Social Media/Networking Guidelines for Volunteers
Purpose of social media/networking and this policy
AGENCY encourages staff, Board members, volunteers,program participants/clients, and other supporters to be champions on behalf of the organization by spreading the word about the importance of AGENCY MISSION. We recognize that our greatest tool in recruiting new volunteers and attracting new supporters and donors is through word of mouth.
Social Media/Networking Sites
The rapid growth of communication through social media is emerging as opportunities for outreach, informationsharing, and advocacy. Used responsibly, they provide an effective way to stay connected to and expand our community, be informed of new trends and topics, and share information and perspectives. These sites include, but are not limited to
- Social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and MySpace;
- News sharing and bookmarking sites like Pinterest, delicious, and Digg;
- Photo- and video-sharing sites like flickr and YouTube; and
- Other forms of posting personal online content like web sites, blogs, vlogs, podcasts, chat rooms, forums and wikis.
Public and Private Boundaries
It is more important than ever that AGENCYadvocates who choose to tell their story online understand what is recommended, expected, and required. Given the reach of the Internet, it’s important that when you use these various media, you follow some basic procedures that protect the privacy and confidentiality of our program participants/clients, as well as maintain our identity as a high-quality nonprofit organization. These policies apply to AGENCYstaff when they participate in social media for work, but will also be considered if personal blog activities give the appearance of speaking for AGENCY. Adhering to the following points in either situation will provide protection for you, our program participants/clients, and AGENCY.
Goals for Using Social Media
AGENCYencourages staff, Board members, volunteers,program participants/clients, and other supporters to use the Internet to share their perspectives about our organization, our services, and our work. Our goals are
We strongly emphasize the importance of understanding and following guidelines as listed below to all who participate in social media on behalf of AGENCY. These guidelines will continually evolve as new technologies and social networking tools emerge.
Support for Using Social Media
AGENCYdoes not intend to “police” the online community; on the contrary, we want to aggregate all the powerful stories AGENCYadvocates are telling and showcase your individual contribution to the overall mission. We encourage you to embrace social media by providing you some guidelines without attempting to stifle your social voice.
Be responsible for what you write
- Be fair, ethical, accurate, and honest.
- Always pause and think before posting.
- Acknowledge and correct mistakes promptly.
- While participating as an authorized spokesperson, you represent AGENCY at all times.
- All forms of online dialogue are individual interactions unless posted by authorized AGENCYpersonnel.
Be authentic
- Write what you know.
- Be yourself – and be transparent.
Consider audience
- Be sure you won’t alienate any groups of readers.
- Be sensitive about linking to content.
Exercise good judgment and common sense
- Post meaningful and respectful comments.
- If you are unsure about the nature of your post, check with AGENCYstaff or representative.
- Delete spam and/or comments that are off-topic or inappropriate.
- Use professional language and grammar; check spelling prior to posting.
- Understand that AGENCYcan and will monitor employee use of social media/networking web sites.
- Be respectful and professional to fellow volunteers, employees, business partners, competitors, and clients.
Appreciate concept of community
- Community is a platform where your supporters or volunteers feel comfortable sharing, connecting, and receiving help.
- When confronted with a difference of opinion, stay calm, express your points clearly and logically, and correct mistakes when needed.
- Include links – find out who else is blogging or posting about the same topic and cite them with a link or make a post on their blog when it is appropriate.
Respect brand, trademark, copyright, and fair use laws
- For your protection, do not post any material that is copyrighted.
Protect privacy, confidentiality, and proprietary info
- Recognize that everything you write or receive on a social media site is public.
- Respect and maintain the confidentiality about all aspects of AGENCYthat has been entrusted to you.
- Don’t publish or cite personal details, indentifying information, or photographs of AGENCYstaff, Board members, volunteers, program participants/clients, and other supporters without their permission and, for program participants, without a signed release.
- Do not copy full text, audio, or photographs from any AGENCY sites onto a personal site or web page.
Bring value
- Be active and timely.
- Use social networking to promote the mission and vision of AGENCY.
Productivity matters
- Ensure that your social networking activities don’t interfere with your work or programcommitments.
Special Social Media Policy for Volunteers
Working with Youth Participants/Clients
This special provision includes all other general policies related to information – writings and images – you share about your program participants/clients and AGENCY. To protect the confidentiality and privacy of all participants, the basis for our program’s integrity, please follow the additional guidelines listed below.
What is acceptable to share:
- First names;
- Reflections on pastmeetings and activities from your perspective (if it is not confidential); and
- Anything program participants/clientswould be comfortable with other people reading
What is NOTacceptable to share:
- Anything that would in any way compromise the safety of program participants/clients;
- Confidential identifying information like last names, address, telephone number, or which school he/she attends;
- Details about upcoming meetings, including AGENCYactivities;
- Confidential referral information, including history of your program participants/clients’s family, educational experiences, and any physical, mental, emotional health or economic issues;
- Information that would be hurtful or embarrassing if program participants/clientssaw it posted; and
- Photographs and/or identifying information about other volunteers and program participants/clients from AGENCYactivities.
If you are not sure about content you’d like to share, check with your STAFF CONTACT.
Inform AGENCYif you do include any program-related content in your social media use. By providing your story to us through one of our sites, be aware that you authorize us to use your story in both online and offline formats. We may
- Choose to link to your story from social networking or social media platforms to help illustrate the work that we do and share how we accomplish our mission;
- Highlight your story in presentations to supporters;
- Use your story in brochures, direct mail, publications, etc.; and
- Use your photo, provided you have signed your photo release.
You may find your story linked from other sites on the Internet. Owners of other sites do not need to ask our permission to link to our website or to specific pages in our site.
Should a conflict arise, please do not use social media tools to confront or criticizeAGENCY, our staff, our program participants, or our donors. If you have a problem or suggestions for improvements, please state them constructively and go through the proper channels – first, by contacting your STAFF CONTACT– to air your concerns and share your suggestions.