8.1 Preparing programme REP reports

All programme and fields are required to produce a REP report and action plan as part of our annual monitoring process. The deadline for submitting reports is set by the School Quality Standing Committee and is usually in October/November. The aim of REP is to reflect on the programme year on year to identify trends, evaluate student performance, and review external examiner and student comments. The REP allows Programme Leaders to plan for the year, enhance the student experience and the teaching and learning strategy. Each School has their own proforma and procedure as this process has been delegated to Schools by the Quality and Standards Committee. For further information see

The following guidance is available for preparing Programme REP reports.

(scroll to REP)

What make a good REP report?

  • Highlights positive features.
  • Reflective and analytical, ie evaluative, rather than descriptive, discusses the evidence.
  • Identifies problems and suggests solutions.
  • Identifies areas of good practice.
  • Contains a clear SMART action plan.
  • Constructive approach to enhancement.
  • Is complete ie no gaps and all evidence provided.

8.2 Combined honours programmes

In addition to the School-based process, a Review and Enhancement Process report and action plan is produced for combined honours programmes across the institution, through the Combined Honours Leaders Group.

8.3 Short courses

Schools have delegated authority for the quality assurance of short courses. Each School ensures that its internal procedures for managing the Review and Enhancement Process include the monitoring of the quality of all short courses.

8.4 Sources of evidence and appendices

The following evidence is required for a Programme level REP:

  • report on developments and changes in programme structure;
  • Programme Committee minutes;
  • report on placement processes (if applicable);
  • evidence of student feedback at programme level, including National Student Survey data or Your Voice Counts survey, as appropriate;
  • employer/professional statutory and regulatory body feedback (as appropriate);
  • data on student characteristics on entry (eg: age, gender, qualifications);
  • data on student performance (eg retention and achievement, degree classifications, student destinations).

8.5 Statistical analysis

REP statistics and a step by step guide are provided by Corporate Systems by July, these are available in Jasper Reports.

The data shown is extracted from Delta, therefore, if you feel that the data are not a true reflection of the position as you understand it, you might investigate the variance, via your School. If you need access, or experience any technical problem with the reports, please contact IT Services Helpdesk

A guide which explains the statistical data available in the REP book and suggests some analysis that you can carry out in your programme or field report is available from IT Services.

8.6 REP approval process

A diagrammatic overview of the REP reporting process is provided below. All REPs should be discussed and endorsed by the Programme Committee and submitted to School Quality Standing Committee (SQSC) for review and approval. The individual REPs then feed into the School Overview REP, written by the School Quality Leader, which is considered at institutional level. Once approved the action plan should become a live plan and progress on action monitored at programme committee meetings.

Diagrammatic Overview of Review & Enhancement

Reporting Process