Availability can be checked via email or phone. Please note your booking is not confirmed until acknowledgment of reciept of this form. Reservations will be held for 5 working days.
Organisation NameContact Person
Invoicing Address (if different from above)
Daytime Telephone Number
Mobile Number
Email Address
TotalNumbers Attending (max 100)
Number of Males
Number of Females
Please note recommended ratios / Age 4-8 years
Age 9-12 years
Age 13-18 years / 1 adult to 6 children
1 adult to 8 children
1 adult to 10 children
Onsite Supervisors Contact Details (please provide a maximum of four contacts)
Name / Name
Mobile Number / Mobile Number
Name / Name
Mobile Number / Mobile Number
Date of Arrival
Time of Arrival (between 12-5pm)
Date of Departure
Time of Departure (by 11:30am)
Will you be cooking onsite? / Yes / No
If yes please state fuel type e.g. gas, solid fuel, liquid fuel, open fire e.t.c.
Prior to arrival:
· Hirers must telephone the Duty Ranger on 07880 784 947 to arrange admittance to the site. Rangers shall need at least two hours notice to ensure the camp is set up.
· If the Ranger is unable to meet you on site at the time of your arrival, they shall unlock the three bollards at the Halfpenny Lane entrance to the site beforehand. (Please note, the bollards shall still be in situ but the padlocks will be removed to allow admittance). The bollards can be lifted out and laid to one side whilst vehicles enter.
· You will have received the combination code to access the barn in your confirmation email.
· The toilets shall be set up and ready to use before you arrive on site.
· Once your group’s vehicles have arrived, please replace the bollards at site entrance. The bollards must remain in place for the duration of your stay to ensure a peaceful camping session.
· Arrival should be between midday and 5pm
Site induction:
A Ranger will meet you on site as close to your time of arrival as possible to take the group leader through the induction. Topics covered shall be:
· Emptying of the chemical toilets.
· Rubbish.
· Emergency procedures.
· Site security.
· Use of the fire pits and wood supplied.
· Location of the fire extinguisher.
· Issuing a key for the bollards and how to return it.
On departure:
· On departure please empty the chemical toilets into the septic tank. Place the clean chemical toilets in the barn.
· Please ensure all rubbish is placed in to the bin bags provided and stored in the wheelie bins within the barn.
· If the Duty Ranger is not available to collect the keys in person please lock the barn door and the three bollards at the entrance to the site, then post the key through the barn door letter box.
· Groups should depart the site by 11:30am.
Further information:
For youth groups, you are required at all times during hire to make sure that there is an adult leader in charge of your group. In the case of mixed sexes, there should be at least one adult leader of each sex.
Use of the designated fire sites is with prior arrangement as firewood can only be provided when available which is dependant on current woodland operations. Only the designated fire pits may be used.
It is highly recommended that campers carry a mobile phone in case of emergencies. Please give this mobile phone number to the Duty Ranger if they do not already have it.
In an emergency please contact the relevant services (999) in the first instance – grid ref. TQ018484. Then contact the Duty Ranger on 07780 784 947.
If the terms and conditions are not adhered to your booking may be cancelled prior to the event or when you are present on site. Any damage to property may be recharged to the hirer.
I have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions.
Signed / Date