Reference and Citing Guidelines for VCUQatar Faculty Reports
Consistent and accurate documentation of faculty accomplishments is an important part of faculty teaching, scholarship and service. While there are many appropriate citation styles, depending on the publication or audience, at VCUQatar use Chicago style for internal reports.
Please use the following categories and examples. Sample citations are included under each category below. Examples below are from the OWL web site, CAA and VCUQatar faculty. Use OWL Chicago ( or see the complete online edition at for additional examples. A print copy is also available in the library (REF Z 253.U69 2010)
In every case a complete citation is needed. Examples are not provided for every situation, please contact your library liaison if you have questions or need assistance.
· Books
Lash, Scott, and John Urry.Economies of Signs & Space. London: Sage Publications, 1994.
· Book chapters
Chilson, Peter. "The Border." InThe Best American Travel Writing 2008, edited by Anthony Bourdain, 44-51. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 2008.
· Articles (listed here are articles written by VCUQatar faculty. Articles about faculty should be listed in the “Critical Reviews of Work” section below. Be sure to list all coauthors using example above, or see Chicago Manual of Style)
MacDonald, Susan Peck. “The Erasure of Language.”College Composition and Communication58, no. 4 (2007): 585-625.
· Poems
Woodcock, Diana. “Though Heavy with Despair.” Southern Humanities Review 44, no. 3. (Summer 2010): 334. Ebscohost (accessed November 17, 2014.)
· Presentations: published proceedings, peer review, invited, televised, etc. List co-presenters using Chicago style.
Hanstedt, Paul. “This is Your Brain on Writing: The Implications of James Zull’sThe Art of Changing the Brain for the Writing Classroom.” Presentation at the Annual Convention of the Conference on College Composition and Communication, San Francisco, CA, March 11-14, 2009.
· Exhibitions: Gallery shows (solo or group), performances, films, photographs, curatorships, and/or commissions/clients. Note: This citation style is not exactly Chicago, and is borrowed somewhat from CAA Artist Resume Guidelines at The goal is to provide enough information for someone else to be able to easily find the work, or information about the work. The exact place and dates must be included.
Doe, John and Jane Doe. Group Exhibition, “Finding Our Way,” Katherine Nash Gallery, Regis Center forArt, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN. November 10- 25, 2013.
· Critical Reviews of Work: Included here are articles about faculty and faculty work, not articles by faculty, and are cited as such. Please note in parentheses at the end of the citation your name and a brief description, if not clear from the article title. For example:
“Caught on Camera.” The Foundation: The Monthly Magazine of the Qatar Foundation no 36, (December 2011): 24-26. (article about Diane Derr’s research in Qatar with University of Wales archaeologists.)
· Grants/Awards (Grants/Fellowships, Awards/Honors, Residencies, etc.)
Derr, Diane. VCUQatar, Distinguished Achievement in Research Award, 2013.
· If the published item is in print the citation must include a volume number and page number, if the published item is in an online publication the citation must contain a web site URL or a database name and access date.
· Titles of books and journals are italicized. Titles of articles, chapters, poems, etc. are placed in quotation marks.
· To use hanging indent, in WORD highlight text, then select Format, then Paragraph, then Special and Hanging or ask a librarian for assistance.
When listing Service activities, use the following format and example. Arrange service within categories such as: National/International; Local/Regional; HBKU/Education City, VCUQatar; Departmental.
[Lastname, firstname, role, committee name, institution, dates of service.]
Hansen, Carol. Member, Education City Library Director’s Council, Education City, Doha, Qatar. January to December, 2014.
Last updated November 25, 2014. Please send any suggestions for this document to any member of the library faculty.