary Ellen-PHP
Make sure you have knowledge or knowledgeable staff
Bookkeeping Systems / Training on finances, taxes, bookkeeping – SFCD / QuickBooks for Accounting – PHP
Excel / Hire CPA - PP
Taxes / Non profit auditors – Brach/Neal/Dancy & Spence PHP
Financial Statements / Use a CPA but also find out what your funders want/need – Cindy SCPN
Hired local accounting firm for audit & they give great financial advise consultation throughout the year – Ann FRN
Board developed /implemented by staff – PHP Mary Ellen
Program Management / The Tipping Point – ESFRN Marcia / UCEDD TA – Fran – UCEDD / Template for meeting agendas – EFRC / Partner with RCOC – In Kind: HR support, MIS support, space for library – Jacqui Kerze
Follow staff work plan &agency strategic direction – PHP
Program Evaluation / UCEDD TA Support – Fran – UCEDD / Program evaluation – phone questionnaire – EFRC
Yearly employee evaluations – Marcia Moore
Board Program Committee - PHP
Board Development / UCEDD TA support – UCEDD – Fran
PACER Center
Compass Point non-profit management center / Board Notebook – EFRC / Continue to recruit by opening Board meetings to public – Kat – RFEBC
Have trainer on Board Development at annual meeting
Succession Planning / Keep in mind who is ‘on the bench’ for all positions in the agency – Kat RFECNC
‘Shadow’ mentoring for positions – EFRC
Board chair, CEO and Director – PHP
Non Profit Guidelines / Board policy Guidelines – Staff Handbook – PHP / Joined non profit coalition – Ann FRN
Co-ops – Fran UCEDD
Provide Board training with a trainer – Cindy SCPN
Human Resource / Time sheets – leave policies-personnel guidelines – Kate FRN
Employee Handbook – Jacqui Kerze
Have volunteer manual but needs to be simplified – Parents Place / Designated staff to deal with personnel issues at work – PHP
Develop agency policies – use examples of other family oriented non-profits Kat – RFECNE
Contact EDD or local university for employment law guidelines – Cindy Kozlawski
FRCs that have a full time HR person do trainings or consult with smaller FRCs
Use HR dept of parent agency
Benefits / Exhaustive list of potential benefits – EFRC / Specific Health, vacation and 401K benefits – PHP Paul, Helen
Employee Evaluation / Best Practices Guidelines – Linda Brault / Employee evaluation – written process –EFRC
Sample Employee evaluations – ASK aligned
Laws and Regulations / Attend SLI Conference- M Rosenberg workshops – Cindy SCPN
PAI trainings & consultants – Kat RFENC
Attend trainings offered through SELPAs / Marty Omoto’s website – Ann
Website link / PAI trainings & consultants – Kat RFENC / Consult websites on IDEA, parent’s rights, etc
Visit the Capitol on legislative days
Legislative action / input with PAI
Visit legislators
Protocol for legislative review / action
Should you be a 501 (c ) (3)? / Pros / cons listing of yes/no EFRC
Developing Bylaws / Non profit Resource Center has samples / Board bylaws – Parent’s Place
Non profit Resource Center has samples / Talk to non-profit boards about examples of bylaws – Kat RFENC
Study the bylaws of organizations you want to be like.
Fund Development / Junior Aid
Ronald McDonald House
March of Dimes
United Way agency - SCPN
Prop 10 - SCPN
Safe and Stable Families – SCPN
CAIT / CBFRS – Cindy SCPN / Template / Fund Development continuum – EFRC / Develop strategic plan with goals so you can seek funding accordingly – Kat
Made master list of local possibilities and continually add it to ASK – Toni Heart to Hand
Watch newspaper for grant funding opportunities
Sublet space and make a good deal for FRC – Cindy SCPN
Technology / Wally Rubio – ESFRN / Library
Touch screens, internet for consumers to use –
Partnership with TASK & house specialist – Juanita
Developing Collaborative Partners / Co-op TA – Fran UCEDD / Interagency Committee – 0-3 ES leaders from RC, LEA and ESFRN meet monthly to collaborate – Linda ESFRN
CA Newborn Hearing Screening Program – Linda ESFRN
Local ICC meetings monthly – core group, others always invited and welcome to attend – Toni Heart to Hand
Attend local SELPA meetings & superintendents meetings – open to public – Kat
Choosing Hardware and Software / Talk to other FRCs, FECs, PTIs, etc Kat – RFENC
MIS / Customized client data base
Grant writing / Local community colleges or adult ed have ½ day workshops – Ann RFN / Jan Watson – trainer / grant writing – SFCD
Trudy Holmes – Chief Developmental Officer – PHP
UCEDD TA support – UCEDD / Grant template – Sona Parent’s Place
Assessing your readiness to start a FRC / Self assessment tools for program readiness / Contact parents/directors at existing FRC – ask them how they started – Cindy SCPN


TOPIC / Trainings / Resources / Technical Assistance / Templates / Strategies
Image & Branding / Hire a logo designer (thru web designer) Had staff input to select from samples – Kat
Put call out to parents who are professional graphic designer to volunteer
Staff member who develops a consistent branding across components – EFRC
Use advertising agency
Had printer put logo in format so can now put on all documents using computer – no more cut & paste! Ann FRN
Developing brochures and flyers / Focus groups of target parents to make sure info provided is relevant& provided in a relevant manner – Lisa CCS
Use Macintosh photo shop illustrator / other graphic programs
Get or find someone with Adobe Acrobat that translates Publisher docs into easy-to-email docs in pdf – Lisa CCS
Printing- Professional/Own Printer / Microsoft Publisher / Giveaway calendars – Juanita / Find service club or small grant to fund printing
Used local publishing company and our own printer for flyers – Wendy RFENC
Shop around for bids – who does your LEA use? They are thrifty folks – SCPN
Went to Office Max and got a great deal – significantly less than other quotes – FRN
Knowing and visiting your legislators / We work with legislators – they have visited – build relationships – Ps Place Nancy
Strong connections with other ‘advocates’ could list – Kate
Visits 2x per year or more – Alpha – Patty
Appoint legislative staff with ongoing trainings from that staff member
“Google” legislators websites
Put list of local legislators on parent board @ center – Kat
Went to open house at local legislators.
(announced in paper) US Congress person has called to learn about local resources – Ann FRN
Promoting your FRC / Developing case studies of families in writing – Nicole ELFRC / Have yearly open house – CKFRC
Display tables at workshops – ESFRN
Presentation at local elementary school staff meetings – FFRC – Cindy
Serve on 500 committees – Laurie
Presentation to school district nursing staffs – Cindy FFRC
Links on other organizations website to drive traffic and increase awareness
City’s website – Cindy FFRC
Radio broadcasts – Hispanic network – FFRC
PSAs to local newspapers – ESFRN
Look for local early childhood newspaper, etc – Kat RFENC
Local service groups (Lions, Elks, Kiwanis) are always looking for speakers and sometimes they make a donation! Ann – FRN
Contact different agencies – CCS, First 5, Head Start, Private therapists, Foster care community, SELPA, RC, Child care councils, Mail, newsletter –
Developing Educational Materials / Transition at 3, Autism Powerpack, Child Care Resources – Jacqui – CCRF
Special Quest, Early HS (Hilton Foundation materials) Kat
Lisa’s stuff / UCEDD TA support – FRAN UCEDD
PTI can help with resources (thanks, PHP!!) Ann – FRN
Video Production / Video / CD production know how - Fran – UCEDD / Made a video of what we can do – plays on local cable – Nancy Parent’s Place
All presentations at RCOC in CCFRC library – Jacqui CCFRC
ES commercial at all ped / ob gyn offices as well as at TV stations – LaShonna – FFRC
Photo Release forms / Sample Forms – Fran UCEDD
Support for Families, Alpha Resource Center
Have developed forms- ELAFRC
Have release form – Sona Parent’s Place / Looked at others in community and then created our own – Wendy RFENC
Request photo release along with other releases – Cindy SCPN
Website Development / Family Support link on RCOC website – Jacqui – CCFRC
Find someone who is a ‘natural IT’ and keeps it updated often – Cindy SCPN
For RC people go through RC IT department – Jacqui – CCFRC
Public Speaking / Speaker’s training – UCEDD Fran
Local community college and Adult Ed have great workshops – Ann FRN / Write into grant – Juno SFCD
Schedule presentations at local early childhood providers – i.e. EHS, Parent groups
Conference calls / Free teleconferencing services via a company on the website – cost is the caller’s long distance rate – Lisa CCS / Conference calling etiquette – Linda
Bulletin Boards / Email PSAs to community bulletin boards on cable TV Linda ESFRN
Do bulletin board at local agencies such as CCS, hospitals. Have current events, flyers and brochures available – Wendy RFENC
Post FRC info at school site – Cindy FFRC
Video Conferencing / PAI – LJL
Video / teleconferencing support – Fran UCEDD / Use RC video equipment – EFRC
Collaborate with agencies that have these capabilities
Web Conferencing / PAI – Linda
List serves – Sub list serves / FV of CA
Autism list serve Ann FRN
Marty Omoto’s list serve – Ann FRN
SibShop-sibling support site Ann FRN / List serve / Email etiquette Lisa CCS


TOPIC / Trainings / Resources / Technical Assistance / Templates / Strategies
Parent to Parent / Parent Steps – Linda & Fran
Parent mentor training manual or Nutshell series 2 and 8 hours Mary Ellen PHP / P2P curriculum by module Torok EFRC / MTU / P 2 P process – EFRC
P 2 P confidentiality agreement – code of ethics – Ann FRN / Parent activities that promote informal parent to parent Cindy SCPN
IFSP / IEP clinics – Cindy FFRC
P 2 P phone tree support – have parents sign up and refer new parents to them – Wendy RFENC
Focus Groups
Parent Connection program managed by UCP / OC & CCFRC funded by RCOC – Jacqui – CCFRC
Training & Workshops / Grand Rounds curriculum EFRC
Moving on at 3, Welcome orientation – Jacqui – CCFRC
IEP Curriculum –EFRC
Wide variety of trainings - Fran UCEDD
Nutshell series on lots of PHP programs – Mary Ellen – PHP
Area Board, financial planners and others to do joint workshops . Get multiple perspectives – Ann FRN
P & I Training – IEP / IPP
Medical Rights – UCEDD
Evaluations & Surveys
Transition planning (self developed) Kat
IFSP, IEP, Natural supports, Right Question, Get Organized – SFCD trainings / Sample workshop evaluation forms
Sample participant sign in sheets to add needed info to data base – Kat
FRC Staff training manual – Juanita / Hire training coordinator
Connecting to culturally specific entities to partner – Harambee, Congresso, etc
Collaborative trainings with CAC, migrant ed, state preschool, infant program – Cindy SCPN
Training to pics Kat
Outreach in Spanish – Kat
Work with TASK and PAI
Conference Planning / Prudy Stevens EFRC
Conference planning team – Fran UCEDD / Planning checklist EFRC / Utilize expertise of staff and families – Kat
Annual early Start Conference – collaborate with RC, vendors, FRCN, parents, SELPA Ann FRN
Documentation / Parent Portfolio Notebook training – Fran UCEDD / Employee Handbook – Paul Schultz – Mary Ellen – PHP / Employee Handbook
Accounting Manual – Sona – PP
Contact Log – EFRC
EFRC Organization Manual – Torok EFRC
Office policies and procedures – use of equipment, use of facilities, family support, publications, library use, AT lab use. Juanita / Virtual Chart – time documented contact – no contact or details Jacqui – CCFRC
Work with grant evaluations to make sure documentation fulfills outcome requirements Cindy SCPN
Scholarships / DD Council Koch Young
Regional Center Foundation – EFRC
Parent Leadership $ (FEC)
West Ed / CEPI
Trainings free to parents
FEC $ for underserved populations in our area (Jane) Mary Ellen PHP / Local contract for parent training with RC – Kat
$500 scholarships for adult consumers to attend self advocacy conference Juanita
Provide $100 per year scholarships for parent to attend a conference Marcia - ESFRN
Confidentiality / Have Confidentiality Statement / forms (or samples) for staff/volunteers to sign (EFRC, Juanita, Mary Ellen, Koch Young, Alpha FRC, Fran UCEDD)
Samples of consent forms and letters of referral used county-wide Kate FRN
Developed Code of Ethics and Confidentiality agreement and workshops on confidentiality Ann FRN / If you provide counseling or exchange medical info have HIPPA forms available online – Cindy SCPN
Skill Building / Minimum Competencies – ASK / Mentor Parent training – Kat, EFRC
Parent Stepps Fran UCEDD / RIPIN in Rhode Island is the employment agency for informed “office-competent” parent consultants Lisa CCS / TA Support Fran UCEDD / Certificate of Training Sherry EFRC
Skill building tool for career advancement – EFRC / On going process – don’t ever think you are done Laurie Rainbow
Library / “Beginnings Guides” “Pregnancy Guides” developmental guides in 3 month increments ordered out of WA Toni – Heart to Hand / Must have list of books available and have checkout system – Wendy RFENC
OCR organization program – Juanita / Bibliography of books online – EFRC, PHP
Computer link with public library – both ways – EFRC
Toy / software / books and video library Sona – Parent’s Place
Parent resource library with 4000 items, 9 computers with internet access, touch screens, wheelchair accessible tables ESFRN
Library patron application / library cards on specialized system – Juanita
Parents, vendors, professionals donate books they no longer need or have duplicates of Ann FRN
Order every free resource that is available – Ann FRN
8000 resources cataloged in Library of Congress, 3 languages, OPRC librarian consultant – Juanita
Home visiting / Home visit with early start county office – Wendy RFENC
PHP visiting with First 5 partners Chelo Lund PHP
Home visit with health dept – especially if you have bilingual resources – Cindy SCPN
Santa Barbara Co Welcome Every Baby at home visits – Patty Alpha
Parent reps home visit with ES teachers – ESFRN
Parent Liaisons / Family Voices PHL notebook EFRC
FV of CA Health Care Connections – SFCD / Hospital / community liaisons – Nancy PHP
13 parent reps located throughout 2 counties at LEAs and infant programs – Linda ESFRN
NICU Visiting / Welcome Baby NICU cards, 1 month birthday – Laurie Rainbow
Sibling coloring book – Debbie S / MOUs with hospitals – EFRC
Spina bifida clinic based parent program – Fran UCEDD
Touchstone hospital visiting – Carmen & Leslie @ PHP / Project ‘We can Help’ medical outreach – LaShonna FFRC
Have meeting area near babies so parent feels comfortable leaving baby for a bit – Ann FRN
Resources and information / PACER – Minnesota parent training info – Kat / Web Director – John Logan @ PHP / Resource Directory Welcome Packet – Kate FRN
Packets for families and professionals – topic specific – EFRC
Website, guide and info packets – SFCD / Unitary File – EFRC
‘Traveling’ Resource Kit and laptop with wireless access – EFRC
Support Groups – starting & maintaining / In a Nutshell series on facilitating support groups – Ann – FRN / 28 support groups, language & disability specific Denny DeHare @ PHP / spina bifida – Fran – UCEDD
Asperger syndrome – parents of children with emotional & psychiatric disabilities Fran UCEDD
Could provide speakers, models of successful support groups for fathers, Spanish speaking, etc Kate FRN / Westside – Liz
Collaborate with local NAMI – Liz
Mail out flyers to parents and professionals, offer food & childcare Wendy RFENC
Reminder calls the day before Wendy RFENC
Email reminders to families – Linda ESFRN
Essential resource materials for FRCs / PDR Drug interaction manual – EFRC
Early Start Resources – West Ed LJL
Early Intervention Dictionary Ann FRN
Exceptional Parent Resource Guide
Physician’s Guide to Rare Disorders Ann FRN
NICHY – LJL Koch Young
NORD – LJL Koch Young
Family Village - Laurie Rainbow / TA Support Fran – UCEDD
Evaluation of program / services / Program satisfaction surveys – Patty – Alpha
Needs Assessments Ann - FRN / Surveys sent out in newsletter every January – Linda ESFRN