Family Studies Course Outline
Teacher: Mrs. M. McMillan ()
The primary focus of this course is to help teens reflect upon their own lives and from this strengthen the families they live in now and build strong families for the future.
Course Content:
Unit 1 The Family Foundation
Unit 2 Strengthening Relationships
Unit 3 Managing With Insight
Unit 4 Supporting Family and Friends
Unit 5 Extending Your Relationships – Relating to Older Adults
Text: Families Today (4th Ed.) Connie R. Sasse
1. Term work will be 70% of the final mark. This will include: class participation, assignments, presentations, group work, essays, and all other course work.
2. The mid-term examination will be worth 15% of the final mark.
3. The final examination will be worth 15% of the final mark. (Exemptions are possible for students with an overall average of 85% or better. However, an 85% does not guarantee an exemption.)
*Assignments are expected to be handed in on their due dates. Late assignments will receive a penalty of 10% percent.
Classrooom Rules:
1. RESPECT your classmates, the teacher and yourself.
2. Assignments and tests are YOUR responsibility. If you are absent, please get caught up on missed work.
3. Disruptive and disrespectful behaviour will not be tolerated.
4. Some subjects in this class require sensitivity. All students will be allowed to express their opinions but are also expected to respect the opinions of others.
Homework website:
“The family is one of nature’s masterpieces.”
George Santayana
I have read and understand the course outline.
Student’s Signature: ______