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Name ______

My Creature Creation Test Date ______Period ____

Rhodes- Little

Your Mission: Design anew animal that does not exist. In your design, make sure that iswell suited to its environment.

How you design your animal should guarantee that it will be well adapted to its environment so it will survive.


Ecosystem: Pick one of the following ecosystemsthatyouranimal lives in: ARCTIC or DESERT (Circle 1.)

Habitat(Describe in detailthe habitat of your creature) ______



Description of Creature(Describe in detail what your animal looks and acts like.)

Looks like: ______

Acts like: ______

Name of Creature: ______

Drawing of creature

in its habitat:

Competition(Describehow your animal is involved in competition. GIVE SPECIFIC DETAILS!)

What does it competefor: ______

What does it compete against: ______

Predation(Describe an example of how it’s involved in predation.)________


Symbiotic Relationship(Write one example of a symbiotic relationship your animal has.)

Type of symbiotic relationship: ______

Detailed description: ______


How does this help or hurt its survival: ______


Behavioral Adaptation(Write one example of a behavioral adaptation your animal has.)

(Do NOT use a behavioral cycle adaptation!)

Detailed description: ______


How does this help it survive: ______


StructuralAdaptation(Describe in detail a structural adaptation that helps your animal adapt.)

Detailed description ______


How does this help it survive: ______


Stable Internal Environment(Describe specific waysyour animal keeps a SEI.)(Do NOT use estivation.)

Is it an endotherm or an ectotherm: ______

How does it stay warm: ______

How does it adapt to extreme heat:______

How does it adapt to a lack of water: ______

Behavioral Cycle(Describe a behavioral cycle adapt to extreme environmental conditions to survive.)

Detailed description of cycle: ______


How does this help it survive: ______


Nocturnal/Diurnal (Describe a behavioral cycle adapt to extreme environmental conditions to survive.)

Is it nocturnal or diurnal: ______

How does this help it survive: ______

Natural Selection:(Give an example to explain how natural selection will affect the survival of your species.)



Name ______

My Creature Creation Score Sheet Total = + / 60

Ecosystemchose ARTIC or DESERT

Habitat____ (+1) is within the chosen ecosystem

____ (+1) details

Description____ (+1) detail how looks

____ (+1) details how behaves

Name____ (+1) animal given a unique name (not already used for other animals)

Drawing of:

Creature____ (+1) animal matches written description

Habitat____ (+1) habitat matches written description

____ (+1) details in drawing

Competition____ (+1) competes for food/water or habitat

____ (+1) names organism it competes against

Predation____ (+1) describes situation involving killing to eat

____ (+1) names other animal


Type ____ (+1) identified mutualism ^^, commensalisms ^ < or parasitism ^ v

Description____ (+1) correctly describes relationship

Survival____ (+1) explains how relationship helps or hurts its’ survival

Behavioral adaptation

Description____ (+1) a behavior that helps it survive

____ (+1) provides details

Survival____ (+1) explains how this behavior helps it survive

Structural adaptation

Description____ (+1) a physical trait that helps it survive

____ (+1) provides details

Survival____ (+1) explains how this trait helps it survive

Stable internalchose endotherm or ectotherm

____ (+1) how stays warm

____ (+1) how adapts to extreme heat

____ (+1) how adapts to lack of water

Behavioral Cycle____ (+1) detailed description

____ (+1) how this helps it survive

Nocturnal/Diurnal____ (+1) nocturnal or diurnal?

____ (+1) how this helps it survive

Natural Selection____ (+2) example of a trait that increases chance of survival so can reproduce

* Total possible = 30 points x 2 = 60 points (final points)