Symphony SCR Project Steering Committee
Post Graduate Centre Room 1 NMGH, 24th March 2010 11:30am – 1:30 pm
Apologies: Dr Jim Butler, Paul Noris, Dr Kassim Ali, Mark Knight, Barbara Clifford, Ann Hayward
Attendees:Steve Roberts, Sara Horwood, Cath Lomax, Stephen Derbyshire, Wynn Jackson, Leigh Chatterton, Trish Noon, Lynn Hudson, Ann Rhodes, David Sellers, Keiron Snow, Julie Winterbottom, Jackie Milner, Don Mackechnie, Sarah Kierans, Kathy Beardsley, Wendy Sibley, Don MacKechnie
Meeting Minutes
1). Review of Last meeting discussion 17th March 2010
- Don MacKechnie walked through the meeting minutes with attendees and there is no further feedback.
- CFH has invited Don MacKechnie and several other clinicians (Dr Jim Butler for example) to have hands on session with Ascribe Symphony SCR.
2). Progress to Date
Post Go Live Issues for Symphony Upgrade 2.28
- Wendy Sibley has already made a request to Ascribe to update the post live issues log accordingly to reflect the recent actions taken to fix the issue with duplicate allergies as well as the sign off document for upgrade Symphony 2.28 to reflect the correct version of the post live issues log that will be signed off against.
Upgrade Symphony 2.29 and Symphony SCR
- Regression Testing for Symphony 2.29 Desktop Application, Printed Outputs and Reports and CDS officially started on 22nd March 2010.
- Regression Testing for Symphony 2.29 – Symphony Interface Testing with PAS is expected to commence on the 31st March 2010 subject to availability of resources. The new testing lead is expecting to join the Trust latest the first week of April.
- Desktop application for version 2.29 has already been rolled out to designated testing and training areas.
- Smart cards issued by CFH for connection to Sandpit are expected to be delivered and tested by week commencing 5th April 2010.
- SCR functionality is expected to be activated in test environment by the 30th March 2010.
Symphony PMI (Patient Master Index) Traced against PAS PMI
- Finalising the Functional Requirements of this activity, which will take place prior to going live for Symphony SCR is still in progress with relevant parties.
Connection to Sandpit and Spine
- All necessary paperwork is already submitted to relevant parties for Sandpit connection. Expected Sandpit connection will be made available to the Trust by 5th April.
- Registration to be connected to the Spine is already in progress.
Smart Cards Reader – Software and Hardware
- IT Technical Support is currently handling all the installs across all 4 sites, designated training areas and testing areas. Expected completion date is 31st March 2010.
Smart Cards – RBAC and Allocation
- There is currently an issue with allocating smart cards to locum doctors.Meetingswere originally scheduled on the 31st March and 1st April with relevant parties to discuss this but were cancelled. Trish Noon is currently looking into arranging some workshops to address this issue.
- One of the outcomes of the future state workflow processes workshops is that there is now a business case to allocate certain band 5 staff nurses with smart cards because there are many instances across sites where only band 5 nurses are on duty. Wendy Sibley will liaise with the various stakeholders to provide a list of band 5 nurses that they think would require a smart card.
SCR Policies and Procedures
- Work is still in progress to re-engineer the current service within IM&T Central Systems to adopt the necessary change that is required to support the deployment of Symphony SCR to the Trust.
Business Workflow Processes Change and Impact on System workflows
- Another future state workflow processes workshop was held during this meeting. The decisions made and all outstanding issues as well as highlighted risks are documented by Leigh Chatterton in “Business Change Operational Processes Definition v0.4.doc”. This document is now available to the steering group committee and the key stakeholders for review.
- Risks Log will be updated by Wendy Sibley to include the risks identified as a result of these future state workflow processes workshop.
Symphony SCR Training
- The elearning web based package has been delivered to the Trust for review on the 24 March 2010 Wednesday. Wendy Sibley will review this version of release with the relevant parties prior to publishing it to the end users via the Trust Intranet.
3). SymphonySCRFutureState Workflow Processes and System Demo
- An updated document “Business Change Operational Processes Definition v0.4.doc” distributed by author Leigh Chattertonhas been released to the steering group for further review on 26 March 2010.
- Re-Configuration of the Symphony SCR system would have to made – A&E Card, Tracking Grid, Preview of the Discharge Summary Report at all stages and probably not discharging ED report to SCR initially.
- One of the major issues that have been raised - Band 5 Nurses on the Assessment Units may require smartcards as there is not always a band 6 nurse on the unit and quite often only a Locum Doctor. 56 Band 5 nurses have already been identified and Barbara Clifford is in the progress of getting them registered. However, the steering group would still need to decide what RBAC activities should be allocated to them.
- Another major issue is how to manage Locum Doctors gaining access to the SCR. Trish Noon is in the progress of setting up some workshops to invite relevant parties to attend to discuss this further.
4). Any Other Business
Symphony SCR 2.29 Go Live
- Wendy Sibley has proposed the go live date for Symphony SCR to be moved to 11th May 2010 Tuesday instead of the original planned date 14th April 2010 Wednesday.
- Wendy Sibley also re-iterated that the full SCR functionalities for Phase A&B be activated for Fairfield only and the rest of the site will follow suite once the GP summaries uptake hits the 60% mark.
- Ascribe has provided confirmation that even though the remaining sites are not getting the full SCR related functionalities for Phase A&B, there will still be automatic PDS tracing and end users will have to be made aware via awareness training sessions.
- List of main reasons for delaying go live was presented to the steering group and they are as follows:-
- Recent lost of a key member of staff who is leading the project’s team.
- There is time lapsed of about 3 weeks to get someone new on board.
- Lack of availability of alternative resources internally to fill the above mentioned 3 weeks gap.
- Based on the upgrade 2.28 project lessons learnt session, it was identified that the Trust do require a minimum of 30 mandays for regression testing only.
- Because of the lack of availability for resources such as training rooms in Fairfield and the requirement of the trainers to have sufficient time to validate training materials, the earliest date that Ann Hayward could schedule her training for Fairfield is 28th April 2010. Validation of training materials does require full access to a working Symphony SCR test environment that is connected to the Sandpit – according to the plan; this should be available after 5th April 2010 Monday.
- The eLearning package was delivered to the Trust on the 24th March 2010 and this needs to be reviewed and approved by relevant parties prior to publishing it to end users. Re-work may be necessary. The target publish date is 2nd week of April 2010.
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Symphony SCR Project Steering Committee
Summary of Actions
Action # / Description / Comments / Owner(s) / Due By1 / Investigate what further information can be included in PIP letters regarding A&E usage of SCR / 17th March 2010
The Trust would like to view samples of the PIP letters in order to establish exactly what content goes into these letters that have been distributed to public.
David Sellers and Steve Roberts will distribute sample copies of letters to the Steering Committee during the next meet 24th March 2010. / David Sellers/Steve Roberts / 22/04/2010
2 / Engage with Manchester PCT project manager to provide information on the project and deployment at North Manchester and to understand plans for PIP and GP Upload / 17th March 2010
Wendy Sibley attended a meeting hosted by David Sellers on the 10th March to understand about PCT PIP plans, upload plans and issues relating to patient consent. Unfortunately, the only PCT that was keen to engage with the Trust is Bury. However, there will be future regular meets of this type in the pipeline.
Mike Frederick will provide the numbers for the volume of GP summaries upload during the next meet 24th March 2010. / Wendy Sibley/Paul Noris / 22/04/2010
3 / Provide draft of communications leaflet for Trust staff to the Steering Committee / 17th March 2010
Mike Frederick distributed the Symphony SCR leaflets to the steering group and mentioned that they are also looking into doing some posters.
24th March 2010
Wendy Sibley will be providing feedbacks from Trust to Paul Norris. / Paul Norris / 22/04/2010
4 / Meet with PCTs to encourage greater traction to upload records / 17th March 2010
David Sellers confirmed that there are plans to encourage greater traction to upload records and will revisit the outcome of this activity with the Steering group after 24th April 2010. / Paul Norris, David Sellers / 22/04/2010
5 / Allocating smart cards to locums / Trish Noon / 22/04/2010
6 / Identify RBAC activities for Band 5 Staff Nurses / Wendy Sibley / 22/04/2010
7 / Presenting SCR draft policy and procedures / Trish Noon/Kathy Beardsley/Wendy Sibley
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