Annual report to school Governors about Children in Care
by the Designated Teacher for Children in Care
The material below is offered for guidance by the Virtual School for Children in Care in line with section 2.10 of The Role and Responsibilities of the designated teacher for Looked After Children: Statutory guidance for school governing bodies
Name of School: / Date of report: Academic Year:Name of Designated Teacher: / Name of Chair of Governors and/or Governor responsible for Children in care:
Areas for Development for the last Academic Year / Outcomes
Looking ahead
Recommendations for action next academic year to improve outcomes for Children in Care. You may wish to add your own actions that would support the LA’s priorities for Children in Care outlined below.
(1) Raise aspirations, accelerate progress, improve attainment and ensure access to accredited learning;
(2) Improve attendance and reduce exclusions;
(3) Strengthen leadership and governance for Children in Care (eg. PEP quality, Pupil Premium impact);
(4) Ensure Children in Care are able to access a wide range of extra-curricular activities.
Criteria / Comment / Where can this be evidenced?
Pupil Profile (numbers, exclusions, SEND)
- What number of children in care are on roll and what workload issues arise from this for the designated teacher or other staff?
- If levels of progress by children in care are itemised on appendix A, B or C, what additional remarks should be made about progress of individuals?
- How do patterns of attendance/exclusion differ for children in care compared with other students in the school?
- Have any children in care been identified as gifted or talented and how are those needs being met?
- Are any children in careidentified as having Special Educational Needs (SEN) and are these needs being met by EHCPs/statements or SEN support? If they had to move suddenly, do these documents give detailed information for transition enabling continued access to the provision they need?
PEP and Pupil Premium
- Number of up to date Personal Education Plans (PEPs) in Place? If a plan isn’t in place, please give the reasons why?
- Are there any process or planning issues arising from Personal Education Plans (statutory PEP documents)? For example, are additional resources needed beyond the pupil premium to support the achievement of PEP targets?
- How much pupil premium funding has been received in the last full financial year for children in care? How has this funding been used for the group and for individuals and how has it impacted on progress?
- How much pupil premium funding has been received for children adopted from care, or with residential orders or special guardianship orders?How has this funding been used for the group and for individuals and how has it impacted on progress?
Policy, Training, Staffing and Communication
- What training, supplied by The Virtual School, or other providers, has the designated teacher (or other staff) undertaken in order to impart knowledge and understanding about the education and well-being of children in care to colleagues?
- What work has there been with The Virtual School to secure the best outcomes for children in care?
- How does the school encourage and support communication with Carers and Social Workers in supporting learning?
- Is there a policy in place for promoting and supporting the education of Children in Care?
- What is the impact of any school policies on children in care? For example charging for school visits, extended activities, communications about consultation meetings, arrangements for fixed term exclusions.
- Outline how other staff are kept informed of issues specific to Children in Care.
- In what way are the teaching and learning needs of children in carereflected in school development plans? Can these be met by appropriate interventions and resources?
- Do children in care experience good or outstanding teaching?
Any other comments?
NB: Once this form has been completed, please sent to the Virtual School member of staff linked to your school.
See below for Appendix
Appendix A - Primary Schools: Proforma for report to governors on Children in Care by the Designated Teacher
Appendix B - Secondary Schools Key Stage 3: Proforma for report to governors on Children in Care by the Designated Teacher
Appendix C - Secondary Schools Key Stage 4: Proforma for report to governors on Children in Care by the Designated Teacher
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Designated Teacher Report for Governors
Appendix A
Primary Schools: Proforma for report to governors on Children in Care by the Designated Teacher
Initials of YP / Year Group / Key Stage / Looked after by which LA / Is an up to date PEP in place? Y/N / Attendance % / Behaviour/Exclusions Y/N / Working at Level …… / Attainment+ = above
√ = in line
X = below expectations / Use of the pupil premium (e.g. 1:1 tuition) and comments on any special achievements / Impact of pupil premium on progress; Outstanding, good requiring improvement, inadequate
At KS: Level of attainment for / Level
Other (please specify below)
At KS: Level of attainment for / Level
Other (please specify below)
At KS: Level of attainment for / Level
Other (please specify below)
At KS: Level of attainment for / Level
Other (please specify below)
Appendix B
Secondary Schools Key Stage 3: Proforma for report to governors on Children in Care by the Designated Teacher
Initials of Child in Care / Year Group / LA in which the child is situated (Gloucestershire, Herefordshire?) / Is an up to date PEP in place? Y/N / Estimates where available or current grade if known / Progress:+ = exceeding,
√ = expected,
X = under / Attendance % / Behaviour/ Exclusions Y/N (in the case of exclusions, give number of days) / Use of the pupil premium for this child and comments on any special achievements
- Allocated funding £
- Spending at £
- Focussed on what interventions?
English / Maths / English / Maths
Appendix C
Secondary Schools Key Stage 4: Proforma for report to governors on Children in Care by the Designated Teacher
Initials of Child in Care / Year gGroup / LA in which the child is situated (Gloucestershire, Herefordshire?) / Is an up to date PEP in place? Y/N / Estimates where available or current grade if known / Progress:+ = exceeding,
√ = expected,
X = under / Attendance % / Behaviour/ Exclusions Y/N (in the case of exclusions, give number of days) / Use of the pupil premium for this child and comments on any special achievements
- Allocated funding £
- Spending at £
- Focussed on what interventions?
5 A* - C Inc English & Maths / 5 A* - G
Inc English & Maths / 5 A* - C Inc English & Maths / 5 A* - G
Inc English & Maths
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Designated Teacher Report for Governors