JULY 30 & AUGUST 1, 2002
Basic Invoice Procedures
Vendors in Voyager 8
Currency Table and Exchange Rates 9
Fund Structure 12
Creating An Invoice Record 15
Other Invoice Charges 30
Making a Screen Print 40
Final Steps of an Invoice 41
“Completing an Invoice” 44
Creating an Invoice DIRECTLY from
aN OPEN Purchase Order 45
General Information 47
Various Invoice Situations
Adding Line Items to an Invoice for Multiple Copies 48
Create the Credit Invoice 53
Purchase Card Charges 65
Invoices For Serial Records 70
Prepayments 78
Mixed Invoices (Material for Two Locations) 78
Approving Pending Purchase Orders 79
Deposit Accounts 84
When creating an Invoice, default values can be automatically applied to the fields on the Header tab (for example, Bill to location, Vendor Code, Vendor Account and Currency).
o Click on Tools located at the top of your menu bar.
o Select “Defaults”.
Screen # 1
You will get the following window.
Screen # 2
o Click on the Invoice tab.
Screen # 3
The default values you specify on the invoice tab will apply to four of the fields on the header tab of a new invoice created during your current Acquisitions session.
1. Select a default billing location from the drop down menu in the Bill to field.
2. In the Vendor Code field,
o Enter the code of the vendor you want to use. If you do not know the vendor code, click on the search button beside the vendor code field to search for the vendor.
o Validate the code by clicking the check mark button beside the Vendor code. After the code is validated any accounts associated with the vendor will be displayed in the Account field.
3. After a vendor code has been specified,
o Select a vendor code from the drop down menu in the Account field. (No information is listed in this field at this time).
4. Select a default currency code from the drop down menu in the Currency field.
After you have selected the appropriate default information for your session,
o Click the OK button to save the new information to the database and close the Session Defaults dialog box.
Screen # 4
Click the Cancel button to cancel any information you have specified.
All sessions that were in place before you opened the Session Defaults dialog box will still be in place.
To clear the information on the tab currently displayed,
o Click the Clear button.
To clear the information on all of the Session Defaults tabs,
o Click the Clear All button.
Vendors in Voyager
You can search vendors by name in Voyager, but they must be searched exactly as they were entered in Orbis. Since there was very limited space in Orbis, many vendor names had to be abbreviated.
Example: American Association for the Advancement of Science was entered in Orbis as AMER ASSN FOR ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE and also as AMER ASSN FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE
The best way to search vendors is to use the phrase search in Voyager. A phrase search on “ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE” doesn’t work, however, because those words are on 2 different lines in the vendor record. (SEE 6AMAS15002). There are also hundreds of vendor records entered under THE.
For these reasons, we are keeping VENDOWEB ( ) as a reference tool. You will be able to search by vendor name or address to call up the vendor ID. The easiest way to search vendors in Voyager is by the vendor ID (if you know it). VENDOWEB will not be updated, so new vendors will not be added, but it will be a good tool to search for vendors established prior to June 2002.
New Vendor
You cannot create a purchase order without a vendor code. In NOTIS you had the option of putting a D in the vendor field if there was no vendor code for that vendor. In Voyager, we use a vendor called New Vendor (the vendor code is also NEW VENDOR) to generate a purchase order. You will have to add the vendor’s address to the printed purchase order or envelope before mailing it. Continue to submit requests for new vendor codes to the Fiscal Support Team.
We will continue to use the same three letter currency codes in Voyager.
If you attended the Advanced Acquisitions Training class you were told that the exchange rates would be available to view in the Acquisitions module of Voyager by going to Ledgers and Funds and then choosing currency. This information is incorrect. In Voyager only staff authorized to enter currency rates into this table will have access to this screen.
The Fiscal Support Team will continue to maintain the bibliographic record of exchange rates so staff can print out a list of exchange rates if they want to. To access this record in the Cataloging module, do a title search on “Orbis Exchange Rates” or “Exchange Rates for Yale University Library.” You may also go to Record> Retrieve by record ID> Bibliographic and search on “3198082.”
NOTE: There will be a change in this format as well. In Notis when you wanted to find the US dollar you would multiple the foreign currency amount times the exchange rate. In Voyager you will now DIVIDE the foreign currency amount by the exchange rate to establish the US dollar amount.
EXAMPLE: 5.95 United Kingdom Pounds DIVIDED by 0.655462 = $9.08 USD.
The Fiscal Support Team will continue to enter the exchange rates on Tuesday. The new rates will be available to use by late Tuesday afternoon.
A list of the currency codes available in Voyager can be seen on the next page.
COUNTRY / CURRENCY NAME / CURRENCY CODEAustralia / Australian Dollar / AUD
Austria / Shilling / ATS
Belgium / Belgian Franc / BEF
Canada / Canadian Dollar / CAD
Chile / Chilean Peso / CLP
China / Yuan Renmimbi / CNY
Denmark / Danish Krone / DKK
Europe / European Union / EUR
Finland / Markka / FIM
France / French Franc / FRF
Germany / Deutsche Mark / DEM
Greece / Drachma / GRD
Hong Kong / Hong Kong Dollar / HKD
Hungary / Forint / HUF
India / Indian Rupee / INR
Ireland / Irish Pound / IEP
Israel / Shekel / ILS
Italy / Italian Lira / ITL
Japan / Yen / JPY
Malaysia / Malaysian Ringgit / MYR
Mexico / Mexican Neuvo / MXN
Netherlands / Netherlands Guider / NLG
New Zealand / New Zealand Dollar / NZL
Norway / Norwegian Krone / NOK
Philippines / Philippines Peso / PHP
Portugal / Portuguese Escudo / PTE
Singapore / Singapore Dollar / SGD
South Africa / Rand / ZAR
South Korea / Won / KRW
Spain / Spanish Peseta / ESP
Sweden / Swedish Krona / SEK
Switzerland / Swiss Franc / CHF
Taiwan / New Taiwan Dollar / TWD
Thailand / Baht / THB
Turkey / Turkish Lira / TRL
United Kingdom / Pound Sterling / GBP
Screen – Bibliographic Record of Exchange Rates
To view the activity of a fund, go to Ledgers and Funds.
o Click on Search Funds.
o Enter a Fund.
o Highlight the Fund.
o Double click or hit the Edit button to display the Ledger.
Screen # 1 Searching a Fund
Screen # 2 Legder MED03
There are three types of Funds:
o Summary Funds – Red Squares
o Allocated Funds – Blue Triangles
o Reporting Funds – Yellow Circles
The Summary Funds summarize the activity of the Funds in their Group. The Allocated Funds contain the actual money. The Reporting Funds – those that keep track of difference formats – draw their money from their Allocated Fund.
o Click on the blue triangle to display the Allocated Fund.
Screen # 3 Allocated Fund
The Allocated Fund screen shows Allocations, Commitments, and Expenditures.
The Reporting Fund screen shows Commitments and Expenditures, by not Allocations.
See the Appendix for additional information on Fund Structure and Approving Purchase Orders.
o Go to the List Bar and click on Invoices.
Screen # 1
o Click on New Invoice or from the purchase order you may go to the View Menu and then select New from the dropdown menu.
Screen # 2
o On the Header record, enter the Vendor’s Invoice Number.
o Next, note the system-generated Voucher ID Number on your invoice in hand. (This number is equal to the Orbis invoice number.) This number can be changed and customized according to a unit’s internal scheme.
o Then enter the vendor’s Invoice Date or use the calendar by clicking on the ellipsis.
o Click on Amount box. Enter the total amount from the Vendor’s Invoice.
o In the Locations section, select the correct Bill to Address.
In the Vendor section,
o Enter Vendor Code and click on the ellipsis button to verify that vendor is in the system.
o Double click on the ellipsis to view complete address.
o Click on white circles to view any multiple addresses. Payment address will automatically be used for payments.
Account number – this field is not available at this time.
Currency field – US dollars is the default.
Note that FOREIGN currency information CANNOT be changed to any other foreign currency after the invoice is saved!
Paying an Invoice When the Vendor
Is Quoting in Foreign Currency.
Here is an example of a Nedbook invoice that is quoted in Dutch Gilders NLG 74.00 and Euros EUR 33.58.
The Dutch currency NLG has been entered into the Currency Code field on the Purchase Order (not shown).
After approving the Purchase Order:
o Create a new Invoice.
o Highlight line item.
o Got to Details.
o Go to Price Tab
o Enter the Price of the item in NLG.
o Add other charges in NLG.
Screen # 3 Example of Invoice Payments in Foreign Currency.
Continue to post line items in foreign currency.
After posting all charges in the foreign currency,
o Click on the currency icon on the tool bar. The NLG Currency will change to Base Currency.
o By clicking the Currency button on the tool bar, you can go back and forth between the foreign currency (in this case NLG) and the Base Currency in US dollars.
Approve the invoice for payment with the Base Currency button ON.
This will ensure that the invoice will be paid in US dollars. (University policy issues payment in US DOLLARS)
Screen # 4 Example of Base Currency Button On
However, if you use a foreign currency in your PO/Invoice, Voyager lets you change the currency back to the default currency (USD) and then back to the foreign currency if you choose, by clicking on the Base Currency button located in the toolbar after line items have been added to invoice. See invoice 133315 in the training base. The purchase order number for this record is also 133315.
Remember – the YUL policy is to pay invoices in USD. The last Currency on the Invoice must be USD.
Screen # 5 Completed Header screen for New Invoice.
o Review your work by comparing the information on the Vendor’s Invoice with the information that you have entered on the Header.
o Click on the Save button on the Tool Bar.
Invoice is now pending. You may still make changes to a pending invoice, except for Foreign Currency.
Screen # 6 Saved Pending Invoice.
Remember to note the Voucher ID number on the Vendor’s Invoice. If you change the Voucher ID number, note this change on the Invoice.
o Click on the Add Line from Order button.
Screen # 7 The Find Purchase Order Window Display
Note: there are two options on the Find Purchase Order screen for advanced tasks.
o Invoice Against Any Vendor – check box when the vendor on a purchase order is different from the vendor on invoice.
o Include Already Invoiced Line Items – check this box when doing credits, serials, etc.
Screen # 8 Click in the Search By box and select a searching option from the dropdown menu, usually the PO#.
For this example, we will leave the following as shown:
o Condition field – leave at equal.
o Click in the Search For field and add the PO Number from the Vendor’s Invoice.
o Operator field – leave blank.
To execute your search,
o Click the Find Now button.
Screen # 9 The order number, vendor, order status, order date, type, site and order ID display.
o Click the Display Line Items button.
Screen # 10 The Select Line Items/Copies to Invoice box appears.
o Click the [+] boxes until you reach your line item.
Screen # 11
o Click the white box outlined in red next to it. It changes to navy blue.
Screen # 12
If this item has already been received,
o Click the Append box and then Click on Close.
If this item has not been received,
o Click the Append/Receive box
o Then on Close.
This Close action returns you to the Header screen (Screen #4 in this section) with the line item displayed.