My Goals After I Graduate from High School – Revised Spring 2014

Name: / Date / Date / Date / Date / Date
Grade Completed Checklist / 8th / 9th / 10th / 11th / 12th
1.Employment – After I graduate from high school I want to be a:
□Chef / □Teacher / □Machinist / □No employment
□Factory work / □Counselor / □Trucker / □Sheltered work
□Computer technician / □Mechanic / □Retail / □Work with support
□Carpenter / □Administrative Assistant / □Hospital / □Other:
2.Recreation and Leisure – After I graduate from high school, these are what I will do:
□Bowling / □Baseball games / □ATV / □Activities with support
□Weightlifting / □Hunting / □Video games
□Camping / □Concerts / □Boating
□Dances / □Swimming / □Watching videos
□Roller-blading / □Movies / □Other:
□Going to football games / □Skiing / □Segregated activities / □Snowmobiling
3.Home/Independent – After high school graduation, I want to live:
□Apartment / □With one roommate / □Institution / □Semi-independent living, 24 hr. support
□Dorm / □With a spouse / □Group home
□With family / □Several roommates / □Foster care
□Mobile home / □Other / □Supervised, 24 hr. support
□Alone / □House

After high school graduation I will do my own:

□Cleaning / □Budgeting / □Checking account / □Taking medication
□Cooking / □Grocery shopping / □Pay bills
□Scheduling appointments / □Laundry / □Home repairs
4.Community Participation – I want to be involved in these activities after I graduate:
□Voting / □Paying taxes / □Classes on hobbies at tech college / □Access w/agency
□Shopping / □Driving car / □Access w/non paid support
□Banking / □Festivals / □Other
□Attending events / □Volunteering / □Access w/fam support / □Independent access
□Rec center / □Riding bus / □Motorcycle
□Church / □Walking

Places I will go to in my community:

□Banks / □Shopping malls / □Night clubs / □Grocery stores
□Movie theaters / □Restaurants / □Stores / □Other
□Public library / □Friend’s houses / □Golf courses
□Work / □Video rental / □Job Centers
5.Post-Secondary Training – After high school, I will:
□Work, full-time / □2-year college / □Military / □No plans
□Tech. college / □4- year college / □Other

Name Date Grade

□Students Desired Post-School Outcomes (Enter Above Information Here)

(ages 14-21, or younger if appropriate)

Employment: / After I graduate from high school my goal is to become a:
Recreation & Leisure: / After I graduate from high school, I will participate in the following activities::
Independent Living: / After high school graduation, my goal is to live:
Community Participation: / After I graduate from high school, I will participate in the following community activities:
Education/Training: / After high school, my goal is to receive training in the following way:
  • Transfer the above information into the content needed to write post-secondary goals.
  • When choosing “other” as a choice – other needs to be defined.