Section 3: Counties, Towns, Townships, and Special Districts
I. The Counties
A. County
1. A major unit of local government
2. Found in all states except Connecticut and Rhode Island
3. Function varies from region to region, but here are some
a. Serve as judicial districts
b. Share the functions of rural local government
II. Functions of Counties
A. Institutions of rural government
B. Maintain jails, courthouse, assess property for tax purposes, build and repair roads, and maintain schools
C. 2/3 of the nation’s population live in 375 of the 3043 counties
III. Towns and Townships
A. Townships
1. County subdivisions (in South Dakota)
2. Approximately the same size in South Dakota (__ square miles)
3. Functions: ________________________________________
South Dakota county plan:
1. __________________________________________________________
2. __________________________________________________________
1. _________________________________________
2. _________________________________________
IV. Special Districts
A. An independent unit created to perform one or more related governmental functions at the local level
B. School districts
1. In South Dakota, they vary greatly in size (land area and # of students; 176 total)
2. Consolidation issue
3. 13,500 school districts in the U.S.
C. School Board Functions
1. Set School Policy (Student, staff, etc.)
2. Graduation Requirements
3. Hiring Staff
4. Budget (Capital Outlay, General Fund)
5. Levy Property Tax ($2.06 per $1000 for bond issue)