Upgrading your ASIT laptop
We have two issues with our ASIT laptops and both can be easily fixed.
Issue # 1: no access to the Midwestrisk ( ASIT) website.
First, email Andrew Russ at: and give him your email address and contact phone number. Andrew will contact you and schedule the upgrade.
Before it’s time to upgrade, make sure you can access your wireless network by turning on your laptop and verifying that the wireless network connection icon in the taskbar on the lower right corner of your laptop computer screen is visible. It may take a minute or two for the icon to appear.
The wireless icon is a set of vertical horizontal bars arranged in ascending heights, left to right. If an exclamation mark appears over the icon, you will need to left click on the icon to display the available wireless networks and click to connect. You may have to input the network password before you can access the network.
When it’s time to upgrade, turn on your ASIT computer and make sure you have access to your wireless network. Andrew will ask you to click on Internet Explorer on the lower left taskbar. When Internet Explorer opens, Andrew will ask you to highlight the DNS server address in the upper left corner and type in a the address shown below and hit the enter key:
He will then take control of your computer and ask you to click “RUN” on an application that he will put on the screen. When he has finished, reboot the laptop and verify that you have access to the website.
We apologize for any inconvenience. This should resolve the website access issues we have been having.
Issue #2: video plays on your flat screen television, but audio does not play.
Some of the laptops display the video on an external flat screen television monitor but the audio does not play on the television speakers. Fortunately, the solution is simple:
- Connect your HDMI cable from the laptop to the flat screen. Do not turn your laptop on, yet.
- Turn on your flat screen and use the flat screen handset to change the input to the HDMI input accessing the laptop.
- Now turn on your laptop and access the ASIT website as you normally do. The flat screen speakers should now play both the video and audio on the television.