September 15, 20157:30 p.m.
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. in Room 212, middle level, Chatham Municipal Building. Chairman Foley read aloud the Open Public Meetings Act.
Name / Present / AbsentChrmn. Colleen Foley / X
James Greener / X
Mindy Pitonyak / X
Bill Tackaberry / X
Patricia Gavalakis / X
Eleanor Smith / X
Council Member Kass / X
Liz Holler, Rec. Sec. / X – at a Shade Tree Comm. meeting
In Ms. Holler’s absence, Mr. Greener kindly took notes for the meeting minutes.
Public Comment
No one came forward.
Liaison Reports
There were none.
Pending Business
Eclectic House – 166 Main Street
Commissioners reviewed the applications for Eclectic House. Printed images, painted colors, sign materials, and samples had been submitted. The amount of copy has been reduced.
The Commission approved this proposal (100%). Ms. Foley will communicate the Commission’s approval to Cathy Baldwin, Assistant to the Zoning Officer.
The Commission briefly discussed the concept of the painting of 166 Main Street. Mr. Greener made the suggestion to look into cleaning and repainting, rather than painting. Painting can have a detrimental impact on a brick masonry building. Ms. Pryor and Ms. Asdy agreed to consider this approval.
The Commission briefly discussed the Borough Shade Tree Commission and the concept of cutting down the Lum Ave. tree. The tree is currently surrounded by barricades.
Ms. Foley reviewed the HPC minutes from July 21, 2015 and August 18, 2015. Both sets of minutes were approved as amended.
The new sign for Kings Supermarket was discussed. The general consensus of the Commission was that the new signage looked good and that the adjustments to the original proposed design were very positive.
The Commission discussed the historic marker hidden behind the DPW gate. Ms. Foley visited the site and observed that the marker was indeed hidden. Ms. Foley suggested installing the marker near the fences, close to the pump house.This may be a good location.
There will be a meeting on the 29th to discuss a marker for the Parrott Mill building. The developer was to place a plaque or marker on the property. The Commission discussed the idea or a marker similar to markers at neighboring65 Main Street. Ms. Foley will follow up with Janice Piccolo regarding a monument study recently prepared by a Chatham intern.
The Commission discussed a report the Commission had submitted to the Zoning Board regarding the Callahan house, 228 Fairmount Ave.
The report cited, that among other justifications for allowing the variance, there is the fact that the Borough’s Land Development Ordinance (LDO 165-3) states the Master Plan objective is to promote the conservation of historic sites and districts.
The Commission discussed the recently completed draft of the historic inventory. Ms. Foley reported that in her review, the County did a very comprehensive job. However, she did observe that some Main Street buildings in the Historic District had been omitted. Ms. Foley said she would contact Jan Williams (the Morris County Cultural Arts Historic Resource Specialist) about it. Mr. Greener offered to send electronic copies of the draft to all Commissioners.
The meeting adjourned.
The next Historic Preservation Commission meeting will be held on Tuesday, October 20, 2015, 7:30 p.m., Room 212, Chatham Municipal Building.
Respectfully submitted:
Liz Holler
Recording Secretary