The main highlights from the meeting of Senate were as follows:
Times Higher Award
The Principal announced that the previous evening the University had been honoured by receiving the Times Higher Education (THE) Award for Outstanding Support for Overseas Students category presented at the annual ceremony held in London. This is a tremendous accolade for the University, building as it does on the previous national and international recognition the University has previously achieved. It should be seen as a matter of celebration and the University will be pleased to celebrate this achievement with all of its staff.
Magna Charta Paper
Senate considered a paper providing details of the Magna Charta Universitatum and a proposal that the University applies to become a signatory. The paper was welcomed by Senate members and approved by acclaim.
Widening Participation Policy
Senate considered and approved the revised Widening Participation Policy, updated in line with the revised mission of the University and the changes in the political environment.
Professor MacDonald thanked Professor Gallacher for his excellent work, noted that the revision integrates WPP with other academic policies and clearly marks the University’s commitment to widening participation.
Academic Governance: Internal Audit Report
Senate considered the Report of the internal audit of the Senate Academic Governance processes and noted that the conclusions and recommendations were generally supportive and directed towards enhancement. It was noted that one outcome related to the enhancement of communication between Senate and Court and that this matter would be taken forward by the Academic Registrar in discussion with the Principal and the Chair of Court. A further conclusion recommended that Annual Reports of School Boards and Senate/Senate Standing Committees be added to Part A of the Senate Agenda for consideration and this was reflected in the agenda for this meeting.
Annual Reports to Senate from School Boards (2007/2008)
Senate received and noted the Annual Reports for 2007/2008 from School Boards. It was noted that the School of Health and Social Care would be submitting their annual report to the December meeting of Senate as the report was to be seen by the School Board in November.
Annual Reports 2007/2008: Senate and Senate Standing Committees
Senate received and noted the Annual Reports for 2007/2008 from Senate and Senate Standing Committees. It was suggested by one member that a single format should be considered for these reports and this matter will be pursued by the Academic Registrar.
Proposal from CBS re Elected Membership of School Board
Senate received a proposal from Caledonian Business School that the ratio of elected to ex-officio members be increased from 50% to 70%.
It was noted by the Secretary to Senate that under the current membership regulations previously approved by Senate the number of elected members to School Boards is 50% of the total number of ex-officio members. This contrasted with Senate which is governed by the Statutory Instrument which established the University and sets out that the ratio of elected membership shall be between one third and two thirds that of the ex-officio membership. In practice Senate has always effected this at the maximum of the permitted number of elected members.
Senate resolved that with immediate effect the ratio of elected members of all School Boards rise to 67% of the ex-officio membership of the Board, thereby bringing School Boards into line with the Statutory Instrument governing Senate (where the figure of 67% results in a fraction of a person, that figure will be rounded up to one).
Some Other Matters Considered and Approved
§ A Chair’s Action confirming the award of 11 PhDs.
§ A proposal to award Professor Jim Gallacher the title of Emeritus Professor.
§ A Memorandum of Agreement between GCU and the University of Strathclyde for the joint MSc in Health History programme commencing September 2008.
§ A recommendation from the Principal that Prof M Smith, PVC Research, continue in office as Vice-Chair of Senate for the period up to and including 1st August 2009.
Professor Pamela Gillies
Principal and Vice Chancellor
NOTE: This “highlight” is not confidential and may be shared with all staff, especially those with an interest in academic policies. It is extracted from draft unconfirmed minutes of the Senate meeting for communication purposes only. The eventual confirmed minutes represent the official record of the Senate’s decisions.