Parent Letter/Course Syllabus – Language Arts Teacher: Mr. Ryan Queen
Dear LSMS Students and Parents
I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you back to the 2015-16 school year at Lake Stevens Middle School. I hope enjoyed your summer and looking forward to the new school year. The purpose of this letter is to give students and their parents a little background about the Language Arts class that the student will be taking this year.
Purpose-With Common Core State Standards as a foundation, Language Arts looks to develop, enhance and broaden the ability to communicate effectively and receive information from a variety of sources. While Language Arts focuses on the development of reading and writing skills, it also asks that students create a foundation of knowledge to draw on to put those skills into action. Students will be introduced to a variety of literary pieces and genre’s that will allow them to see new situations through the eyes of others. They will have the opportunity to learn not only the basics of writing (spelling, punctuation, grammar) but will become familiar with different styles. The styles of writing will include but are not limited to narrative writing, opinion and research papers, persuasive essays and letter writing. I try to emphasize to students that writing is thinking and when done well everyone understands the subject being written about including, and most importantly, the writer.
Text books/Resources include: Elements of Literature, Write Source 2000 and All Write, DAYBOOK: Of Critical Reading and Writing
Classroom Standards and expectations – It is my goal to create a positive and safe learning environment for all who enter the classroom. Therefore there are some basic standards and guidelines that must be established and respected. They are as follows:
1. Make good use of time! (i.e. get here on time)
2. Be prepared for class! (i.e. get here on time and be ready for the days activities)
3. Be kind and courteous! Follow the golden rule; treat others the way you would like to be treated.
5. Have self-discipline and others will not have to discipline you! You have the right to an education, you have a responsibility to your fellow students to respect their same right.
6. Be responsible!
7. Keep your teacher(s) happy (if you have done 1-6, you should not have anything more to worry about.
If students choose to disrupt the order or threaten the safety of our learning environment, appropriate consequences will be set forth. This may range from processing (low level) and detention to removal from the classroom and office referrals. Generally, students will receive one warning before any consequence is dealt out but keep in mind that the number of time you have been warned previously and the severity of the offense will affect the consequences received. Furthermore, it is school policy that students who are not performing academically (D’s and F’s) in any of their classes or have received more than two documented detentions/referrals (lunch, in school, afterschool or suspensions) do not get to participate in our end of semester/year reward opportunites.
Grading Policy-Summative tests and/or projects will account for 65% of your grade. Formative tasks check for that are designed to incorporate multiple skills and information that we are currently working on to get us to the larger task (summative assessment) will count for 25% of your grade and daily work and Accelerated Reading (AR) will make up the remaining 10% of the grade.
Class Participation, Assignments, Projects, Homework and Late Work Policy
Attendance/Participation is critical to student success. This cannot be emphasized enough. Learning is not just a singular endeavor. Students will be interacting with others to share knowledge, insight and opinions. This is not to say that student will never work individually or if they miss school occasionally that they will find it difficult to pass the class. It does mean that in order to get the most out of the classroom experience HERE is where they need to be.
Late work: I will accept late work!!!!!!!! I am, above all else, interested in students gaining knowledge and learning a skill. But I cannot wait forever for a student to turn something in!!!! I will accept work 3 days after the due date without penalty, after that students need to speak to me as to why they cannot get the assignment in. Students with excused absences will have an appropriate amount of timeto complete missed work and it is up to them to make sure they get the missed work with his or her return to class. There are times when this policy may change but students will be notified well in advance. Homework: Students will be asked to perform tasks outside of the school day from time to time. They will be expected to read at home on a daily basis as part of Accelerated Reading program that is designed to supplement the reading we do in class.
Other items of interest – grades will be posted online and parents as well as students can track progress through family access. Information regarding that will be coming soon, most likely on curriculum night, which will be held within the next couple of weeks. There is however, always the potential for technological breakdown and I can be reached by phone (425) 335-1544 or by e-mail . The best time to reach me is afterschool. You may also leave a message with the front desk and I will return your call during my planning time.
One Final Note!!!!!- As I stated earlier in the syllabus, it is my goal to create a safe and positive learning environment for the students who enter my classroom. Therefore, I reserve the right to make any changes that I deem necessary in order to make it operate more efficiently, productively and safely. Any major changes students will have ample notification about. Thank you and have a wonderful school year.
******** I have read with my child and we understand the information in this letter/syllabus.
Phone# ______e-mail ______