Summary record of the 24th Meeting of
state level expert appraisal committee, Chhattisgarh
The 24th meeting of State Level Expert Appraisal Committee, Chhattisgarh was held on 13/02/2009 at Conference Hall, SEAC, Secretariat, 1-Tilak Nagar, Shiv Mandir Chowk, Main Road, Avanti Vihar, Raipur at 2:00 PM. Dr. Harendra Kumar, Chairman, SEAC, Chhattisgarh chaired the meeting. The following members of SEAC were present in the meeting: -
1. Shri Ashok Masih Member, SEAC
2. Dr. Piyush Kant Pandey, Member, SEAC
3. Shri Shailendra Kumar Trivedi, Member, SEAC
4. Shri V.N. Singh, Member, SEAC
5. Shri Anant Prabhakar Rajimwale, Member, SEA
At the outset, the Technical Officer, SEAC, Chhattisgarh welcomed the Chairman and Members of State Level Expert Appraisal Committee, Chhattisgarh. Agenda wise discussions were carried out as follows: -
Agenda Item No. 1 - Confirmation of minutes of the 23rd meeting of SEAC, Chhattisgarh
Minutes of the 23rd meeting of SEAC, Chhattisgarh held on 07/02/2009 was presented before the committee. The Committee approved the minutes of the meeting.
Agenda Item No. 2 - Presentation on the proposals received for TOR/EC as per provisions of the Environment Impact Assessment Notification, 2006.
(1) M/s Pharhada Lime Stone Mine, Works: Village-Pharhada, Tehsil-Simga, District- Raipur (C.G.)
The Project proponent submitted application (Form-I, Feasibility Report and approved Mining Plan) for prescribing Terms of Reference (TOR) for preparing draft EIA report on 26/08/08 and 12/09/08 for mining of Lime Stone of capacity 60000 Tonnes per year at Khasra No. 1732/1, 1727/1 (Govt. revenue land) at Village-Pharhada, Tehsil-Simga, District- Raipur (C.G.). The case was considered in the sixteenth meeting of SEAC, Chhattisgarh held on 23/10/2008. Committee then asked to submit the desired information/documents.
Project proponent submitted the information on 17/12/2008. The information submitted was reconsidered in 19th meeting on 26/12/08 of SEAC Chhattisgarh. As per decision, project proponent made presentation in the 24th meeting of SEAC, Chhattisgarh on 13/02/2009. The brief of the project is as follows:-
Proposed Site / Khasra No. 1732/1, 1727/1 Govt. revenue land.Village-Pharhada, Tehsil-Simga, District- Raipur (C.G.)
Production Capacity / Mining of Lime Stone 60000 TPA
Lease Area / Lease Area – 21.373 ha Lime Stone Mines in 21.373 ha Mining lease was granted from 23/12/1995 to 22/12/2015 for a period of 20 years.
Minable Reserve / Proved 11,04,500 Tonnes ( 4-6 m)
Probable 23,10,000 Tonnes ( 6-10 m)
Mining Plan Approval / Mine plan has been approved by IBM vide letter no. RAP/LST/MPLN-450/NGP dated. 29/06/1995.
Progressive Mine Closure Plan has been approved by IBM vide letter no. RAP/LST/MPLN-450/NGP dated 08/01/2008.
Mining Scheme is under approval for period of 2009-10 to 2013-14. Working permission has been issued on 06.03.2003. Mining started from 20/10/2004.
During presentation project proponent submitted the following: -
Nearest city Bhatapara is situated at about 13.5 km. Nearest Railway Station Bhatapara is situated at about 13.5km. Nearest road Bhatapara - Suhela all whether road is about 1.5 km. Nearest Village Khapri is 1.5 km in NW direction. Method of mining is manual. At the end of mining, area to be rehabilitated by way of water reservoir is 13.393 ha. At the end of mining, area to be planted is 9.98 ha including boundary of mine lease area. During the course of mining 1,87,002 cum waste will be generated which will used for construction of peripheral bund. Existing and proposed mode to transportation of Limestone is road.
It is informed that there is no pipeline project or major industries are located in the 10 km radius. Certain quarries lease area in existence in the 10 km radius. The basic land-use pattern of the area is of agricultural and almost 45% of the total land use has been observed for agricultural purposes. Locations of habitats are as follows:-
Village / Direction With Respect to Mine / Distance From the Mine(km) / PopulationPharahda / N / 2.5 / 820
Matia / NNE / 4.5 / 868
Diggi / NNW / 2.5 / 517
Senodha / NW / 5 / 1196
Khapri / NW / 1.5 / 168
Kesli / NW / 3 / 1028
Bhothidih / W / 3.5 / 282
Bhaurgarh / W / 5 / 352
Khairwari / SW / 5 / 186
Lohari / W / 4 / 655
Bardih / WSW / 5 / 309
Suhela / S / 3.5 / 1867
Basin / SSW / 5 / 664
Rani Jaraud / SSE / 2 / 678
Tekari / NE / 4 / 636
Amakoni / E / 3 / 698
Parkidih / SE / 5 / 813
Details of Production
Period / Production (MT)2004-2005 / 11692.58
2005-2006 / 16999.08
2006-2007 / 2871.04
2007-2008 / 9737.24
2008-2009 / 40017.18
Total / 81317.12
Proposed Production
Period / Production / Period / Production2009-10 / 1,20,000 / 2014-15 / 1,20,000
2010-2011 / 1,20,000 / 2015-16 / 1,20,000
2011-2012 / 1,20,000 / 2016-17 / 1,20,000
2012-2013 / 1,20,000 / 2017-18 / 1,20,000
2013-2014 / 1,20,000 / 2018-19 / 1,20,000
Water Consumption
Water Consumption(Avg.) / Dust Suppression – 4.0 cum per day
Domestic activity – 2.5 cum per day
Green Belt - 1.0 cum per day
Environment Management Plan
Air Environment :-
v Compaction, gradation and drainage on both side of haul roads.
v Proper maintenance of roads.
v Water spraying on the haulage roads.
v No Overloading of trucks.
v Trucks shall be covered with tarpaulin while transporting lime stone.
v Temporary over burden dumps shall be stabilised with legumes and grass to prevent the erosion of soil and arrest the dust emission during windy days.
v Water spraying in working areas.
v Spread of dust from blasting will be checked by use of suitable explosive.
v Dust mask shall be provided to all workers working in dusty atmosphere.
Water Environment :-
v Quality of water accumulated in the working pit shall be checked during monsoon.
v Minimum silt content in the mine discharged shall be ensured.
v Small stone barriers across the drain will check water current and arrest solids.
v Stone pitching will be made at suitable places to regulate water flow.
v Settling pits and drains shall be cleaned periodically.
v Regular removal of settled silt from the settling tank to avoid short circuiting.
v There is no surface stream in the core zone.
v Domestic waste water has been treated in Septic Tank and Soak pit.
Noise Environment:-
v Workers will be provided with earmuffs, ear plugs, etc.
v Noise barriers, silencers and enclosures shall be incorporated for equipments, which emit high noise levels.
v Heavy and noisy works like drilling and blasting shall be avoided during night time.
v Green belts are good noise barriers and same should be developed around the mining lease area. The sufficient green belt shall be proposed to control noise levels.
v Maintenance of Jack Hammer.
v To reduce the noise and vibration while blasting, proper charging and stemming of blast holes is done which also reduce the flying fragments.
v Delay detonators and detonating fuses will be used to reduce noise.
Occupational Health and Safety:-
v Provision of wet drilling and drilling with build dust catcher.
v Provision of rest shelters for mine workers with amenities like drinking water, fans, toilets etc.
v Provision of personal protection devices to the workers.
v Rotation of workers exposed to noise premises.
v First-aid facilities in the mining area.
v Annual budget for the safety and health of their employees and provide sufficient facilities in order to effectively implement the health and safety measures.
v Periodical audit of safety and health with view to ascertaining the effective implementation of policy.
v Regular medical examination shall be conducted for the employees. The Medical Officers renders timely advice to the Management on preventive measures and safe guards.
Based on the consideration of the documents submitted and discussion held, the committee recommended for the filing of court case against the project proponent as per rule at appropriate level as this is a case of existing mine and project proponent has not obtained environment clearance as per the applicable notification. The Committee also decided that recommendation for grant of Environmental Clearance would be considered after submission of the following information/documents in writing:-
v Approved Mining Scheme for period of 2009-10 to 2013-14.
v Commitment regarding expenditure of 5% of royalty or Rs. 1.00 lac/annum (whichever is higher) for eco development and community welfare purposes.
v Clarification regarding Khasra nos. (igkM+ pV~Vku vkfn dh uksbZ;r dk vfHkys[k izLrqr djuk gS)
v Commitment regarding, no crusher shall be installed in the mining lease area.
v Detailed de-watering scheme of mine pit water.
v Clarification regarding the production capacity as it has been mention that after approval of mining scheme, production capacity will be 1,20,000 MTPA.
v Commitment regarding, not exceeding the production capacity, given in the mining plan, in any case.
Project proponent should be informed accordingly.
(2) M/s Charbhuja Gold Cement, Village – Gondpendri, District – Durg (C.G.)
The Project proponent submitted application (Form-I and Project Report) for Environment Clearance on 16/09/08. It is an existing Cement Clinker Grinding Unit of 100 TPD capacity. The Project Proponent has proposed to expand the unit by adding 350 TPD capacity. The brief of the project is as follows:-
Proposed Site / Village – Gondpendri, District – Durg (C.G.)Capacity / Existing - Clinker Grinding 100TPD
Expansion- Clinker Grinding 350 TPD
Total After Expansion– Clinker Grinding 450 TPD
Proposed Cost / Rs. 4.8843 Crores
Area / 12.12 acres.
SEAC, Chhattisgarh considered the application in Sixteenth meeting held on 23/10/2008. Based on the consideration of the documents submitted and discussion held, the Committee then decided to ask the project proponent to submit additional information/documents. Committee also decided that a Sub Committee of SEAC Chhattisgarh would visit the site also. Sub committee visited the site on 07/12/2008.
The information submitted and the inspection report of the sub-committee was discussed in 19th meeting on 26/12/08 of SEAC, Chhattisgarh. After detailed deliberation, the Committee decided to ask the project proponent to present the case in 24th meeting of SEAC, Chhattisgarh on 13/02/2009. Project proponent made presentation in the 24th meeting of SEAC, Chhattisgarh on 13/02/2009.
During presentation project proponent submitted the following: -
Manufacturing Process:-
From Clinker, Slag & Gypsum hopper, material fed to variable speed belt feeder for proper proportioning of above raw materials, which are then fed to a belt conveyor for carrying this mixture to ball mill for grinding. After grinding, cement thus produced conveyed to cement silo by airlift & then packed in bags by automatic packing machine. Coal, petroleum products, gas etc. not required as fuel for clinker grinding and for manufacturing cement. All the machines are electrically operated. Clinker is not being manufactured. For expansion project also, clinker will not be manufactured.
Details of Raw Materials & Fuel Supply Sources
No. / Raw Material / Existing Requirement/ Annum (MT) / Proposed Requirement/ Annum (MT) / Total Requirement/ Annum (MT) / Sources1 / Clinker / 13500 / 47250 / 60750 / M/s Associated Cement Co. Ltd. Jamul, Bhilai, C.G.
2 / Slag / 15300 / 53660 / 68960 / Bhilai Steel Plant, C.G
3 / Gypsum / 1500 / 5250 / 6750 / a. Rajasthan
b. Paradeep Phosphate, Paradeep, Orrissa
Water Consumption:-
Water is not required in the manufacturing process of clinker grinding unit. Requirement of water is met through own bore well. Water is required only for following purposes:-
No. / Purpose / Quantity (Cum)/Day1 / Cooling / 1.0
2 / Domestic Use / 1.0
3 / Plantation / 8.0
Air Pollution Control Measures:-
To control emission form stack high performance reverse pulse jet type dust collector has been provided in the existing system and for proposed system also high efficiency reverse pulse jet type dust collector shall be installed at cement mill and cement silo to achieve outlet dust emission less than 50 mg/Nm3. All conveyer belt, all transfer points are fully covered.
Fugitive Emissions Control Measures :-
v All internal roads will be black topped to prevent fugitive dust emission.
v Water sprinklers will be provided at the raw material unloading areas.
v All raw materials will be stored in covered shed.
v Covered trucks will be used for transport of raw materials and products.
Water Pollution Control Measures:-
v Effluent generate in domestic use taken into a septic tank and soak pit.
Noise Level Management:-
v Ear plugs shall be provided to the workers and enforced strictly.
v Extensive greenbelt shall be developed for further attenuating the noise levels. Five rows of greenbelt will be developed all around the plant.
Solid Waste Management:-
v The dust collected in Bag filters is/will be recycled into the process.
Based on the consideration of the documents submitted and discussion held The Committee decided that proposal would be considered after submission of the following information/documents in writing :-
v Commitment regarding expenditure of 5% of net profit or Rs. 8.00 lacs/annum (whichever is higher) for eco development and community welfare purposes.
v Commitment for taking necessary majors to control noise in and around the plant premises (especially near the ball mills) in time bound manner.
v Technical details of proposed air pollution control equipments.
Project proponent should be informed accordingly.
(3) M/s Sarthak Ispat Private Limited, A-126, Sector – 03, Udaya Society, Tatibandh, Raipur, Village – Urla- Sarora, Near Urla Industrial Area, Raipur (C.G.)
The project proponent previously submitted application (Form-I and Pre feasibility Report) for prescribing Terms of Reference (TOR) for preparing draft EIA report on 10.04.2008. The project proponent then proposed to establish two Induction Furnaces (with twin crucible) of capacity 15 MT/Heat each with total installed capacity of 90000 Tonnes Per Annum for manufacturing of Steel Ingots/ Billets through Induction Furnace & CCM Route and manufacturing of Rolled Products through Rolling Mill of capacity 60000 Tonnes Per Annnum. This application was considered in forth meeting of SEAC, Chhattisgarh held on 3/05/2008. As per decision taken in forth meeting of SEAC, Chhattisgarh, project proponent made the presentation before SEAC, Chhattisgarh on 30th May 2008. Committee then asked for submission of additional information. Project proponent informed vide letter dated 20/10/2008 that due to some financial short fall and outcome of certain technical discussion with supplier, presently only Rolling Mill of 1x300 TPD = 90,000 TPA capacity is proposed to installed. The previous application submitted for Steel Ingots/ Billets - 90000 Tonnes Per Annum and Rolling Mill of capacity 60000 Tonnes Per Annnum was de-listed vide letter dated 04/10/2008 due to non-submission of additional information. Now, the project proponent submitted revised application (Form-I and Pre-feasibility Report) for Environment Clearance on 20/10/2008 for Rolling Mill of 1x300 TPD = 90,000 TPA capacity. The brief of the project is as follows: -