From: O. David Deitz [
Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2013 9:30 PM
Subject: SLO Workgroup Information
Greetings SLO Development Participants,
Thank you in advance for your willingness to assist PDE in the development of Student Learning Objectives (SLO) as they will relate to measuring teacher effectiveness through evidence of student achievement.
Our tasks for the two days will begin with training on PA's SLO process and template as well as training on assessment development. At the end of the two days it will be expected that several portions of the SLO template will be completed, along with appropriate assessment "models" that would address important content learning, assessment of learning that is both standards-based and linked to Webb's Depth of Knowledge, and descriptions of how student assessment in your "assigned" content area can be utilized to measure teacher effectiveness.
Below, please look for your name and the specific "assigned" content area for which you will be developing an SLO model and aligned assessments. Please understand that last minute changes may occur.
Health Physical Education: March 18-19
Linda Bryant, Content Advisor
Tim Miller, IU Trainer
Donna Waleski, IU Trainer
Kelly Galbraith, IU Trainer
Elementary PE
Suzanne Schiemer
Dr. Dawn Janssen
Cynthia Freeman
Middle School PE
Jen Bubser
Heidi Hess
Arthur Greishaw
Matthew Cummiskey
Jessica Peconi- Cook
High School PE
Randall Nichols
Caroline Kuchinski
Jan King
MS Health
Nicole Jerrom
Katrina Rainford
Gale Gehman
HS Health
Jennifer Bichler
Cheryl Seidel
Melanie Lynch
Leslie Whitehill
Karen McCarthy
Theatre: March 18-19
O David Deitz, Content Advisor
Diane Hurst, IU Trainer
HS Theatre Course
Michael Fuller
Geri Featherby
Cat Cullen
The work location is PaTTAN (Pa Technical Training Assistance Network), 6340 Flank Drive, Harrisburg PA. The work hours are 8:30 am to 4:30 pm. Lunch will be provided on site, as will coffee and tea. The work will be somewhat small-group directed after 10:00 am each day, so breaks will be at your discretion.
Attached to this email you will find:
1. A blank SLO template
2. A "Webb's Depth of Knowledge" graphic organizer
Things for you to bring:
1. If possible, a laptop. (Laptops will be provided if you do not have one. If you don't have a laptop, please consider bringing a thumb drive) 2. Any assessments or assessment tasks that you or your district might use in the content area to which you are assigned. These can be individual teacher developed, district developed, or commercially developed assessments.
3. Any scoring tools that you might use: rubrics, checklists, etc.
Please make sure that you have registered online at:
Questions about housing, travel expenses and substitute reimbursement are being handled by Karen Reagan at IU 5. Please direct your logistical questions to her at <mailto:>.
Several of you have asked what you might do in preparation for developing SLOs: Here are some suggestions, but certainly not requirements:
1. Review the standards and curriculum framework for your content area. This information can be found on the SAS portal at pdesas.org.
2. Google "student learning objectives" followed by a state name and see what other states are doing!
Thanks, I look forward to working with you!