DRAFT Text Type Overview of Language Features(to be used in conjunction with Australian Curriculum English & QSA 2008 Grammar Scope and Sequence)
Purposes / Structure / Year 1 / Year 2,3 / Year 4,5 / Year 6,7Narrative / To entertain
- orientation
- sequence of events
- problem / resolution
- conclusion
Innovation on text
Eg Rosie’s Walk
Mrs Wishy Washy
- related nouns and pronouns for characters (Jack, the boy, he)
- doing, relating, saying, thinking and feeling verbs
- circumstances - who, when, where, how, why
- describing words
- simple conjunctions
- past tense, dialogue
- sentence patterns
- extended noun groups with added attributes
- short verb groups and circumstances of time and location add information
- simple and compound sentences
- statements, questions and commands in dialogue (reading)
- past and present verb tense
- the beginning of a sentence carries key information. (theme position)
- simple conjunctions – adding and comparing
- ideas are linked through repeated words and synonyms.
- pronouns agree with the words they refer to
- how noun and verb groups link characters, setting and plot
- verbs and nouns signal relationships between characters
- being, doing, thinking, saying, relating verbs
- pronoun reference chains
- conjunctions
- first (I, we) third person (they)
- past , present , future tense
- descriptive language
- use of theme/rheme to focus reader attention
- A clause can represent what is happening; who or what is taking part; circumstances of time and place
- effective use of simple, compound and complex sentences
- human and non-human participants
- range of processes (action, thinking, feeling verbs)
- circumstances – setting time & place
- participant/process groups using attributes
- pronoun reference chains
- conjunctions
- first (I, we) third person (they)
- past tense / present tense / future tense
- dialogue
- descriptive / figurative language
- use of theme/rheme to focus reader attention
- varying mood – characters using questions or commands
Recount / To retell events
- orientation
- events in time-order
- re-orientation /evaluation (optional)
- topic related nouns
- modelled sentence structures
- past tense
- time references at beginning of sentences
- extending actions by adding circumstances of time or location (beginning of sentence);
- past tense
- conjunctions to add information
- action and thinking verbs to make comment
- sequencing using circumstances of time in theme position
- conjunctions and text connectives indicating time
- paragraphing relating to changes in time
- specific nouns and noun groups including technical terms
- action and mental processes
- time references in theme position
- paragraphing with a range of text connectives
Procedure / To give instructions in sequence
- goal
- materials
- method
- evaluation (optional)
- doing verbs
- commands
- describing words to add information
- simple conjunctions to add ideas
- doing verb at beginning of commands
- patterns of short noun and verb groups in instructions
- some technical vocabulary
- adding information in labels
- action verbs in theme position
- headings and sub-headings
- adding detail through adjectives and adjectival clauses
- use of colon and dot points
- understanding of second person
- action verbs in theme position
- second person - commands
- text connectives to sequence, clarify and show cause and effect
- added clauses of explanation and description
Report / To describe, investigate, inform
- generalisation
- classification / behaviours
- observation / comment
- conclusion/recommendations
- topic related words
- key information is in theme position in the sentence
- relating verbs in present tense
- key information is contained in noun groups
- some describing words
- a general observation or comment
- factual descriptions / observations
- relating and action processes are used
- sentences have a range of noun groups in theme position
- adjectives add detail to noun groups
- conjunctions add or compare information
- general classification
- detailed observations
- conclusion
- a concluding statement
- some technical nouns
- adjectives and adjectival phrases in noun groups
- pronoun references closely linked to nouns
- relational and action processes in present tense
- circumstances to add information (place, manner, cause)
- conjunctions to add, compare or show cause
- technical title
- an introductory paragraph and clear topic sentences in paragraphs
- a concluding statement
- topic focus in theme position in sentences
- elaborations in dependent and independent clauses
- related noun groups using technical nouns
- relational and action processes in present tense
- text connectives – list description, problem solution, cause/effect, comparison
Explanation / To explain phenomena
- definition
- components
- explanatory sequence
- topic related nouns and pronouns
- present tense
- adjectives and adverbs to add detail
- some technical vocabulary
- present tense
- time and sequence connectives
- adjectives and adverbs to
- general statement
- sequenced explanation
- general nouns and noun groups
- present tense
- clauses to elaborate how and shy
- text connectives of time and cause/effect
- alternating theme/rheme
- general statement and/or definition
- logically sequenced paragraphs
- present tense
- detailed descriptions
- high modality
- alternating theme/rheme for processes
- often passive voice
Exposition / To argue or persuade
A thesis presented from a particular point of view
- thesis
- series of arguments
- reiteration
- statements provide information
- questions ask about something
- adding reasons for personal likes and dislikes eg. because…
- statements of belief
- doing, thinking and feeling verbs
- first person for personal opinions
- key ideas in theme position
- simple conjunctions to add information or compare ideas
- ideas linked by related words, repeated words and phrases and simple synonyms
- circumstances to elaborate when, where, why and how
- adjectives and verbs construct positive and negative subject matter
- paragraphs and connectives link ideas
- conjunctions o f place, time, manner and cause and example
- referring words (these) link ideas
- like ideas in a paragraph
- general, abstract and technical nouns
- mental processes
- elaborate ideas in dependent and independent clauses
- choose modals to indicate degree of certainty, or probability
- evaluative nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs express opinion
- select conjunctions to link clauses
- repetition to emphasise