Portfolio Scoring Guide

Mastery: The majority of the portfolio displays these characteristics.


·  Clear understanding of readings and essay topics

·  Strong awareness of what the reader needs to know about the topic

·  Clear ability to respond critically to one’s own and others’ experiences and ideas


·  Controlling central idea and overall cohesive structure in each essay

·  Clear sequential relationship between supporting ideas and central argument/controlling idea.

·  Focused, cohesive paragraphs


·  Relevant examples with clear explanations of what the examples demonstrate

·  Explanations in body paragraphs clearly linked to controlling idea of essay

·  Examples which include detailed support

·  Evidence of strong synthesis, argumentation, analysis, and/or problem-solving skills


·  Sentence variety

·  Strong voice and control of tone

·  Effective vocabulary


·  Fluency and control of sentence construction

·  Almost no syntactic, grammatical, and spelling errors

Competence: The majority of the portfolio will display these characteristics.


·  Demonstration of basic understanding of readings and essay topics

·  Most essays show awareness of what the reader needs to know about the topic

·  Demonstration of ability to respond critically to one’s own and others’ experiences and ideas.


·  Controlling central idea and generally cohesive structure in each essay

·  Generally clear sequential relationship between supporting ideas and central argument/controlling idea.

·  Generally focused, cohesive paragraphs


·  Mainly relevant examples with clear explanations of what the examples demonstrate

·  Explanations in body paragraphs usually linked to controlling idea of essay

·  Most examples include specific details

·  Across the portfolio, writing shows evidence of synthesis, argumentation, analysis, and/or problem-solving skills


·  Sentences include some variety

·  Sentences usually include effective vocabulary


·  General fluency and control of sentence construction

·  Minimal syntactic, grammatical, and spelling errors

Not passing: The majority of the portfolio lacks the characteristics of the passing portfolios.


·  Limited understanding of readings and essay topics

·  Limited awareness of what the reader needs to know about the topic

·  The portfolio includes minimal critical response to one’s own and others’ experiences and ideas.


·  Lacks overall of a central focus and logical structure

·  Light or uneven relationships between supporting ideas and central argument/controlling idea

·  The majority of the paragraphs do not cohere and are not focused


·  Body paragraphs include few examples or minimal explanations of what the examples demonstrate

·  Explanations in body paragraphs occasionally linked to the controlling idea of the essay

·  Examples occasionally include specific details

·  Across the portfolio, essays are mainly developed through summary, narrative and/or description


·  Sentences only occasionally show variety

·  Vocabulary is very basic


·  Limited fluency and control of sentence construction

·  Frequent syntactical, grammar, and/or spelling errors