incubator Cleaning
Created by: / reference number:Natasha Thomas / 15
Cleaning should take place every 14 days to prevent the build up of fungal growth and other contaminating factors.
Cleaning Agents: Biocidal ZF Spray, Virkon, 70% IMS
When cleaning incubators they will either have to be switched off or put in stand-by mode, after cleaning REMEMBER to switch the incubator back to its normal running mode.
A. Preparation of Incubator prior to cleaning
1) Carefully remove flasks shelf by shelf and place in Class II cabinet trying to keep flasks in shelf order.
2) Remove shelves and shelf supports. Also remove tray of CuSO4 solution if present.
B. Cleaning the Incubator interior
1) Spray internal surfaces with Biocidal ZF and clean using blue roll taking special care to remove any visible fungal growths or media spills.
2) Clean the glass door/s and main incubator door taking special care to clean door seals etc.
3) Spray interior again and leave to dry.
C. Cleaning the shelves and supports
1) Place shelves and supports in a large sink filled with hot water containing Virkon.
2) Wash each item thoroughly paying particular attention to any crevices.
3) After washing, spray with 70% IMS and dry to remove all traces of Virkon.
Failure to remove Virkon residues can lead to corrosion of stainless steel surfaces.
D. Replacing shelves and flasks
1) Replace shelf supports and shelves in the same position they started; ensure that the shelves are completely level.
2) Give the incubator a final light spray with Biocidal ZF (so that the shelf surfaces are treated) and allow a few minutes to dry.
3) Return flasks to the same shelves they were on prior to cleaning.
E. Addition of H2O or CuSO4 solution
1) Check water levels, if low then top up with sterile distilled water.
2) If the incubator has a tray of CuSO4 solution; replenish or top up to a depth of at least 1cm.