Journal and Book Publications

  1. C.Lekakou, I.Kontodimopoulos, A.K.Murugesh, D.A.Jesson, J.Watts and P.A.Smith “Processability studies of silica-thermoset polymer matrix nanocomposites”, Polymer Engineering and Science, proofs received and corrected, in press.
  2. Lekakou, A. Hearn, A.K. Murugesh and B. Le Page, “Liquid composite moulding of fibre nanocomposites”, Materials Science and Technology (MST), 23(4), 2007, pp.487-491.
  3. C.R.Rios, S.L.Ogin, C.Lekakou and K.H.Leong “A study of damage development in a weft knitted fabric reinforced composite: Part 1 – Experiments using model sandwich laminates”, Composites A Applied Sci. & Manufacturing, In Press, Corrected Proof,Available online 19 April 2006.
  4. C.R.Rios, S.L.Ogin, C.Lekakou and K.H.Leong “A study of damage development in a weft knitted fabric reinforced composite: Part 2 –Stress–strain and early cyclic behaviour of composite laminates with realistic fabric layups”, Composites A Applied Sci. & Manufacturing, In Press, Corrected Proof,Available online 18 April 2006.
  5. C.Lekakou, S.Edwards, G.Bell, S.C.Amico, “Computer Modelling For The Prediction Of The In-Plane Permeability Of Non-Crimp Stitch Bonded Fabrics”, Composites A Applied Sci. & Manufacturing, 37(6), 2006, Special Issue on FPCP-7, pp.820-825.
  6. C. Lekakou, S.Cook, Y.Deng, T.W.Ang, G.T.Reed, “Optical fibre sensor for monitoring flow and resin curing in composites manufacturing”, Composites A Applied Sci. & Manufacturing, 37(6), 2006, Special Issue on FPCP 7, pp.934-938.
  7. E.Heardman, C.Lekakou and M.G.Bader, “Flow monitoring and permeability measurement under constant and transient flow conditions”, Composites Science and Technology, 64(9), 2004, pp.1239-1249.
  8. S.Amico and C.Lekakou “Flow through a two-scale porosity, oriented fibre porous medium”, Transport in Porous Media, 54(1), 2004, pp.35-53.
  9. C.Lekakou, S.Cook, T.W.Ang and G.T.Reed “Optical fibre flow sensor for composites manufacturing”, Advanced Composites Letters, 12(5), 2003, pp.191-195.
  10. S.C.Amico and C.Lekakou “Axial impregnation of a fibre bundle. Part 1. Capillary experiments”, Polymer Composites, 23(2), 2002, pp.249-263.
  11. S.C.Amico and C.Lekakou “Axial impregnation of a fibre bundle. Part 2. Theoretical analysis” Polymer Composites, 23(2), 2002, pp.264-273.
  12. L.Dong, C.Lekakou and M.G.Bader "Processing of composites: simulations of the draping of fabrics with updated material behaviour law", Journal of Composite Materials, 35(2), 2001, pp.138-163.
  13. S.Amico and C.Lekakou “Anexperimental study of the permeability and capillary pressure in resin-transfer moulding”, Compos. Sci. Technol., 61 (13), 2001, pp. 1945-1959.
  14. E.Heardman, C.Lekakouand M.G.Bader “In-plane permeability of sheared fabrics”, Composites A, 32 (7), 2001, pp.933-940.
  15. S.Amico and C.Lekakou “Mathematical modelling of capillary micro-flow through woven fabrics”, Composites A, 31(12) special issue, 2000, pp.1331-1344.
  16. U.Mohammed, C.Lekakou and M.G.Bader “Experimental studies and analysis of the draping of woven fabrics”, Composites A, 31(12) special issue, 2000, pp.1409-1420.
  17. L.Dong, C.Lekakou and M.G.Bader “Solid-mechanics finite element simulations of the draping of fabrics: a sensitivity analysis”, Composites A, 31(7), 2000, pp.639-652.
  18. U.Mohammed, C.Lekakou, L.Dong and M.G.Bader “Shear deformation and micromechanics of woven fabrics”, Composites A, 31(4), 2000, pp.299-308.
  19. R.A.Saunders, C.Lekakou and M.G.Bader 'Compression in the processing of polymer composites 1. A mechanical and microstructural study for different glass fabrics and resins', Composites Science and Technology, 59, 1999, pp.983-993.
  20. R.A.Saunders, C.Lekakou and M.G.Bader 'Compression in the processing of polymer composites 2. Modelling of the viscoelastic compression of resin-impregnated fibre networks', Composites Science and Technology, 59, 1999, pp.1483-1494.
  21. C.Lekakou and M.G.Bader 'Mathematical modelling of macro- and micro-infiltration in Resin Transfer Moulding (RTM)', Composites A, 29A, special issue, 1998, pp.29-37.
  22. R.A.Saunders, C.Lekakou and M.G.Bader 'Compression and microstructure of fibre plain woven cloths in the processing of polymer composites', Composites A, 29A, 1998, pp.443-454.
  23. C.Lekakou and M.G.Bader 'Experimental study and modelling of infiltration, mould filling and fibre reinforcement distortion in resin transfer moulding', Materials Processing News, August 1998.
  24. M.G.Bader and C.Lekakou, Chapter 'Processing for laminated structures' pp. 371-479 in 'Composites Engineering Handbook', Ed. P.K.Mallick, Marcel Dekker, New York, 1997.
  25. C.Lekakou, J.Cowley and C.E.Dickinson 'Injection moulding of self-reinforcing polymers and polymer blends', J. of Materials Science, 31, 1997, pp.1319-1324.
  26. C.Lekakou 'Mathematical modelling and computer simulations of the flow, nematic phase orientation and heat transfer in liquid crystalline polymers', Polymer Engineering and Science, 37(3), 1997, pp.529-540.
  27. C.Lekakou, M.A.K.B.Johari and M.G.Bader 'Compressibility and flow permeability of two-dimensional woven reinforcements in the processing of composites', Polymer Composites, 17(5), October 1996, pp.666-672.
  28. J.Brandao, E.Spieth and C.Lekakou 'Extrusion of polypropylene. Part I: Melt rheology', Polymer Engineering and Science, 36(1), January 1996, pp.49-55.
  29. C.Lekakou and J.Brandao 'Extrusion of polypropylene. Part II: Process analysis of the metering zone', Polymer Engineering and Science, 36(1), January 1996, pp.56-64.
  30. C.Lekakou and C.E.Dickinson 'Self-reinforcing polymer blends containing a liquid crystalline polymer: processing, microstructure and properties', High Performance Polymers, 8, March 1996, pp.1-9.
  31. C.Lekakou, M.A.K.Johari, D.Norman and M.G.Bader 'Measurement techniques and effects on in-plane permeability of woven cloths in resin transfer moulding', Composites, Part A, 27A, 1996, pp.401-408.
  32. A.S.Deazle, B.J.Howlin, C.Lekakou, G.J.Buist, J.R.Jones and J.M.Barton ‘Modelling of the structure and physical properties of polymers’, J. of Chemical Crystallography, 24(1), 1994, pp.17-20.
  33. C.Lekakou and P.Tsakiropoulos ‘Modelling of dispersed two-phase flows in materials processing’, Inst. of Mathematics and its Applications (IMA) Conf. Series, New Series No 12, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1993, pp.455-468.
  34. C.Lekakou, M.G.Bader and J.D.Tonkin ‘Modelling of fibre network deformation during processing of continuous fibre reinforced composites’, Computer Aided Innovation of New Materials, 2, North Holland, London, 1993, pp.1511-1514.
  35. A.D.Gosman, C.Lekakou, R.I.Issa, M.K.Looney and S.Politis ‘Multidimensional modelling of turbulent two-phase flows in stirred vessels’, AIChE J., 38(12), 1992, pp.1946-1956.
  36. C.Lekakou ‘A theoretical analysis of the injection moulding of thermotropic liquid crystalline polymers’, Eng. Plastics, 4(4), 1992, pp.267-278.
  37. C.N.Lekakou and S.M.Richardson ‘Simulation of reaction injection moulding in mould cavities of complex geometries’, Plastics and Rubber Processing andApplications, 13(2), 1990, pp.129-137.
  38. C.N.Lekakou and S.M.Richardson ‘Computer simulation of the filling and curing stages in RIM: sensitivity analysis on reaction kinetics’, Plastics and Rubber Processing andApplications, 10(1), 1988, pp.17-25.
  39. E.M.Kampouris, C.D.Papaspyrides and C.N.Lekakou ‘A model process for the solvent recycling of polystyrene’, Pol.Eng.Sci., 28(8), 1988, pp.534-537.
  40. E.M.Kampouris, C.D.Papaspyrides and C.N.Lekakou ‘Polystyrene recycling using a dissolution/precipitation technique’, Conservation & Recyling, 10, 1987, pp.315-319.
  41. C.N.Lekakou and S.M.Richardson ‘Simulation of reacting flow during filling in reaction injection moulding (RIM)’, Pol.Eng.Sci., 26(18), 1986, pp.1264-1275.

Conference Proceedings

1.C.Lekakou “Advanced carbon composites”, Proceedings CARBONO 2007, Invited Speaker (Plenary session), Brazil November 2007

2.K.Kanas, C.Lekakou and N.Vrellos “FEA and experimental studies of adaptive composite materials with SMA wires”, Proc. The 2007 International Conference of Mechanics Engineering), WCE 2007, London, July 2007, Paper WCE_ICME_71

3.R.Duncan, V.Stolojan and C.Lekakou “Manufacture of carbon-multi-walled nanotubes by the arc discharge technique”, Proc. The 2007 International Conference of Mechanics Engineering), WCE 2007, London, July 2007, Paper WCE_ICME_31.

4.U. Vidyarthi, P. Zhdan, C. Gravanis and C. Lekakou “Gelatine-hydroxyapatite nanocomposites for orthopaedic applications”, Proc. The 2007 International Conference of Mechanics Engineering), WCE 2007, London, July 2007, Paper WCE_ICME_32

5.C.Lekakou “Biomimetic materials for tissue engineered vascular and orthopaedic grafts”, Proc. British Soc. Rheology, Manchester, 11-12 Dec 2006

6.V.A.Liaskos, L.Coutts, D.Malik and C.Lekakou “Surface microstructure and particle deposition in vascular grafts” Proc. Int. Conf. Polymers in Medicine and Surgery PIMS04, CambridgeUK, September 2004

7.M.J. Langham and C. Lekakou, “Experimental study of Resin Infusion under Flexible Tool (RIFT)”, ECCM11, Rhodes, May, 2004.

8.P.Panopoulos, C. Lekakou and N.Toy, “A nano-micro-composite sensor for the measurement of flow shear stress”, Proc ECCM11, Rhodes, May, 2004.

9.C. Lekakou, S.Cook, Y.Deng, T.W.Ang, G.T.Reed, “Optical fibre sensor for monitoring flow and resin curing in composites manufacturing”, Proc. FPCM7, Delaware, July 2004.

10.C.Lekakou, S.Edwards, G.Bell, S.C.Amico, “Computer Modelling For The Prediction Of The In-Plane Permeability Of Non-Crimp Stitch Bonded Fabrics”, INVITED/PLENARY PAPER, Proc. FPCM7, Delaware, July 2004.

11.C.Lekakou, E.C.Heardman, M.Easton and M.G.Bader “Integrated in-plane infiltration simulations in the design of liquid composite processing”, Proc. FPCM7, Delaware, July 2004.

12.VA Liaskos, C Lekakou and M Hughes, “3-D topology and microstructure of vascular grafts and potential effects on vascular thrombosis”, Int. Conf. Microsc. Biomedical Materials and Thin Films, London, 2002.

13.CR Rios, C.Lekakou, SL Ogin and KH Leong “Matrix cracking damage development in a knitted fabric reinforced composite”, Proc. ECCM10, Brugge, June 2002.

14.CR Rios, C Lekakou, SL Ogin and KH Leong “Damage development in a knitted fabric composite” Proc. FRC conf. 2002

15.CR Rios, C Lekakou, S Ogin and KH Leong “ESTUDIO DE LA ACUMULACION DEL DAÑO EN UN MATERIAL COMPUESTO REFORZADO CON TEXTIL DE FIBRA DE VIDRIO”, SLAP 2002 (Symposium Latinoamericano de Polymeros), Acapulco, Mexico, 2002.

16.L.Dong, C.Lekakou, E.Heardman, M.G.Bader, Q.Fontana, P.Marshall and R.Banim“Integrated process design and quality control in the processing of polymer composites”, Proc. ICCM13, Beijing 2001

17.C.Lekakou, L.Dong, E.Heardman and M.G.Bader “Computer simulation of forming and infiltration of woven fabrics”, Proceedings ECCM-9, Brighton, June 2000, UK.

18.L.Dong, C.Lekakou and M.G.Bader "Solid mechanics draping simulations of woven fabrics", Proceedings ICCM-12, Paris, July 1999.

19.C.R.Rios, S.L.Ogin, C.Lekakou and K.H.Leong "The relationship between fibre architecture and cracking damage in a knitted fabric reinforced composite", Proceedings ICCM-12, Paris, July 1999.

20.S.C.Amico and C.Lekakou "Predictions and measurement of the permeability and capillary pressure in capillary flows through woven fabrics", Proceedings 5th Intern. Conf. On Flow Processes in Composite Materials, Plymouth, July 1999.

21.E.Heardman, C.Lekakou and M.G.Bader "Measurement of the principal components of the in-plane permeability of woven fabrics", Proceedings 5th Intern. Conf. On Flow Processes in Composite Materials, Plymouth, July 1999.

22.U.Mohammed, C.Lekakou and M.G.Bader "Experimental studies and computer simulations of the draping of woven fabrics", Proceedings 5th Intern. Conf. On Flow Processes in Composite Materials, Plymouth, July 1999.

23.E.Heardman, C.Lekakou and M.G.Bader "In-plane permeability of sheared fabrics", to be included in proceedings of ICAC-99, Bristol, September 1999.

24.C.Lekakou and M.G.Bader 'Considerations in infiltration studies and measurement of permeability in the processing of polymer composites', Proceedings ECCM-8, Naples, June 1998, pp.675-682.

25.S.Amico and C.Lekakou 'Impregnation of fibres and fabrics due to capillary pressure in resin transfer moulding', Proceedings ECCM-8, Naples, June 1998, pp.487-494.

26.R.A.Saunders, C.Lekakou and M.G.Bader 'Microstructural studies of the compression of woven fabrics in the processing of polymer composites', Proceedings ECCM-8, Naples, June 1998, pp.455-462.

27.U.Mohammed, C.Lekakou and M.G.Bader 'Mathematical and experimental studies of the draping of woven fabrics in resin transfer moulding (RTM)', Proceed. ECCM-8, Naples, June 1998, pp.683-690.

28.C.Lekakou and M.G.Bader 'Mathematical modelling of resin infiltration in Resin Transfer moulding (RTM)', Proceedings Fourth International Conference on Flow Processes in Composite Materials, FPCM'96, 10pp, Aberystwyth, September 1996.

29.C.Lekakou, U.Mohammed and M.G.Bader 'Mathematical modelling of the draping of fibre cloths in composite processes and numerical prediction of local porosity and fibre orientation', Proceedings Fourth International Conference on Flow Processes in Composite Materials, FPCM'96, 10pp, Aberystwyth, September 1996.

30.C.Lekakou, D.Norman and M.G.Bader 'Macro- and micro- resin impregnation in Resin Transfer Moulding', Proceedings Seventh European Conference on Composite Materials, ECCM-7, Vol.1, Woodhead Publ.Ltd., 1996, pp.285-290. (Conference, London, May 1996).

31.R.A.Saunders, C.Lekakou and M.G.Bader 'Experimental analysis of the compression of fibre woven cloths in the processing of polymer composites', Proceedings Seventh European Conference on Composite Materials, ECCM-7, Vol.1, Woodhead Publ.Ltd., 1996, pp.341-346. (Conference, London, May 1996).

32.C.Lekakou, U.Mohammed and M.G.Bader 'Finite element analysis of the draping of fibre cloths in the processing of composites', Symposium of Finite Element Modelling of Materials and Materials Processing in MAFELAP 1996 (Ninth Conference on the Mathematics of Finite Elements and Applications), Brunel University, London, June 1996.

33.C.Lekakou, M.A.K.Johari and M.G.Bader ‘Measurements of flow permeability of woven cloths in resin transfer moulding’, Proc. POLYMAT ’94, Inst. of Materials, London, 1994.

34.C.Lekakou and C.E.Dickinson ‘Self-reinforcing polymer blends: processing, phases and properties’, Proc. POLYMAT’94, Inst. of Materials, London, 1994.

35.J.Brandao and C.Lekakou ‘Modelling of die swell of polypropylene’, 2nd Brazilian Congress on Polymers, October 1993.

36.G.Antipas, C.Lekakou and P.Tsakiropoulos ‘The break up of melt streams by high pressure gases in spray forming’, Proc, ICSF2, Swansea, September 1993.

37.C.Lekakou ‘Modelling of the injection moulding of thermotropic liquid crystalline polymers’, Conf. on Advances in Self-reinforcing Polymers, Kingston 1991.

38.C.Lekakou ‘Modelling of the interactions between processing and mechanical properties of plastics’, Proc. 8th Int. Conf. Deformation, Yield and Fracture of Polymers, Cambridge, 1991.

39.H.You, C.Lekakou and M.G.Bader ‘Modelling of melt solidification in the processing of composite materials’, EUROMAT 91, Cambridge, July 1991.

40.A.D.Gosman, C.Lekakou, M.K.Looney and S.Politis ‘Multidimensional modelling of turbulent two-phase flows in stirred vessels’, AIChE Annual Meeting, San Francisco, November 1989.

41.C.N.Lekakou and S.M.Richardson ‘Simulation of reaction injection moulding in mould cavities of complex geometries’, Proc. 5th Int. Conf. on Reactive Processing of Polymers, Bradford, 1988.

42.C.N.Lekakou, G.C.Maitland and S.M.Richardson ‘A mathematical model for reaction injection moulding (RIM)’, Proc. 3rd Int. Conf. in Reactive Processing of Polymers, Strasburg, 1984.