IndexNTT 1 / Location of tender box
NTT 2 / Pre-tender meeting
NTT 3 / Clarifications fromProject Manager designate
NTT 4 / Check list for tenders depositedin the tender box
NTT 5 / Destruction of documents
NTT 6 / Changes in status of qualifications
NTT 7 / Formula Approach
NTT 8 / Marking SchemeApproach
NTT 9 / Procedures for opening tenders
NTT 10 / Bid challenge (WTO GPA)
NTT 11 / Assessment of EMSTF offer
NTT 12 / Assessment of Section Subject to Excision
NTT 13 / MTRC indemnity
NTT 14 / Electronic submission
NTT 15 / Site cleanliness and tidiness
– Daily Cleaning and Weekly Tidying
NTT 16 / Site Safety Cycle
NTT 17 / Constraints on Project Manager’s power
NTT 18 / Regulating actions on inappropriate conducts
NTT 19 / Proof of plant ownership
NTT 20 / Net present value analysis
NTT 21 / Trip Ticket System
NTT 22 / Systematic Risk Management
NTT 23 / Risk Register
NTT 24 / Waste Disposal (Charges for Disposal of Construction Waste) Regulation
NTT 25 / Environmental management
NTT 26 / Non-contractual partnering
NTT 27 / Treepreservation
NTT 28 / Professional indemnity insurance
NTT 29 / Employing Site Workers for thiscontract and payment of Site Workers’wages
NTT 30 / Not Used
NTT 31 / Regulating actions on poor records of non-payment of wages to site workers by the Contractor
NTT 32 / Reimbursement of actual payment made by the Contractor to Labour Relations Officer
NTT 33 / Limiting the tiers of subcontracting
NTT 34 / Regulating action (serious incident orconviction for site safety or environmental offences)
NTT 35 / Mechanical dump truck covers
NTT 36 / Anti-collusion
NTT 37 / Siteuniform
NTT 38 / Contingency sums, provisional sums and forecast total of the Prices
NTT 39 / Employer’s power to reduce contingency sumsfor compensation events
NTT 40 / Contractor Cooperative Training Scheme (CCTS)
NTT 41 / Employment of Graduates of the Enhanced Construction Manpower Training Scheme (ECMTS)
NTT 42 / Dispute Resolution Advisor system
NTT 43 / Pay for Safety Performance Merit Scheme
NTT 44 / Tree pruning works
NTT 45 / Use of non-road mobile machinery approved under the Air Pollution Control (Non-road Mobile Machinery) (Emission) Regulation
NTT 46 / Conditions of contract
NTT 47 / Defined Cost, Fee, Prices, Prices for Work Done to Date and the Contractor’s share
Library of Standard Notes to Tenderers for NEC ECC (10.3.2017)Page 1 of 36
Clause / Remarks/GuidelinesNTT 1 Location of tender box
*[The tender box is located atthe Lobby of the Public Entrance on the Ground Floor, East Wing, Central Government Offices, 2 Tim Mei Avenue, Tamar, Hong Kong..]1 / * Delete as appropriate.
1For tenders to be opened by the tender opening teams of the Central Tender Board.Any interim arrangement is subject to review and update by FSTB periodically. Project officers are required to check the latest arrangement.
*[The tender box is located in Room 4128f on the 41st Floor, Queensway Government Offices, 66 Queensway, Hong Kong.]2 / 2Fortenders to be opened by the tender opening teams of the Public Works Tender Board
NTT 2 Pre-tender meeting [Optional Clause]
(1)The date, time and venue of the pre-tender meeting are as follows:
(2)The tenderer shall makehis own arrangement of the transportation for attending the pre-tender meeting.
(3)The tenderer is required to complete the Reply Slip at Appendix [insert appropriate reference] to these Notes to Tenderers to confirm if he will attend the pre-tender meeting and nominate his representatives (not more than [insert appropriate number] persons) who will attend the pre-tender meeting. The completed Reply Slip is required to be submitted to the Project Manager designate by fax and post at the fax number and address stated in the Reply Slip by 5:00 p.m. on [insert appropriate date]. / WBTC No. 4/92
NTT 3 Clarification from Project Manager Designate
Should the tenderer for any reason whatsoever be in doubt about the precise meaning of any item or figure contained in the documents he shall seek clarification from the Project Manager designate [Insert post title of Government officer / company name and contact details as appropriates.] / Advice directing tenderers to submit any queries about the particulars of the tender documents to the Project Manager designatepreparing the tender documents (the contact telephone and fax numbers for enquiries should be included).
NTT 4 Check listfor tenders deposited in the tender box
(1)Before the tender is sealed and delivered to the *Government Secretariat Tender Box / *Public Works Tender Box, please check the following:
(a)The tender has been properly signed and the signature witnessed.
(b)All the documents issued with or requested in the tender such as acknowledgements of receipt of corrigenda or addenda, are properly completed and attached to the tender.
(c) Copies of the Form of Tender, Contract Data Part two, and priced *bill of quantities / *activity scheduleare attached to [*the tender / * Tender Price Documents]. The *Central Tender Board / *Public Works Tender Board will make copies of the Form of Tender, Contract Data Part two, and priced *bill of quantities / *activity schedule on behalf of tenderers who have failed to submit copies of such documents and a charge of *[#$10] /*[#$14] or such amount as advised by the *Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury / *Chairman of the Public Works Tender Board periodically will be levied for each page so copied.
(d) The envelope or cover holding the tender does not bear the name of the tenderer but the tender reference or contract number and the closing date should be shown on the cover.
(2)The tenderer should also note the following:
(a) Unless otherwise indicated, plans and drawings issued with the tender documents shall not be returned and deposited in the *Government Secretariat Tender Box / *Public Works Tender Box, such drawings are to be returned to the issuing office after submission of the tender.
(b) Samples, if called for, should be submitted separately to the issuing office inviting the tenders with the tender reference or contract number indicated clearly on the cover, and should not be deposited in the *Government Secretariat Tender Box / *Public Works Tender Box.
(c) The tender that is bulky should be wrapped properly with strong paper which is unlikely to break when the tender is being deposited in the Tender Box. The tender with a size exceeding 0.1m² and a thickness of more than 30cm should be separated into smaller parcels, each parcel to be properly labelled.
(d) For tender submission in electronic format, the tender opening team will make copies of the required documents on behalf of the tenderer who has failed to submit the required duplicate in electronic format. The tenderer may be asked to bear the cost of making the duplicate at a charge of [#$49] per electronic file and a material charge of [#$1.1] per CD-ROM and [#$1.3] per 4.7GB DVD+/-R, or such amount as advised by the *Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury / *Chairman of the Public Works Tender Board periodically will be levied for each duplicate so made.
(3)Please allow adequate time for your tender to be delivered to the *Government Secretariat Tender Box / *Public Works Tender Box. The Tender Box is closed on the tender closing day, which will be a Friday, as soon as the 12:00 noon time signal is broadcast by a local radio channel and the staff of the *Central Tender Board / *Public Works Tender Board are under strict instruction not to accept the tender that is delivered after the closing time. However, if a rainstorm black warning or typhoon signal No. 8 or above is hoisted between 9 a.m. and 12 noon on the tender closing day, the tender closing time will be extended to 12 noon on the first working day of the following week. An announcement of the extension of the tender closing time will be made through the radio (by the Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau) immediately after 9 a.m. or immediately after the signal/warning has been hoisted. In order to ensure that your tender is deposited in the Tender Box well before the closing time, you should as far as possible arrange for the tender to be deposited before the closing date.
(4)The tenderer may rest assured that no person is allowed access to the tender that has been deposited in the *Government Secretariat Tender Box / *Public Works Tender Box until after the closing time when they will be removed by authorized personnel. / * Delete where appropriate.
# Please update the figure where appropriate.
Please refer toAppendix5.8of Chapter 5 of the Project Administration Handbook).
NTT 5 Destruction of documents
Documents of unsuccessful tenderers may be destroyed *three months1/three years2 after the date this contract has been awarded. / Advice to tenderers that documents of unsuccessful tenderers will be destroyed at certain time after the date of the contract has been awarded and the agreement signed (See SPR 530).
*Delete where appropriate
1for tenders not covered by WTO GPA.
2for tenders covered by WTO GPA. (See DEVB TCW No.2/2014)
Before destruction, Project Offices are required to check whether on-going disputes may require retention of these documents as evidence. Please consult LAD(W) if in doubt.
NTT 6 Changes in status of qualifications
The tenderer should inform the Government in his tender submission of any factor which might affect his status of qualifications. The Government reserves the right to review the tenderer’s qualified status in the light of any new information relevant to his qualifications. / Advice to tenderers to inform the Government of any factor which might affect the tenderer’s qualified status (SeeSPR 330).
NTT 7 Formula Approach [Optional Clause]
(1)Tenders will be evaluated in accordance with the formula approach set out below. Tenderers should note DEVB TC(W) No.4/2014 which sets out the use of the Formula Approach for tender evaluation. Tenderers shall note that the Government is not bound to accept the tender with the highest overall score or any tender and may cancel the tender exercise on public interest ground. In considering the acceptance of a tender, the Government will take account of all relevant circumstances including the following :-
(i)The overall score;
(ii)The effect of incident of payments by discounting future payments to obtain the present values and use the present values to substitute the forecast total of the Prices in determining the ranking of the tenders, if the forecast total of the Prices/overall scores are very close;
(iii)The effect of exceptionally high or low priced items;
(iv)The tenderer’s capability (financially, commercially and technically) in undertaking this contract. For the avoidance of doubt, matters such as bankruptcy, false declaration, lack of integrity, acts of dishonesty, the latest available information and reports reflecting serious shortfall in performance and the latest available information and reports relating to serious site safety or environmental incidents may be taken into account in determining whether a tenderer is fully capable of undertaking this contract[**. For tenders submitted by EMSTF, the letters of “non-compliance” issued by the relevant regulatory authorities shall also be treated as conviction records]; and
(v)The effect of erratic pricing determined in accordance with Clause GCT 14 of the General Conditions of Tender. / To be used for tender evaluation using Formula Approach.
Please refer to DEVB TCW No. 4/2014.
*Delete where appropriate.
** For use in tenders which EMSTF is eligible to bid
[Set out the details of the Stage I Screening and all the minimum requirements where applicable and the consequences of failing Stage I Screening.]
(2)The Formula Approach for tender evaluation will take into account the forecast total of the Prices and the tenderer’s past performance under public works contracts. With respect to each conforming tender, a combined price and performance (overall) score will be worked out in accordance with the formula below. Normally, the tender with the highest overall score should be recommended for acceptance, subject to the usual requirement that the procuring department is satisfied that the recommended tenderer is fully capable (including technically, commercially and financially) of undertaking this contract, and that the recommended tender is the most advantageous to the Government in accordance with the tender provisions.
60 x / the lowest forecast total of the Prices among those conforming tenders
the forecast total of the Prices of the tenderer
+ 40 x / the tenderer’s performance score
the highest performance score among those conforming tenders
(3)For the purpose of calculation using the formulae above, a conforming tender means a tender which
(a)conforms to the essential requirements of the tender documentation; *and
(b)is submitted by a tenderer which complies with the conditions of participation*. / *; and
*(c)has passed the Stage I Screening where applicable.
A conforming tender with abnormally low or high tendered total of the Pricesor which is considered unsuitable for recommendation for the award of thiscontract (such as financially, commercially or technically incompetent) remains to be a conforming tender.
(4)The “performance score” in the above formulae for each tenderer is the sum of the “performance rating” and the “safety rating” as explained below.
(5)The “performance rating” means the performance rating held in the DEVB’s Contractors’ Performance Index System (CMIS) on the original date set for the return of tenders or, if this has been extended, the extended date. The maximum rating in the CMIS is 100. If a tenderer has been enlisted by way of substitution, the performance rating of this tenderer as recorded in the CMIS will take into account the past performance of the previous contractor. If a tenderer does not have a rating on the particular date, he shall be assigned an average rating based on the ratings of the other tenderers who have submitted a conforming tender. For joint venture tenderers, the “performance rating” shall be the weighted average of the performance ratings of the participants or shareholders in accordance with their shares of work by value. If no performance records are available to a participant/shareholder of a joint venture, the rating of this joint venture shall be taken as the rating of the other participant/shareholder. If there are more than one other participant/shareholder in this joint venture, the performance rating of this joint venture shall be the weighted average of the performance ratings of the remaining other participants/shareholders in accordance with their shares of work by value.
(6)The “safety rating” is worked out from the past accident rates under public works contracts as per the accident and records of man-hours worked kept in DEVB’s PWP Construction Site Safety & Environmental Statistics (PCSES) for three 12-month periods fixed by reference to the original date set for the close of tender or, if this has been extended, the extended date, according to the method below:-
The three 12-month periods shall end on the last day of the calendar month immediately preceding the dates being 2 months (1st 12-month period), 14 months (2nd 12-month period) and 26 months (3rd 12-month period) respectively counting back from but excluding the original date set for the close of tender or, if this has been extended, the extended date. A tableshowing the three 12-month periods and measuring dates for tender closing dates is given below for illustration purpose.
(7)The following formula shall be used for calculating the accident rates for the concerned 12-month periods: -
Accident Rate = / (No. of non-fatalreportable accidents1in the period) / (No. of fatalaccidents inthe period)
Total no. of man-hours worked in the period/100,000 man-hours
1Reportable accidents mean those accidents resulting in an injury with incapacity for more than three days and all fatal accidents.
(8)For “safety rating”, the maximum total is 7.5 for the total of the three 12-month periods for the first, second and third 12-month periods respectively. Each tenderer’s safety rating is worked out by reference to the table below and shall be the sum of the three ratings corresponding to the three 12-month periods.
Tenderer’s Accident Rate* / Rating
12-month / 2nd
12-month / 3rd
accident rate ≤ 25% of the limit# / 3.7500 / 2.2500 / 1.500
25% of the limit < accident rate ≤ 50% of the limit / 2.8125 / 1.6875 / 1.1250
50% of the limit < accident rate ≤ 75% of the limit / 1.8750 / 1.1250 / 0.7500
75% of the limit < accident rate ≤ 100% of the limit / 0.9375 / 0.5625 / 0.3750
accident rate > 100% of the limit / 0 / 0 / 0
* The unit of accident rate is number of accident per 100,000 man-hours worked.
# The limit of accident rate currently set by DEVB is 0.6.
(9)If a tenderer does not have an accident rate for a particular 12-month period (on the ground of no man-hour worked for that period), the accident rate to be used for that period shall be the average of accident rates for the other two periods. If a tenderer has an accident rate for one of the three 12-month periods only, that accident rate shall be used for calculating the safety rating for the other two 12-month periods.
(10)For tenderers without any accident rate for the past three 12-month periods, the safety rating shall be the overall average safety rating attained by the other tenderers who have submitted a conforming tender.
(11)For joint venture tenderers, the safety rating shall be the weighted average (in accordance with their shares of work by value) of the safety ratings of the individual participants or shareholders which shall each be calculated in the above manner.
(12)Where there are two participants/shareholders in a joint venture and there are no accident rates for the past three 12-month periods for a participant/shareholder, the safety rating of this joint venture for that particular period shall be the safety rating attained by the other participant/shareholder of this joint venture with accident rates. If there are more than one other participant/shareholder in this joint venture, the safety rating of this joint venture shall be the weighted average of the safety rating of those other participants/shareholders in accordance with their shares of the work by value.