This document has been provided to assist you in undertaking inspections of your area/s. Use the assessment form to identify and/or monitor health and safety standards and hazards.
Step 1 – Details of the Inspection- Record the following information on the checklist document–
-Inspection date,
-Location of the inspection - site building and floor
-Reference the “report number(s)” from the “H&S Workplace Inspection Risk Assessment form(s)
Step 2 – Checklist Document- Safety inspection checklist involves undertaking a “walk-through” assessment of the premises, using the below generic document (or relevant sections) as a guide.
- Systemically proceed through the checklist –
-Recording a tick () in the “Yes” column if the area is free from any hazards or repairs, or
-Recording a tick () in the “No” column if a hazard exists, need for repairs or further control measures are required, or
-Recording a tick () in the “N/A” column if the question does not apply to the area you are inspecting.
Step 3 – Risk Assessment Guideline Document- If a tick () has been recorded in any “No” column, you must refer the hazard to the ““H&S Workplace Inspection Risk Assessment form(s)” and record the following information -
i)Specific area / room of the hazard, i.e. room number
ii)Identify the Activity /hazard, i.e. machine not guarded, trip hazard, etc.
iii)Record the Risk Level (refer to “Risk Matrix”), assessing how severe the activity or hazard could injure someone and estimating the likelihood of that activity or hazard occurring.
iv)Provide any risk controlrecommendations you feel are necessary to eliminate or control the hazard (see Hierarchy of Controls).
v)Allocate the action item to the relevant department or manager who is responsible for implementing the controls.
vi)Based on the risk level from the “Risk Matrix”, record the action priority in the target date column (this will act as the Action Plan).
- Any hazards/risks identified during the “walk-through” not already included in the “checklist document” must be recorded in the checklist and transferred to the “Action Plan”.
Step 7 – Completing Action / Assessment
- The area leader will review, sign and date the Action Plan.
- Once an action item has been implemented, record the completed date.
- Update the action plan as and when required.
- Retain all documentation for your records and send a copy to the OHSS department.
All staff have access to OHSS policies, procedures and guidelines / Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)
MSDS are available and accessible to staff on the WellNet system or hardcopy binder / Training
All staff are aware of the online emergency procedures
Workplace Occurrence Report (WOR)
All accidents, incidents & near misses are recorded on the WOR & forwarded to OHSS / MSDS Expiry
MSDS’s are less than 3 years old / Exit Signs
All emergency exit signs exist, are illuminated and clearly visible
Safe Operating Procedures
Where appropriate, safe operating procedures in place and are followed by staff
All corridors leading to emergency exit points are free from obstruction
The work area is tidy, clean and well kept
All containers are clearly labeled to meet WHMIS standards and hospital segregation procedures / Fire Separation
All designated fire doors are not propped open
Walls & Ceilings
Walls and ceilings (tiles) are in good repair and free from visual moulds
Fire Detectors / Pull Stations
All fire sprinkler / head detectors and pull stations are in good visual condition and are not obstructed
Spill Kits
The appropriate chemical spill kits have been provided where required
Non-slip flooring or mats have been fitted in slippery wet areas (i.e. kitchen areas, entrances)
Floors are in good condition, free from uneven surfaces and general trip hazards (i.e. mats, carpet, thresholds)
Fire extinguishers / Hoses
Fire extinguishers / hoses in your department are signposted
Fire extinguishers / hoses are wall mounted and remain free from obstruction at all times
All fire extinguishers / hoses have been inspected monthly
Fire extinguishers have the pin & safety brake tag
Chemical Storage
Chemicals are properly stored (e.g. segregation of incompatible chemicals)
Storage rooms have appropriate chemical hazard warning charts displayed on door
Cleaning Signage
Caution signs are in place when cleaning is performed (i.e. wet floor signage) / Chemical Storage (flammables)
No storage of flammable chemicals larger than 5l containers
No more than 10l of total flammable liquids are to be stored in the open area. Quantities over 10l must be stored in approved flammable storage cabinets and labelled appropriately
There is no more than 235 litres of flammables stored in any given area
Code Green
Departmental procedure ensures that all staff/patients are accounted for in a Code Green Evacuation situation? (Patient lists, roster list)
Lighting is maintained in good working order and appropriate for the task (corridor, stairwell)
Emergency Equipment
Emergency equipment specific to your department is regularly checked & maintained
Walkways / Access
Thoroughfares are kept clear of obstructions
Door handles are secure, rails are accessible and properly secured to wall
Fume Hoods / Safety Cabinets
Fume hoods/extraction systems are certified at least annually and proof of inspection displayed
Hoods are kept free from clutter
Bunsen burners are not used within the hood / PLANT AND EQUIPMENT
Reporting Deficiencies
Staff are aware of the process of reporting deficiencies with plant and equipment
Stairs / Ramps
Stairs & ramps are not obstructed & have suitable hand railing in good condition (firm)
All areas are free from trailing electrical cords or other cables that create a trip hazard / Eyewash Stations
Eyewash stations are in good working order and free from obstruction:
- Weekly inspections completed and up-to-date
- Annual inspection is completed and displayed
Chemical Aerosols
Wherever possible, creation of aerosols for hazardous chemicals is reduced or eliminated (I.e. Virox, Virex)
The temperature is maintained at a comfortable level (above 18°c), where appropriate
Cleaners Room
Cleaner’s rooms are locked when not in use (If accessible to public), and chemicals are stored appropriately
Chemicals and decanting devises have no evidence of tampering / Certification
Specific equipment has been certified as per manufacturers specifications (i.e. engine hoist)
The noise levels seem appropriate for the area (e.g. not needing to raise your voice from 1 meter apart)
Load Rating
All lifting equipment has its load rating displayed on the unit
Waste (i.e.clinical, confidential, chemical)
All waste material is kept in suitable containers and removed at regular intervals / Chemical Disposal
Chemicals are disposed of safely and in line with MSDS / Ladders
Ladder are in a good condition and stored appropriately when not in use
No wooden ladders are used
General Storage
All files / equipment which are frequently used or heavy are stored in easily accessible places (not above shoulder height)
Kick stool/step ladders are in good condition and are available for reaching shelves and materials stored above shoulder height
Storage areas are kept in good general order (remove rubbish and/or items no longer needed) / Outlets
Electrical outlets are in good condition, i.e. no burns, cracks or loose receptacle)
Multiple appliances are not plugged into the same outlet (octopus)
Outlet protective covers are in place in public areas / Equipment Guarding
All guards are fitted to equipment and fans, i.e. no exposed moving parts or nip hazards
Wheeled Equipment (linen carts, beds, commode)
Wheeled equipment is in good working order (wheels, free moving, brakes functional)
Cutting / Grinding Guarding
Guards cutting/grinding equipment are less than 3mm from the grinding/cutting wheel
Cords / Extension Cords
Cords do not pose a trip hazard
Extension cords are only a temporary measure and approved by Engineering
Cords have not been attempted to be repaired (i.e. tape)
Microwave Ovens
Microwaves are clean (especially inside roof) and in good condition (door hinges and seal)
Drug Storage
Drug carts / cupboards accessible to the public are locked when not in use / Autoclaves
Autoclave operating and emergency instructions are posted adjacent to the equipment
The autoclave is inspected at least every 3 months
All Electrical equipment and extension cords are in visible good condition. i.e. no frayed, sheared, or damaged cords or plugs
Photocopiers / Printers
Areas around machines (copier etc) are kept clean, tidy and free from obstruction (where possible, located in a ventilated area) / MSDS
Material safety data sheets are available for all compressed gases / ID Badges
Staff wear identification badges at all times
Unattended Items
Items potentially be used as a weapon are not left unattended (i.e. tradesman tools, cutlery, etc)
Cylinder Carts & Transportation
Cylinder carts are supplied, appropriate for the task and are in good working order for storage and transportation
During transportation a valve protection cap is secured (if applicable)
Workstation hazards
Workstations are free from slipping and tripping hazards
The area under desks are not obstructing legs / feet (boxes, files, etc) / Code White
Staff are aware of the code white protocols
Interview / Assessment Rooms
Rooms are arranged for easy egress and staff locate themselves closest to the door
The room has a phone and visual access to the room (i.e. window)
Cylinder Restraints
All compressed gas cylinders are secured at all times to a suitable support (trolley or stand) and not left unrestrained
Drawers to filing cabinets are kept closed when not in use
All filing cabinets are either bolted to the wall or fitted with anti-tilt device (only being able to open one draw at a time)
Cylinders are kept away from any source of ignition or heat source (i.e. towel warmers)
Cylinder storage areas are signed appropriately
Storage rooms have appropriate cylinder hazard warning charts displayed on door
Cylinders are stored in a well ventilated area
Flammable cylinders are stored at least 6m or have fire resistant barrier of at least ½ hour rating from any cylinder containing oxygen / The following PPE is supplied, used, stored appropriately and in good condition (where necessary):
Eye protection (non-prescription)
Face shields
Aprons and overalls
Hearing protection
Safety Footwear
N95 or other Respirators
5 star base chairs are provided at each workstation and in good working order
The wheeled area of chairs are free from hanging coats, jackets, etc.
Workstation is set-up to sustain a good working posture (see example below)
Cylinders are appropriately labelled and clearly legible / General
All personal protective equipment (PPE) are stored appropriately
Empty cylinders are labeled and removed appropriately / Respiratory Protection
All necessary staff have been fit tested and are familiar with their own specific N95 respirator
Staff in designated personal alarm areas are compliant with department policy
Standard infection control precautions are well practiced in the department
During departmental orientation, policy updates or specific changes, all staff made aware of the first aid policy, responders and kits
Needle Stick Injury (NSI) Prevention
Staff are aware of the procedure in the event of a NSI
Manual Handling
Did you observe any unsafe material handling (poor body mechanics, applying of high force)
Blood Spill Procedures
Staff are aware of procedures in the event of a blood spill / First Aid Personnel
Your department has an adequate amount of trained First Aid responders to cover all shifts
Mechanical Handling (where applicable)
Suitable mechanical handling devices are available, used & maintained in good condition / Hygiene
Food / drink are not stored in the same fridge as clinical related items (medications, specimens)
Areas where food/drink are prohibited are signed and strictly adhered to / First Aid Location
Staff are aware of the location of the first aid kit and it is signed appropriately
First Aid Certificate
The first aiders have a current first aid certificate and a process is in place to ensure they are renewed before expiry
Patient Handling Devices (where applicable)
Suitable mechanical lifting devices are available, used & maintained in good condition
Lifting devices have a weight limit label fixed to the device
Compatible slings are available with each type of lifting devise
An appropriate area & process is in place to ensure batteries are charged when not in use
Sharps Containers
Sharps containers are adequately provided and appropriately placed (easy to access)
Sharps containers are not over the fill line
Sharps container has secure lid
Nothing protruding from sharps containers
No objects are stored on the containers
Sharps container opening is facing staff
Sharps containers do not contain recapped needles (visual check only)
First Aid Information
All employees know the designated first aiders and the information is posted in the department
First Aid Kits
A First aid kit is available within the department, the contents are checked, missing contents are replenished at least on a quarterly basis and appropriate documentation is recorded
Workplace Occurrence Reporting
Employees know who and how to report accidents/incidents
Patient Handling Observation
Did you observe any unsafe lifting or transferring (totally manually lifting patient). / Miscellaneous items (please record) / Miscellaneous items (please record)
Linen Chutes
Ensure linen chutes are not propped open, self close and latch / Miscellaneous items (please record) / Miscellaneous items (please record)
/ AREA LEADERSHIP TO COMPLETERoom/Area / Activity / Hazard / Risk Level (see reverse) / Risk Control Recommendations
List the control measures required to eliminate or further minimize the risk (see reverse) / Target Date
(see reverse) / Action / Explanation / Date of Action
Name Signature: Date:
Risk Matrix
*Risk Level / 2. What is the likelihood of the injury or incident occurring / 3. Prioritize the action needed
1. How severe could it injure someone or how ill could it make someone? / Very likely
Could happen at any time / Likely
Could happen sometime / Unlikely
Could happen, but very rarely / Very unlikely
Could happen, but probably never will / Action Priority
Kill or cause permanent disability or ill health / 1 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 1 = Urgent -Act now -Shutdown area or task -Notify manager immediately -Manager to notify H&S -Action immediately
Long term illness or serious injury / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 2 = High Priority -Notify manager immediately -Act within the week
Medical attention and several days off work / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 3 = Medium Priority - Action required within the month
First aid needed / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 4 = Low Priority-Action required within 3 months
Insignificant / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 5/6/7 = Monitor Risk - If hazard increases in risk, take action -Action within 12 months
Hierarchy of Controls
Elimination / Remove the hazardSubstitution / Use an alternative that is less harmful
Engineering / Change or adjust equipment, isolate or enclose hazard
Administration / Reduce exposure, change work practice - Training, signage etc
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) / Protect the individual from the hazard - Gloves, glasses, respirator etc