Classroom Format
DIRECTIONS: This form is required for submission as part of the course approval process and is only applicable for classroom courses. The answers provided help to explain how this course complies with the Functional Specifications for All NMLS Approved Courses. Please upload this form into the EMS upon application submission and payment.
Section I. Basic Information
Organization / Company Name:Click here to enter text. / Provider ID:
Click here to enter text.
Course Name:
Click here to enter text.
Course Category:
Click here to enter text. / State Agency (If Applicable):
Click here to enter text. / Course Format:
Click here to enter text.
Contact Person:
Click here to enter text. / Email Address:
Click here to enter text.
Section II. Application Questions
The questions on this form coincide with the Functional Specifications for All NMLS Approved Courses. All courses are required to meet the technical requirements as detailed in the functional specification. Completing this form and providing detailed responses to the questions will assist the evaluation team to understand how your course is constructed and meets the technical requirements. Additionally, it helps to ensure your course is reviewed as quickly as possible. Please also see the USER GUIDE: NMLS Course Approval Application Process for more detailed information regarding the course approval process.
1. Describe the roles and responsibilities of the course delivery personnel. (references functional specification 2.2)
Click here to enter text.
2. Individually list each instructor who will teach this course. (references functional specification 1.7)
Click here to enter text.
3. Describe the policies and procedures being used to verify attendance and enforce seat time. (references functional specification 1.5)
Click here to enter text.
4. Describe how course content is delivered, i.e. text, video, audio, etc, and explain the significance within the course, and describe how the course materials to be submitted are used in the classroom. (references functional specification 1.6)
Click here to enter text.
5. List the titles of each module and the units of instruction within each module in the order in which they will be presented. Is this represented in the course schedule located in the course syllabus? (references functional specification 1.9)
Click here to enter text.
6. List and explain how the course incorporates instructor to student, student to student and content to student interaction throughout the class. Such as discussions, activities, final exam, quizzes, case studies, etc. Is this represented in the course schedule located in the course syllabus? (references functional specification 1.10, 1.13)
Click here to enter text.
7. Describe what the course completion requirements are for the course. Are these represented in the course syllabus? (references functional specification 1.12, 1.13)
Click here to enter text.
8. Describe how the course is to be scheduled to ensure the class moves through the course as a cohort. Describe how the instructor will lead the class through the schedule. (references functional specification 1.5)
Click here to enter text.
9. Has the content in this course been submitted, approved, or otherwise reviewed in part or in whole by NMLS previously? If so, please provide the course or application IDs in which the material was reviewed along with an explanation.
Click here to enter text.
10. Ensure that you have the following materials ready to submit before paying the application fees and uploading this form into the EMS. You will upload the following items into the course approval portal (basecamp) after you pay the application fee in the EMS. See the USER GUIDE: NMLS Course Approval Application Process for details on the process.
The following items are needed in order for NMLS to review your course for approval.This list is not all inclusive but provides the basic items needed for review.
· Syllabus with a detailed timed outline and course schedule. See the Functional Specifications for All NMLS Approved Courses and Model Course Syllabus for more information on the requirements for a syllabus
· All course material to be used in the course including but not limited to instructor materials, student materials, presentations, text, handouts, etc
· All question and answer banks for any quizzes, exams, case study activities, other activities, etc
Thank you for completing the Course Approval Application Form. Please save this form to your desktop electronically. You will be required to upload it into the EMS shortly.
For the next step in the course approval process please go to the NMLS Resource Center and click on the “Submit Courses for Approval” link found in the blue box at the bottom right of the screen.
For further steps, please consult the USER GUIDE: NMLS Course Approval Application Process located in the Course Provider Resources section of the NMLS Resource Center.
NMLS Course Application Form Classroom 010513 V3.0 Page 1