November 4, 2009
Of Drilling Instrumentation System
OnSagar Jyoti
On Turnkey Basis As Per Details Below
1 / Introduction- The following is the Scope of Work. Bidder shall give compliance against each and every point. In case of any ambiguity or doubt ininterpretation of any clause/point of Scope of Work, decision of ONGC shall be final.
- This is a Turn-Key job for up-Gradation of DrillingInstrumentation from the existing status to Microprocessor based state of the art Digital DrillingInstrumentation for improved monitoring of Drilling, Well Control, Cementing parameters for ease of operation and maintenance. The job involves supply of material required for up-gradation, installation, cabling & commissioning of the same on board the offshore jack up Rig Sagar Jyoti.
- The system shall be capable for data connectivity to the SCADA server located on the Rig. The specifications of the SCADA server as proposed in the SCADA tender is placed elsewhere in the documents (Appendix-2). The system proposed shall be compatible to the proposed SCADA system. The data transfer from the Rig Instrumentation Server to the SCADA Server shall be in WITSML Format hence all software supplied by the present bidder shall be WITSML compatible so as to ensure seamless integration of the DrillingInstrumentation System (offered as part of the present scope) and the SCADA system ( not as part of the present scope ). The successful bidder shall provide all technical inputs and assistance to the SCADA vendor during the integration of the Drilling Instrumentation System with the SCADA Server as and when the same are commissioned/re-commissioned.
- BOM shall be as per Appendix-1.
- Model and Make wherever mentioned in the scope of work are for reference purpose.
- This scope of work forms part of the work order.
2 / System Design & Operation Philosophy:
- Drilling Instrumentation consists of the parameters required by the Driller, Chemist and Geologist at the time of Drilling , Tripping, Cementing and Well Control.
- Field sensors will be connected to the PLC/DAQs directly or through remote I/Os.
- The signal can be either 4 - 20 mA, mV, V, HART or Field bus technology. Electrical Noise (RFI/EMI) generated due to the operation of heavy equipment i.e., Draw Works, Top drive, etc., is to be filtered and/or suppressed.
- The PLC/DAQ will send data to Drilling InstrumentationServer and Discrete Digital Display Unit (DDDU) (Drillwatch or equivalent) on the rig floor.
- DrillingInstrumentationServer will supply data to Client Computers and “SCADA Server”.
- Dedicated Data Base Management System (DBMS) viz., DB2, Oracle, MS SQL, etc., shall be used as backend software.
- Tamper proof data base with password protection.
- Data extraction and backup facility.
- In the event of failure of Drilling Instrumentation Server, current drilling parameters data should be available to the driller through Discrete Digital Display Unit (DDDU).
- In the event of failure of PLC/DAQ the following current drilling parameters should be available to the driller on the driller’s panel to continue with drilling operations.
- Hook Load & Weight on Bit, through Hydraulic Weight Indicator.
- Stand Pipe Pressure, through Hydraulic Pressure Gauge.
- Tong Torque, through Hydraulic Gauge.
- Pump SPM-1, SPM-2and Total Strokes through Digital Gauge.
- Return Flow %, through Digital Gauge.
- Integration of Total Hydrocarbon & H2S signals from Mud Logging/SCADA equipment with DAQ.
- DAQ & Server shall be installed in the bunkhouse or any other safe area(Bunk house is not in the Scope of this Job).
- SCADA Server and other SCADA equipment (not part of this scope of work) will also be installed in the samebunkhouse by another third party.
3 / Replacement of existing Driller's Console with new Console as mentioned atAppendix-3.
4 / i. Supply of Microprocessor Based Hardware for Signal Processing, installation of Server,Workstation& Printing Devices at Tool Pusher's office. Installation of necessary Hardware and Cabling to provide connectivity as required among Signal Processing Hardware, Server, Workstation, Printing Device and Display Monitor(TFT LCD Monitor), DDDU.
ii. Supply of power conditioning unit and UPS for Server, workstations, Display Monitor, DDDU and PLC/DAQ. Power conditioning unit shall be suitable for Universal AC (UAC) input to operate on 85 to 265 VAC, 60 Hz and floating neutral power supply of Rig. UPS backup time shall be >=60 minutes, with serial communication & software for soft shutdown. Factory set for 220 VAC, 60 Hz.
4.a / Power System:
i. Existingpower supply on the Rig is 220 V AC, 60 Hz.
ii. Existingpower supply network on the Rig is “IT network” as per International standardIEC 60364 as shown in the below diagram. Therefore it is vendor’s responsibility to provide separate earth to the electrical devices supplied by them.
IT Network
In an IT network, the distribution system has no connection to earth at all, or it has only a high impedance connection.
iii. Instrument Earthing System Philosophy:
Three separate earthing systems are required:
a. Electrical Safety Earth – Bonded to the site structure and utilized for electrical safety of metal enclosures and chassis on all instruments andelectrical components.
b. Instrument Clean Earth – Insulated from the site structure and other metal work, utilized for instrument cable screens and bonded to themain electrical earthing system at a single point.
c. Intrinsically Safe Earth – Insulated from the site structure and other metal work, utilized for termination of IS zener barrier earthconnections, and bonded to the main electrical earthing system at a single point.
5 / Supply of New Sensors, along with all the accessories at their respective locations detailed at Appendix-4.
6 / Existing old National/MD Totco/AOI system including all accessories and hookup to be removed and handed over to ONGC.
- Dead Line Anchor.
- Driller’s Console.
- DAQ.
- Cables.
- Sensors.
7 / Laying of necessary cables to connect the New Sensors and Top Drive Control Console to the Signal Processing Unit. Laying of Power cables for all components of the System, which require external Power Supply.
8 / Cabling:
- All the Instrumentation signal cables to be used shall be shielded to drain electromagneticinterference and shall be armoured by copper/bronze braiding. Field Signal cables should have conductor size of 18 AWG. The cable shall be fire, oil and gas resistant outer sheathing and certified by international agency for marine use. All the cabling jobs including the deck penetrations etc. are to be done by the contractor in accordance with ABS norms. MCT blocks shall be used wherever required. Cable as per specs IEEE 45, Recommended Practice for Electric Installationson Shipboard is acceptable.
- Single continuous Cable shall be run from point to point as per technical requirement. Junction boxes are not to be used in between just to extend the cable length.
- Colour of outer sheathingshall be blue for intrinsically safe signal cables.
- Cross ferruling numbering system to be followed for easy identification of cables.
- Sensitive cables i.e., OFC should be protected by a flexible metallic conduit.
- In open area the cable is to be laid through 1” GI pipe with gland at both ends.
- 20% spare cable capacity should be provided for future use.
9 / Junction Boxes & Cable Glands:
- For Intrinsically safe circuits junction boxes shall be certified for weather proof as per IP-67.
- Material of construction of junction boxes shall be SS-304 or better.
- All terminals inside junction boxes shall be spring loaded, vibration proof, clip on type mounted on nickel plated steel rail complete with end cover and clamps for each rows.
- Junction boxes shall be provided with external earthling lugs.
- Spare entries of the JBs shall be provided with blind plugs.
- Cable glands shall be made of Brass suitable for using at classified hazardous area of offshore rig.
- Nuts and bolts used for installation of field sensors shall be made of SS304.
10 / The system shall Display the drilling parameters on Discrete Digital Display Unit for viewing continuously in a fixed window on the Driller’s panel. The Discrete Digital Display Unit shall be intrinsically safe.
Drilling Parameters To Be Displayed on Discrete Digital Display Unit(as a minimum) are as follows:
No. / Parameter / Required New display
b) / Hook load
W.O.B. / LCD, Digital
LCD, Digital
ii.. / Stand Pipe Pressure
Casing Pipe Pressure / LCD, Digital
LCD, Digital
iii. / Tong Line Pull / LCD, Digital, with High set point, Audio & Visual alarm.
f) / SPM#1
SPM #1 + #2
Total Strokes up to 2 Pumps
Pump#1 ( Fill)
Pump#2 ( Fill) / LCD, Digital
LCD, Digital
LCD, Digital
LCD, Digital
LCD, Digital
LCD, Digital
b) / RPM, Rotary Table
RPM, Top Drive / LCD, Digital
(Single display should show which ever is active)
b) / Rotary Torque, Rotary Table
Top Drive Torque / LCD, Digital
(Single display should show which ever is active)
c) / ROP
Hole Depth
Bit Position / LCD, Digital
LCD, Digital
LCD, Digital
c) / Loss/Gain Volume
Tank Volume
1 to 6 Selectable
Total tank volume / LCD, Digital, Loss & Gain set points with Audio & Visual alarm
LCD, Digital
LCD, Digital, with Tank selection status
ix. / Return Flow / LCD, Digital & High Low set points with Audio & Visual Alarm,
x / Trip Tank Volume / LCD, Digital & High Low set points with Audio & Visual Alarm,
- The above display(s) should be available continuously for viewing.
- Provision should be made for accepting Top drive RPM &Torque Signals and displaying the same as indicated above.
- Provision for the following features
Loss/Gain Zero Set
Tank Select
Total Strokes Reset
Alarm set points are to be displayed in digital form when being set without obscuring the current reading .
11 / Signal Processing Unit:
- Signal Processing Unit should be Microprocessor based and capable of accepting all the inputs directly onboard or through remote I/Os. Software provided for this unit should support scaling, calibration and change of engineering units, of the measured and derived parameters.
12 /
Display Monitor
- Minimum 15-inch Color LCD TFTMonitor with following features:
- Suitable for hazardous area ZONE 2. Hazard Category Class I, Division-2, Gas Group C & D without purging. Ingress Protection IP65 or better.
- Monitor to be viewable in direct sunlight.
- Input device Touch screen AND/OR Membrane keyboard, pointing device.
- Flash disk or DOM. HDD is not acceptable.
- Additional transparent cover to be provided to protect the LCD screen from falling of any foreign objects, splashing of water/mud at the time of operation and maintenance.
13 /
Printing Device
Colour Ink Jet Printer for taking Printouts in A3 Size Sheets in the following modes. To be installed with Workstations.GRAPHICAL PRINTOUTS
- Selected Parameters are to be recorded with different base point for different parameters
- Feature of Time Base and ParameterRange selection. The Print Out should show the time on hourly basis and ParameterRange on each page. The Time selection feature should facilitate the Printout to cover 24 hours of drilling activity in user selectable A3 or super B sheets.
- The Print Outs should cover the normal Print Area of the paper. Well Name and Date to be printed in every sheet. Date format shall be dd-mmm-yyyy or Month-dd-yyyy.
14 /
Net work Hardware & Software
- a. Rack Mounted, Intel Xeon based, Dual processor Windows based Dual Servers.
c. DVD/CD +/- RW (Re- Write) drive.
d. 2 Serial, 1 Parallel and 4USBPorts.
e. 100 MB Ethernet Interface (redundant Network Interface Cards) for auto sensing, fault-tolerant Dual Ethernet LAN Networking with interconnecting cable, Wi-Fi enabled.
f. 2 x 250 GB Ultra-3 SCSI/SATAHDD drives for Software and Real-time database.
g. Server shall be provided with data backup & restore facility.
h. Licensed operating system, Firewall, Antivirus Software and Drilling Application software shall be provided as per scope of work.
- Rig InstrumentationServer should be capable to supply data to SCADA Server in the form of WITSML format for MIS. SCADA Server is not in this“scope of work”.
- One Workstation for Tool Pusher/Chemist.Configuration P-IV 3.0GHz, 8 GB RAM, 21inchTFTTouch Screen LCD Monitor, 250 GB SCSI/SATAHDD, FDD, DVD +/- RW (Re- Write), LAN card. Licensed operating system software Windows2000/XP Professional/Vista, Firewall, Antivirus Software and Drilling Application software shall be provided.
- Calibration and Configuration Unit (Rugged TabletPC) for the system should be supplied. Drilling application software to be loaded in the TabletPC. The TabletPC to be enabled with Wi-Fi Wireless LAN. The TabletPC will be used by the Instrumentation Engineer, Driller and /or any drilling personnel on need basedfor configuration and viewing the drilling parameters.
- Server, Driller’s Display Monitor(TFT LCD Monitor), Client Workstation should be connected in to network through OFC and/or Wi-Fi Wireless LAN (IS)IEEE 802.11g and be enabled with following features:
- User friendly activity based HMI screens for Drilling, Tripping, Mud Screen, Tank Screen, Silo Screen, Digital Screens, Daily Log and configuration screens are to be designed as per ONGC’s requirement.
- Display of all parameters in selectable multi screens. Total Hydrocarbon Gas & H2S sensors and signals is not covered under the present scope of work. These signals will be supplied by SCADA vendor under a separate contract. MD Totco to integrate these signal with their DAQ.
- Selected parameters are to be displayed in either digital form or combination of digital and trend graph forms in a screen.
- Minimum four trend graphs in vertical strip chart format in case only trend graphs are to be displayed in a screen with separate space for each graph.
- Menu driven operation.
- User configurable screens for Driller’s Display Monitor,
- Each screen should be capable of accommodating display of minimum seven parameters including minimum two trend graphs of vertical strip chart format (time on Y-axis and magnitude on X-axis). The trend graphs thus selected for display should show the historical trend for the selectable time period.
- The minimum combination as above should cover the entire normal display area of the screen.
- Parameter trend graph feature as desired above, should be available for the all the measured and derived parameters.
- Driller’s Display Monitor should also be enabled with:
- Alarm set, for at least those parameters, for which alarm feature is asked for at ‘Clause-10’. Visual & audio alarm.
- All data collected by the data acquisition shall be time stamped either at the Data Acquisition unit or at the Rig Instrumentation Server. Data transfer from the Instrumentation Server to the SCADA server will be in WITSML format. All software like the drilling applications supplied by the bidder shall support WITSML. Software should also support ODBC data archival of all parameters. The same should be made available en-block in ASCII, for access/export. Data base storage for 90 days. Data storage up to two decimal places or more as per the technical requirement. Data shall be over written after the disk space is full.
15 / Bidder shall provide all the necessary software along with license(s) to operate the Server, Workstations, Display Monitor, Discrete Digital Display Unit and Signal Processing Unit as applicable.
16 / Bidder shall configure all the parameters in suitable display screens as detailed inClause-14.
17 / Pre-Engineering Survey
Subsequent to award of the contract the contractor shall depute his team at their own cost for site survey and to prepare the layouts of the equipment at the site in consultation with Company Engineers. All the technical personnel assigned to the site by the Contractor shall fully conversant with all the components of the supplied system and shall have capability to install, test and integrate with the existing system efficiently with minimum disturbance to the existing operations. Survey including but not limited to the designing & engineering the followings:
- To decide the exact dimensions & drawing and mounting details of different equipment, cabling routesetc., suitable to the place of installation of the Rig.
- The final design & engineering of the system is to be approved by ONGC.
- Company or its representative will review all facets of Contractor’s system engineering in order to ascertain compliance with system engineering criteria and specifications.
18 / Consumables
- Bidder to quote & supply consumables for the system for one year operation.
- The list of such consumables along with quantity shall be furnished along with Techno-Commercial bid as per format given at Appendix-5.
19 / Operational Spares
- Bidder to quote and supply 1 set of operational spares required for the system for one year normal operation. A list of probable spares is given at Appendix-5.
20 / Special Tools
The followings items are to be provided along with the system.
- One set of special tools (viz., OFC kit, …etc.,) required for installation and commissioning.
21 / Hardware for Hazardous Area
Bidder shall provide hardware suitable for use in Class-I, Division-1 & 2, Gas Group C&D hazardous area as applicable for Offshore Rigs as per API RP500.
The certification for each unit and sensors to be used at classified hazardous area shall be from Factory Mutual, BASEEFA, CENELEC or equivalent. The system certification should be such so as to enable ONGC to hook up third party sensors certified by another agency without affecting the overall certification of the system.
The certificates shall be submitted to the inspection agencies at the time of inspection at firm’s premises, prior to dispatch of material.
22 /
Completion Schedule
Entire job shall be completed as per the schedule mentioned elsewhere in the tender document.23 / Familiarization
Bidder shall familiarize the system to six ONGC personnel onboard the Rig at the time of installation, configuration, commissioning, operation and maintenance.
24 /