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STUDY PERIOD 2005-2008 / FGIPTV-MR-00xx
Original: English
WG(s) / x / 1st FGIPTV meeting: Geneva,
10 – 14 July 2006
Source: / WG 1 leaders
Title: / WG 1 (Requirement and Architecture of IP TV) meeting report

Working Group 1 met in Geneva, Switzerland from 10 to 14 July 2006. Mr. Jun Kyun Choi (ICU, Korea), Mr. Julien Maisonneuve (Alcatel, France), Christian Bertin (France Telecom, France) jointly chaired the meeting. considered xxx contributions and xxx liaisons.

1 Goals of the meeting

The working group 1 (Requirement and Architecture of IP TV) met to progress the work on the following subjects.

·  Term of References

·  Requirements of IPTV

·  Architecture of IPTV

·  Service Scenario of IPTV

(Editor Note: The detail Term of Reference will be included at the Closing Plenary)

2 Summary of the results

·  (ToR) The term of reference of WG1 is produced at FGIPTV-OD-xxx.

·  (Requirement) The requirements for IPTV services are contained at FGIPTV-OD-xxx, which is first produced at this meeting. The living lists on requirements for IPTV are also produced at FGIPTV-OD-yyy, which contains some technical issues for further study and requests additional inputs at next meeting.

·  (Architecture)

·  (Scenario)

3 Detailed results

3.1 Term of References

Related contributions: FGIPTV-ID-0015, FGIPTV-ID-67

Doc. No. / Titles / Sources / WGs
FG IPTV-ID-15 / Proposal of Terms of Reference on architecture and requirements of IP TV / Korea (Republic of) / ToR
FG IPTV-ID-67 / Architecture Working Group proposed orientations / Alcatel / ToR

(to be included at the closing Plenary)

3.2 Requirements

Input contributions are as follows.

Doc. No. / Titles / Sources / WGs
FG IPTV-ID-8 / ATIS IIF Initial Deliverables / ATIS IPTV Interoperability Forum (IIF) / all
FG IPTV-ID-10 / Starting point for IPTV requirements work / Siemens AG / all
FG IPTV-ID-17 / Technical issues on IP TV standardization / Korea
(Republic of) / all
FG IPTV-ID-52 / Proposal studying NGN-based IPTV / CATR of MII, Huawei / Service scenario
FG IPTV-ID-56 / Suggestion to IPTV standardization / MII, China / Work method (stage process)
FG IPTV-ID-71 / Work on Requirements of IPTV Service / ETRI / Requirement (work method)
FG IPTV-ID-85 / A Framework Architecture and Work Items for IPTV standards / Cisco / Framework architecture
FG IPTV-ID-94 / IPTV Service Architecture / NTT, KDDI, Hitachi, Mitsubishi Electric, Sharp, Sony, Toshiba / Service scenario and
FG IPTV-ID-21 / Proposal to request of AVS video standard to be the must IPTV video format / China Netcom, PCCW / requirements
FG IPTV-ID-28 / Interactive control Requirements for IPTV Service / KT / requirements
FG IPTV-ID-31 / proposal of IMS-based IPTV architecture on NGN / Huawei, CATR / requirements
FG IPTV-ID-34 / requirement for P2P-based IPTV media delivery system / Huawei, Inc. / P2p requirements
FG IPTV-ID-35 / Study of bearer network for the IPTV / Huawei Technologies / Requirements and architecture
FG IPTV-ID-36 / Media Adaptation to Usage Environments for IPTV Services / ETRI / Requirement and service scenario (MPEG)
FG IPTV-ID-38 / IPTV: Mobile Scenario and Architecture / SAMSUNG Electronics. / Requirement (mobile)
FG IPTV-ID-39 / Multiple Service Provider Connectivity and Transparency of IPTV Service / Samsung Electronics / Requirement
FG IPTV-ID-41 / IPTV features required for accessibility for people with disabilities / Omnitor / Requirement (disability)
FG IPTV-ID-43 / IPTV Service Requirement / CATR, China / requirements
FG IPTV-ID-49 / Proposed requirements for IP access network in IPTV / MII, Alcatel Shanghai Bell / Requirements (access)
FG IPTV-ID-53 / Functional Requirements and Architecture of the IMS-based IPTV / CATR of MII,Huawei / Requirement and architecture
FG IPTV-ID-54 / Functional Requirements and Architecture of the non-IMS based IPTV / CATR of MII,Huawei / Requirement and architecture
FG IPTV-ID-58 / Architecture and Requirement of IPTV Network Management / ZTE Corporation / Requirement (management)
FG IPTV-ID-59 / Proposal about CDN architecture based IPTV media delivery system / ZTE Corporation / Requirement (service)
FG IPTV-ID-65 / A discussion issue on the IMS-based IPTV service / ETRI / requirements
FG IPTV-ID-70 / Desirable feature of IPTV system for DTTB re-transmission platform and an introduction of experimental IPTV system for ISDB-T / Nippon Hoso Kyokai (Japan Broadcasting Corporation) / Requirements
FG IPTV-ID-76 / Proposal on Feature Interactions in Overlay Networks for IPTV Services / ETRI / Requirements
(overlay multicast)
FG IPTV-ID-77 / Proposal on Feature Interactions in Overlay Networks for IPTV Services / ETRI / Requirements
(overlay multicast)

The requirements for IPTV services which are accepted or adopted at this meeting are contained at FGIPTV-OD-xxx. The living lists are also produced for further study at FGIPTV-OD-yyy. The detailed results of discussion are as follows.

l  FGIPTV-ID-21: It proposes requirements to accommodate the existing video coding formats including No. GB/T20090.2 (consider other types of video coding technologies) It is a kind of specification. The existing video coding technologies will be included. The meeting agreed that the specific coding format should not be included at the requirement.

l  FGIPTV-ID-28: It proposes the interactive control requirements (4 requirements). It contains new requirements (as a gap analysis between the existing standards). The meeting agreed that some requirements are taken in network and control aspects and interworking aspects. Other specific requirements are taken in the living list issues.

l  FGIPTV-ID-31: It proposes architectural and functional requirements for IMS-based IPTV service including service control functions, which is in relationship with the IMS-based NGN requirements, new requirements including navigation, content distribution, content locating, etc. It is generally agreed that we start to develop requirements based on IMS NGN platform and the most of proposed requirements are included in network and control aspects (WG4). But, some specific requirements should be aligned with architecture and scenario aspects of IPTV.

l  FGIPTV-ID-34: It proposes functional requirements for p2p IPTV. It contains new requirements (gap analysis between the existing IPTV standards). The meeting agreed that some requirements are taken at network and control aspects, interwoking aspect, and end system aspects.

l  FGIPTV-ID-35: It proposes requirements for bearer transport capability for IPTV. The detail requirements including QoS in the existing legacy IP network are proposed. The meeting agreed that the proposed requirements are taken into the living list for further study.

l  FGIPTV-ID-36: It proposes requirement of media provisioning entities and terminal, requirements for heterogeneous network environment. It contains new requirements (gap analysis). The meeting agreed that some requirements are taken into the application aspects and architectural aspects.

l  FGIPTV-ID-38: It proposes requirements of mobile terminals to support IPTV service, requirements of wireless access for IPTV including seamless handover. The existing mobile broadcast is not based on IP technologies (gap analysis). The meeting agreed that the proposed requirements are adapted.

l  FGIPTV-ID-39: It proposes requirements for multiple service provider connectivity, requirements for transparency such network transparency, middleware transparency, device transparency. It contains new requirements (gap analysis). The meeting agreed that the proposed requirements are taken.

l  FGIPTV-ID-41: It proposes requirement for Accessibility. It contains new requirements (gap analysis). The meeting agreed that a high level accessibility requirement and some detailed requirements are taken into normative requirement of IPTV. The additional detailed requirements were included in the living list of WG1.

l  FGIPTV-ID-43: It proposes requirements for user, network, service provider, and content provider, service requirements in details, functional requirement, security requirement, management requirement, interworking requirements, performance requirements. It contains new requirements (gap analysis). The meeting agreed that some parts of proposed requirements are taken at the requirement document and the remaining parts will be contained at the living lists.

l  FGIPTV-ID-49: It proposes requirements of IP access network for IPTV. It contains new requirements (gap analysis). The meeting agreed that some of the proposed requirements are accepted.

l  FGIPTV-ID-53: It proposes functional requirements for IMS-based IPTV. It contains new requirements (gap analysis). The meeting agreed to develop the requirements of IMS-based IPTV architecture.

l  FGIPTV-ID-54: It proposes functional requirement for non-IMS-based IPTV. The meeting agreed not to preclude the development of the requirements of non-IMS IPTV architecture.

l  FGIPTV-ID-58: It proposes requirement of network management and terminal management for IPTV. New requirement is for terminal management (gap analysis). The meeting agreed that the proposed requirements are accepted.

l  FGIPTV-ID-59: It proposes architectural requirements and control requirements with CDN architecture for IPTV. It contains new requirements (gap analysis). The meeting agreed that the requirements for distribution and delivery of contents within IPTV service are needed.

l  FGIPTV-ID-65: It proposes requirement for IMS-based IPTV including MBMS architecture of 3GPP (using UMTS). It contains new requirements (gap analysis). The meeting agreed that the high level requirements of IMS-based IPTV network by using MBMS are adapted as an optional solution.

l  FGIPTV-ID-70: It proposes requirements of re-transmission of digital terrestrial television (DTT) platform for IPTV. The meeting agreed that the proposed requirements are adopted.

l  FGIPTV-ID-76: It proposes requirement of service level multicast for IPTV, requirement for overlay multicast network in multiple service provider environments and carriers, requirement of service management for IPTV. Some parts are new requirements (gap analysis). The meeting agreed that the high level requirements for service level multicast may be needed.

l  FGIPTV-ID-77: It proposes requirement of overlay multicast network in fixed and mobile environment (like NGN as converged network environment), service level requirement including service interaction. It contains new requirements (gap analysis). The meeting agreed that the proposed requirements are taken into the living lists.

l  FGIPTV-ID-08 (ATIS IIF Initial Deliverables): This Liaison Statement provides good information to develop the requirements of IPTV. The document identified 224 architectural requirements. The meeting agreed to send back to Liaison statement. If ATIS IIF could submit the contributions containing the relevant information from the IIF Architecture Requirements document, so that this work group can review, and include where agreed, this information.

l  FGIPTV-ID-10 (Starting point for IPTV requirements work): This contribution proposes to start the requirements for IPTV from the ATIS activities. The meeting also agreed to send back to Liaison statement to ATIS.

l  FGIPTV-ID-17 (Technical issues on IP TV standardization): The contribution proposes the existing network environment. If the requirements for IPTV will be produced, it should be aware of the existing networks and service environments of IP/NGN network, mobile cellular network and cable network. The raised issues are taken into the living lists.

l  FGIPTV-ID-52 (Proposal studying NGN-based IPTV): This contribution proposes to study IMS-based IPTV and non-IMS based IPTV solutions. The meeting had already agreed to develop the requirements for IMS-based IPTV. But, not to preclude a non-IMS based solution.

l  FGIPTV-ID-56 (Suggestion to IPTV standardization): This contribution proposes the release approach to develop the relevant document for IPTV. The service and scenario Working Group may handle this issue first. This contribution does not contain any requirement issue.

l  FGIPTV-ID-71 (Work on Requirements of IPTV Service): This contribution proposes work priority and work method for IPTV. It proposes to start the requirement document first. And develop the gap analysis including step-by-step approach. The meeting agreed that the requirements document is already adopted as the initial starting activities. The step wise approach is very useful to develop the stable document. It is requested to submit what release or phase approaches are needed at the next meeting.

l  FGIPTV-ID-85 (A Framework Architecture and Work Items for IPTV standards): This contribution proposes the general framework architecture consistent with NGN and also some outstanding requirements. The meeting agreed that the proposed requirements are taken into the living lists for further consideration, specifically, Ad insertion, IPTV endpoint management, Customized channel lineup, Viewership data management.

l  FGIPTV-ID-94 (IPTV Service Architecture): This contribution proposes the NGN service architecture including terminology, domain concept, and some technical details. The meeting agreed that some requirements are taken into the requirement document and also the living lists.

The requirements for IPTV service can be classified into the high level requirements and specific requirements including some technical details. At this meeting, it is mainly focused at the high level requirements for IPTV.

If the requirements for IPTV will be developed, all the requirements must be aligned with architectural documents and scenario documents. The requirements which will be developed at WG1 meeting can give a guideline to develop the relevant documents at each working group.

Also, it requests to clarify the objectives of IPTV focus group within a time frame of one year.

3.3 Architecture

Related contributions: FGIPTV-ID-00xx, xxxxx


3.4 Scenario

Related contributions: FGIPTV-ID-00xx, xxxxx


4 Joint meeting with WGx


5 Outgoing liaisons

From / Destination / Title / Document #
WG1 / ATIS IIF / Title / FGIPTV-OD-00xx

6 Output documents

Document number / Title /
FGIPTV-OD-00xxx / Title
FGIPTV-OD-00xxx / Title

7 Plan for next meeting activities

·  (Requirement) The outstanding issues on the requirements for IPTV services are contained at the living list. Specially, user requirements, network/service provider requirements, and content provider requirements will be discussed. The alignments with architecture and service scenario for IPTV service are needed at the next meeting. To produce relevant architecture and service scenarios for IPTV service, it requests to submit the specific requirements at the next meeting.

·  Item 2

·  Item 3

8 Acknowledgements

WG 1 leaders would like to thank all participants for their hard work and dedication during the course of this meeting. Thank you to the editors and the meeting host (s), etc….


Annex 1

Liaison Statement

Source : IPTV Focus Group Chairman

To: ATIS IIF Chair

The WG1 (Architecture and Requirement of IPTV) wishes to thank ATIS for offering their documents to our meeting. They were viewed very favourably. We see the value of your work and note that the value will be increased greatly when used in a global context.

[OPTIONAL: As you requested, the WG1 does have a few comments to offer; they are attached to this Liaison Statement.] To allow people to comment after they have had more time to study your documents, we have asked Mr. Rick Townsend to serve as a contact point for any comments people may want to make regarding your document.