The Michigan Fiero Club proudly presents the Fiero25th Anniversary Show & Fiero Reunion Banquet
July 24-27, 2008, at the Detroit Marriott at Centerpoint, 3600 Centerpoint Parkway, Pontiac, MI 48341. 248.253.9800. Hotel Registration begins August 13, 2007, ask for the “Fiero Anniversary” room rate of $109.00 per night + tax.
Submitpayment to:
Michigan Fiero Club, C/O Barbara Hack
3860 Mulliken Road, Charlotte, MI 48813
For more info e-mail , or .
**** The Deadline for pre-registration is July 10, 2008 ****
This registration is for the 25th Anniversary event onlyand those events that are priced on the back side of this page. This registration does not include registration for the performance event(s).
25th Event Schedule (tentative)
Thursday, July 24: Saturday, July 26:
Track daywith Golden Gate Fieros 25th Car Show, with special guests, DJ & door prizes
(Details to follow) GM Prototype Display
Fiero Tailgate Party in the host hotel parking lot “Fiero Reunion” Banquet (with guest speakers)
Cruise the “famous” Woodward Ave Awards presentation
(On your own, maps available) Vendor Booths
Tour of GM World HQ, Detroit, MI Pictures of your Fiero with 25th logo by Event Photos, LLC
Friday, July 25: Sunday, July 27:
Breakfast with Michigan Fiero Club at host hotel MuseumTours on yourown (The Henry Ford, Chrysler
GM HeritageCenterTour (GM’s private info and maps at registration desk)
collection of cars not open to the public) Pictures of your Fiero with 25th logo by Event Photos, LLC
Go Carting with the Heartland Fiero Club
Dinner with the MichiganFiero Club
Car wash on site for show entered vehicles
Professional Pictures of your Fiero with 25th logo
Name ______
E-mail ______Phone ______
Address______City______State ______Zip ______
Clubs you belong to:______
Car Year 19_____Model ______Mileage ______Color ______Sunroof ______
T-Top ______Automatic ______4- Speed ______5- Speed ______(Version 3, 08.04.07)
The Fiero 25th Anniversary Car showislimited to 450 Cars, please register early!
Pre-registration process effective until July 10, 2008 ($75.00 thereafter)
Registration #1: $65.00 ……………………………………………………………………………………………….…$______
(Includes 1 car registration, 1 banquet ticket, 1 t-shirt, dash plaque and 1 goody bag),circle one: S, M, L, XL ( XXL & XXXL $2.00 more)
Registration #2: $25.00 …………………………………………………………………………………….………...…$______
(Registration for 2nd car only, please send a separate registration for each car you are entering)
Extra “Fiero Reunion” Banquet Ticket: $35.00 each……..…………………………..………………….…..………….$______
Extra T-Shirt, $15.00 each: Circle one: S, M, L, XL (XXL & XXXL: $2.00 more)………….….…….….……..…$______
Extra Dash Plaque, $3.00 each: .……………………………………………………………………….…...……….……$______
25th Anniversary Souvenir Photo Album, $10.00: ……………………………………………………….…….……...…$______
25th Anniversary Souvenir Travel Mug, $10.00: ………………………………………………………..…….…….……$______
25th Anniversary Decal (ideal for your Fiero!) $2.00 each or 2 for $3.00: ..…………………………….………………..$______
GM HeritageCenter Tour $15.00: (Friday July 25, 2008, 2:00 PM – 5:00 PM): ……………………...…….……….…$______
Outdoor Vendor Space $25.00: (size of 1 parking spot, allvendors must pre-register): ...………….……….…….…$______
Indoor Vendor Space $10.00: (1, 6’ table top, all vendors must pre-register): .……...…….………...……..…...... $______
GM Prototype viewing (Saturday July 26, 2008) ………………………………………………………………...... PRICELESS!
Grand Total…………………………………………………………………………………………...______
IMPORTANT: Do you need trailer parking? Yes______No ______Size of trailer______
Note: A banquet admission must be purchased in order to hear our guest speakers. If you are not attending the banquet, the doors will be open before the awards are presented. Please note there may be standing room only.
Car Classes:
Class A: Stock 84 Coupe, Sport Coupe & SE ______Class N: Level 3 Custom ______
Class B: Stock 84 IndyPace Car ______Class O: Level 1 Modified ______
Class C: Stock 85 Coupe, Sport Coupe & SE ______Class P: Level 2 Modified ______
Class D: Stock 85 GT______Class Q: Level 3 Modified ______
Class E: Stock 86 Coupe, Sport Coupe & SE ______Class R: Re-Engineered ______
Class F: Stock 86 GT ______Class S: Factory Showroom______
Class G: Stock 87 Coupe, Sport Coupe & SE ______Class T: Daily Driver Notchback ______
Class H: Stock 87 GT ______Class U: Daily Driver Fastback ______
Class I: Stock 88 Coupe ______Class V: Work in Progress ______
Class J: Stock 88 Formula ______Class X: Kit Car & Re-body ______
Class K: Stock 88 GT ______Class Y: Competition Fiero ______
Class L: Level 1Custom ______Class Z: Street Class ______
Class M: Level 2 Custom ______
Liability Release
I agree to the following:
1. I agree to insure my vehicle and personal property against loss and liability, assuring the risk of all damages or injury to hold harmless all sponsors of the Fiero 25th Anniversary show for anything which may result in theft, damage or destruction of the above named vehicle, my personal property or injury as a consequence of this event. I hereby release the Michigan Fiero Club and it officers and representatives from any and all claims.It is understood and agreed that no guarantee or assurance of security and/or protection of property has been made and such is the sole responsibility of me as the applicant.
2. It is my responsibility to keep my area clean of debris. That I shall not show any exhibition of driving while arriving, during or departing the show area - this includes burnouts, spinning of tires and anything else that may cause damage to the surface of the grounds or bodily injury or death to an individual or cause any danger to any individual in the show area. I understand that I will be held responsible for any and all repair needed due to the negligence of such above mentioned.
3.I also relinquish any and all rights to photographs taken in connection with this event.
4. The Michigan Fiero Club, The Marriott Hotel, General Motors and all officials connected with this event are not responsible for accidents, injuries, or losses.
5. I understand that there are no refunds for cancellations or no shows and that all judging results are final. I have read, understand and agree to the above.
Signature:______Date: ______(Version 3, 08.04.07)