RYLA 2006 ~ If It Is To Be, It Is Up To Me

Counselor Manual

General Counselor Information

Welcome to Counselors

Counselor Information Summary

Top Ten RYLA Counselor Do’sDon’t’s

Pre-RYLA Stuff to Do

Conferee Packing List

Conferee Manual plus Extra

Sunday / - Extra instructions in rap session checklist
- My Proudest Achievements procedure
- After Rap Session Instructions
Monday / - Titan counselor advice (also extra on worksheets)
- Scavenger Hunt judging sheet
- Eggspress rules sheet
- True Colors Skit
- Extra rap session instructions
- Hike sign up sheet (and lunch sign up)
Tuesday / - Make a Difference Breakout 1 advice
- Volleyball extra
- Volleyball Schedule
- Extra rap session instructions
Wednesday / - Extra rap session instructions
Thursday / - Make a Difference Breakout 2 advice
- Olympic Schedule
- Extra rap session instructions
Friday / - Packing advice
- Make a Difference Final instructions
- Final rap session instructions

Counselor Resources and Extra Info

Guidelines for Speaker Introductions and Thank Yous

Stages of Group Effectiveness

Hints for Guiding A Group

Boundary Breaking Questions


July 16 – July 21, 2006


You have been selected as RYLA Counselors for teams of extremely special young men and women. The twelve to fourteen young people with whom you will be working have been carefully selected by many Rotarians and are the best Colorado, Wyoming, and western Nebraska have to offer. RYLA Counselorship is a wonderful opportunity to enjoy the life of these special young people and help to direct them toward a positive future. Many have asked for this opportunity, but you were selected because you have the skills and abilities to become outstanding RYLA Counselors.

The primary responsibility of RYLA Counselors is to help the conferees receive the greatest benefit from the RYLA program in a safe and healthy environment. Furthermore, whatever counselors do will be perceived as being okay by other counselors and students. It is nothing less than being role models 24 hours a day during the week. The theme of the conference may help: If It Is To Be, It Is Up To Me! Our Rocky Mountain RYLA definition of leadership is “Leaders are those who compel others to positive action by the power of their own positive actions.”

There are two orientation sessions for the Junior and Senior Counselors. The first is June 24 – 25 and is a Dress Rehearsal of the week. The second is on the Saturday and Sunday morning, July 15 and 16, just before the RYLA Conference Registration begins.

At this second meeting, counselors will be given a binder containing information about their team of conferees. The team will be a mix of males and females in high school who have just completed their junior and sophomore years. The counselor binder will contain a list of the conferees in the team, their room assignments, and their sponsoring clubs. The binder will also include a list of all the conferees attending the conference, their home addresses, home phone numbers, emergency phone numbers, and medical information and restrictions, if applicable. Counselors will also be furnished with copies of the program and other relevant information such as conference rules and policies and emergency procedures. Information on the conference is also available at

Each team will be in separate male and female rooms adjacent to its counselor (when possible) who will be roomed with at least one other counselor.

An important function of the counselors is to pass information on to their teams. The teams need to be kept informed and on track as to scheduled activities. The students need to be reminded, frequently, that they are to wear their nametags and be on time to all activities. More important, they represent their communities, their schools, and sponsoring Rotary Clubs.

Counselors as Facilitators

Junior and Senior Counselors operate as a team with the Junior Counselor taking the lead in the evening rap sessions. The main role of the counselors will be that of facilitating the team discussions, helping develop a team identity, and fostering creativity and leadership in the teams' designated activities. This is particularly important in the evening rap sessions where the days’ activities are reviewed. Counselors MUST NOT dominate the discussions; they should facilitate and draw all members of the group into the discussions and activities.

Counselors are to be friends, confidants, and resources for the conferees as they explore new ideas as well as sources of help finding answers to questions that might arise. Counselors also have a responsibility to observe, remind, and encourage the conferees to abide by the rules and fully participate in activities of the conference. Items such as Rise and Shine or Lights Out sometime require persistence by the counselors in keeping the schedule. The conferees are sometimes so stimulated by the conference activities that they are reluctant to bed down. Adequate sleep is a must (even for JCs) to gain full benefit from the program. In addition, if the conferees are allowed to sleep in and miss morning activities, the task of enforcing Lights Out the following night becomes significantly more difficult. Enforcing the Lights Out and Rise and Shine schedules is the counselors’ responsibility.

Another quick note: try not to put too much stress on yourself over how your group is doing. Every group evolves at a different rate and in a different way, but don’t worry because it will happen. Sometimes counselors add a lot of extra stress to their plates by focusing on how their group is doing. Just try to relax and let the RYLA magic work its wonders.

The conferees, for the most part, are mature and cooperative. If there are problems, they are usually minor and are resolved with a little attention. When there is a problem, the Conference Chair Karla Carnahan and other counselors will be available to help. There is plenty of support in the unlikely event a difficult situation arises…just ask.

We insist that conferees attend all sessions and conduct themselves with dignity. This sometimes means a gentle reminder of what constitutes appropriate behavior. The counselors are expected to know where their conferees are and see that they are in attendance at the various scheduled activities. This includes sitting with the team during sessions at Willome Hall and requires unobtrusive head counts. Past counselors have found the week to be a fun and rewarding experience. The conferees are bright, sociable, and full of great ideas, idealism, and energy. Counselors can learn a great deal from the young people involved and often gain more from the program than the conferees.

Emergencies: The conferees have been instructed to contact the nearest counselor if anyone is hurt or injured. Please go to the person that is injured to determine the extent of the problem. Have someone contact Karla Carnahan. Stay with the injured party.

If the injury is nothing but a small cut or bruise, we will be able to take care of the problem. There is a dispensary available between 8:00 AM and 4:30 PM just east of the

Ponderosa Dining Hall. A doctor is also on call 24 hours a day for sickness problems. We have prearranged with the hospital in EstesPark for any major problems. An ambulance can be summoned at either the dispensary or the YMCA offices. We have the signed parental release forms available for any problem.

Phone Call Emergencies

Should parents of conferees need to contact their child, they will call the phone number for the camp that is in their application brochure. They will leave a message with the Conference Center Office. The office will bring us the message and we will get the information to the person quickly.

Counselors for 2006

Bryan Cooke / Alex Mosness
Beverly Stewart / Alyxa Lease
Bill Manning / Amber Hornick
Bob Eatman / Amy Lamb
Carol Enright / Audrey Miller
Clay Takara / Danee Hunzie
Cyndi Early / Devin Jackson
Cynthia Giffen / Gaby Nagy
Dave Amen / Heather Amen
Dori Painter / Jason Griffith
Doug Armbrust / Jeff Trefz
Hal Kulzwara / Jenni Schrader
Jim Davis / Jenny Gist
Karen Sekich / John Miller
Karla Carnahan / KJ Buckingham
Kelly Albright / Kylie Vosler
Ken Henley / Lindsay Kaufman
Len Brass / Mei Ratz
Lloyd Thomas / Melissa Gattis
Norman Lyster / Nichole Catlett
Sandy Seitz / Sam Berry
Stephanie Remigio

Counselor Information Summary:


 Get to know your team, by name and personality, as quickly as possible.

 Make them ALL an active part of the team.

 Make them respectful friends, so they are not alienated from you.

 Ask how can I delegate and help develop skills.

 Never give the answer, be patient, they will get it if you let them.

Remind them every day of this year’s Conference theme: If It Is To Be, It Is Up To Me!


Stress the importance of the schedule and that you expect them to be personally responsible for knowing and following it. If It Is To Be, It Is Up To Me!

Keep them excited about the speakers and other activities.


Make this week fun for yourself and your team.

Laugh with them, cheer them on, be a part of them and love them for they are all wonderful in their individual ways.

More Practical Tips

Read the manual. Re-read the manual. Take Notes while reading the manual.

Give your team members lots of permission to brag about themselves and their accomplishments. “If you can do it [or have done it], it ain’t braggin’” - Baseball Hall of Famer, Dizzy Dean.

Begin the week by being very clear about your expectations of the conferees’ behavior (e.g., they will follow the rules and principles of RYLA). “We will always treat you as adults unless or until you give us reason not to.” It is always easier to begin with a “tight ship” than to try and tighten it after you are initially “loose.”

Encourage drinking water from hour #1. The high altitude gets some kids, and we don’t want people dropping out from something so easily prevented.

Suggest that if conferees “go with the program” and not resist it, they have a great opportunity to transform their lives in a week.

Listen. Listen. Listen not only to words, but also to the feelings being expressed and listen to what is not being said.

 Maintain eye-contact when speaking or listening.

 The best way to make new friends is to let them help you.

 “If you think learning is stupid, try ignorance!” - Suggested by JC Josh.

Keep in mind your actions speak louder than your words, soooo “walk your talk.” Practice being quietly competent.

When you think of it, initiate…don’t procrastinate.

Take the initiative, but emotionally let go of the outcome.

SCs send a letter to your JCs and ask: “What are your expectations for RYLA?” and “Who are you?” before and after your RYLA experience. Counselor relations are essential!

The Top Ten RYLA Counselor Do’s and Don’t’s

(Learned the hard way!)

10.DO have fun on Saturday night because no leaving the YMCA will occur after that. Also NO use of alcoholic beverages and tobacco products will be permitted after Saturday night.

9.DO learn your team members’ names. Actively include all of your team members in all team discussions and activities. Look at the profiles and know their interests.

8.DON'T worry if your team isn't immediately bonding together and forming the "dream team"... Have patience and allow your team to develop naturally into something truly special…No two teams are ever the same!

7.DO talk and communicate with the other counselors, especially the one with whom you are paired. We are a team.

6.DO privately ask one of the leaders in the group to help draw in those who are not actively participating.

5.DON’T be afraid to ask for help if you need it. This is the best support group you’ll ever find!

4.DO bring small candies to Willome to pass out to the group if they are starting to get less focused. Just do it subtly. (Subtly includes candy that does not crinkle or make too much noise, gum is a good idea.)

3.DO end rap sessions at 10:15 PM sharp and lights out at 10:30 PM - YMCA Conference Center Rules. Get logistics done first and then enjoy the fun rapping!

2.DO stress RESPECT for each other and the speakers, and require and confirm that all team members are in attendance at all sessions and activities and are on time!!!(The team is a team only when all team members are present).

1.DON’T be disappointed if you feel like your team is forming in a way that leaves you on the outside looking in. You are there to support and foster your team, not to relive the conferee experience.

1.DO make sure you get some SLEEP.

1. DO make sure you get some SLEEP.

Pre-RYLA To Do List

- Read the manual…Read the manual…Really, read the manual!

- Meet with or talk on the phone to your other counselor AT LEAST TWICE!

- Plan Word of Focus

- Know what you’re going to say and do

- Plan out all the details beforehand

- Plan for Make a Difference Group

- Do research on statistics and background of your topic; go in prepared

- Make sure you have written your brief on your issue, and bring three copies of it

with you to share

- Contact each of your conferees through e-mail or phone (try to get responses from each)

- Answer any questions, just say hi

- Make sure all their information is correct, especially male or female

- Get sleep before RYLA (lots of it)

- Call Heather (720.220.0260) or Jason (970.590.7107) with any questions, and GET


Stuff for Counselors to Bring

(all of these are just suggestions, none of them is required)

- Warm Fuzzie and Flag-Making Materials (We will provide 1 pack of markers, 1 pair of scissors, and the sheet)

- markers

- glitter

- scissors

- construction paper

- glue

- writing utensils and paper (important for warm fuzzies)

- etc.

- Team unity symbol

- this is something for the SCs and JCs to decide on

- most teams wear a bandana, or a necklace or bracelet, or something to identify

them as a group

- Food and Drink (We will do Cracker Barrel this year, but you can bring more if you like)

- usually some healthy stuff is a good idea (granola bars, cereal, pretzels, etc)

- candy or cookies (or something to keep them up and awake)

- water bottles (just cheap plastic is fine)

- Fan (rooms get warm)

- Flashlights

- First aid kit (if you have one, always a good idea to have it around, though we will have some both at Willome and the lodge)

- Extra sunscreen

Packing List

(conferee list, might be helpful)

- combination of shorts and pants for 5 days

- shirts for 5 days (don’t forget RYLA shirt!)

- socks and shoes to hike in and play basketball in

- underwear

- comfortable footwear to wear around rooms and between buildings

- casual nice outfit to wear to RYLA dance

- rain gear, especially jacket

- light jacket

- sweatshirt for night (don’t forget RYLA sweats!)

- all bathroom things needed

- toothbrush and toothpaste

- shampoo

- brush or comb

- deodorant

- anything else necessary, contacts, glasses, lotion, etc

- sunscreen and sunglasses

- backpack or bag to carry manual and other materials

- paper and pen

- alarm

- sleeping bag (only if you are not okay sharing a double bed!)

- watch

- camera

- hat

- sleepwear

- phone card

- swimsuit and towel (only if you want to go swimming as an activity in the mornings)

- small musical instruments (if wanted)


Find someone who…

was born in another state ______

skis or snowboards ______

goes to a private school ______

has a dog ______

loves to play cards ______

has red hair ______

lives in Nebraska ______

has a cat ______

plays football or basketball ______

has a brother ______

loves English ______

has never been to EstesPark ______

has been mountain biking ______

has a bird ______

is over 6 feet tall ______

was born in another country ______

drinks Diet Coke ______

lives in a big city ______

has a sister ______

loves math ______

has ridden on a motorcycle ______

speaks another language ______

has a job ______

goes hiking ______

has cousins ______

rides the bus to school ______

has been in a play ______

plays a musical instrument ______

loves the color green ______

has grey eyes ______

loves science ______

keeps a journal ______

has initials that spell a word ______

loves chocolate ______

sings in a choir ______

plays baseball or soccer ______

lives in Wyoming ______

is excited for RYLA!! ______

Color Coding

White – regular pages of the manual

Yellow – pages given to the JCs by the end of the conference

Green – daily readings

Pink –notes

Blue – extra resources for activities

Purple - counselor resources

RYLA 2006 ~ If It Is To Be, It Is Up To Me

Conferee Manual

Table of Contents

Welcome to RYLA XX!

Rules and Expectations

A Brief History of Rotary

A Brief History of RYLA

Sunday July 16th “Look Around You and Touch a Life”

Debra Fine: “The Fine Art of Small Talk”

Rap Session Checklist: ”Look around you and touch a life”

Make A Difference Topics

Daily Evaluations and Readings

Evaluation for Sunday – “Look Around You and Touch a Life”


Monday July 17th “Build the Future with Action and Vision”

Morning Activities

Richard Ireland: “The Future, Can We Get There From Here?”

Titan 1

Make a Difference Speakers: Dan Prascher, Samira Rajabi and Kevin McAdams