Order of Business for Research Progress Review Meetings in the
School of the Arts Media (2018)
PGC/ Chairwelcomes student and explains what happens in review meeting and who is on the Panel – although supervisors are present, they are not part of the Panel that consists of the Chair and Reader.
PGC/Chair explainsto student any consequences of last review – if outcome of last review was Marginal or Unsatisfactory, then this review must be either Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory.
RPR Procedure
- Oral Presentation:
- continuing students and part-time candidates in the first year of their candidaturegive a 5-minute presentation followed by a 2-minute Q & A at the beginning of the Review Meeting. Confirmation students give a 10-minute presentation followed by a 5-minute Q & A, and usually on a specified Confirmation symposium day that is separate from the Review Meeting.
2. Discuss project
- PGC asks student to summarize his/her progress for the year.
- PGC asks Reader, Joint Supervisor(s) OR Secondary Supervisor and Primary Supervisor(in that order) to comment on written submission and student’s progress.
- PGCalso comments, if relevant.
2. Discuss candidature / administrative matters
- PGC asks student if there are any issues, barriers s/he would like to discuss with Panel such as need for fieldwork, Ethics clearance etc.
- PGC asks student and supervisors ifthe proposed submission date is achievable.
3. Discuss supervision
- Supervisors out of room – student discusses supervision confidentially with Panel.
- Student out of room –Primary and Secondary Supervisors or Joint Supervisorsdiscuss supervision
4. Determinereview outcome and set future milestones
- Panel discusses progress and future milestones confidentially with supervisor(s). The Panel determines review outcome and milestones
- Student back into room – Paneldiscussesreview outcome and milestones for next review with student and supervisors.
PGC/Chair enters Panel recommendations into GRIS form including comment about progress, milestones, remedial action, general points for development, notes on how any issues raised will be addressed.
Satisfactory: next review in 12 months
Marginal: next review in 1-3 months
Unsatisfactory: next review in 1-3 months
Milestones: What needs to be completed before next review,i.e., concrete recommendations that Panel expectsstudent to have completedto ensure satisfactory progress at next review.
PGC/Chair makes note if supervisor will be away on leave and ensures satisfactory supervisory arrangements are in place.
PGC/Chair uploads soft copies of written reports, submitsand publishes RPR online form.