Tales of the Open Road
Chapter Officers - 2017
Director: Don Sager – 920.918-8166
Don Sager – 920.918-8166
Assistant Director:
Molly Gehrt – 920.251-1893
Claudia Leistikow– 920.539-9359
Secretary/Membership Officer:
Dan Hunt – 920.382-1405
Ladies of Harley Director:
Audrey Sager – 920.918-8769
Safety Officer:
Leo Udee – 920.921-0507
Newsletter Editor/
Communications Director
Ellen Chmielewski–920.216-0404
Fran Rhine-Backup
Head Road Captain
Tony O’Malley – 920.583-4484
Activities – Dinners:
Kathy Suprenand- 920.251-9149
Merchandise Officer:
Rick Young – 920.286-1322
Jon Soderman – 920.387-2830
Photography Coordinator:
Rick Young – 920.286-1322
H.O.G. Manager:
Brad Mintie – 920.921-2344
Pete Johnson & Lori Thiel
Open Road Harley Davidson 920.921-2344
From the Director’s Chair: DON SAGER
On February 2nd we had a Primary Officers Meeting. In attendance was Thor Robinson, our Regional Manager from Harley in Milwaukee. He spoke to us about the direction HOG National was driving the HOG Chapters to better serve the members wants and needs. He talked about members not enjoying sitting in meetings and listening to boring talk about rules, laws, and listening to the Officers talk about the status of events, etc. He stated that most Chapter Members throughout the United States didn’t join a chapter to sit in meetings; they just want to socialize with fellow bikers and ride their bikes.
Based on the information that he gave us, we set a Primary Officer Meeting for March 28th to discuss this information. Based on what we heard, we decided to make a few changes to our Chapter. Our focus this year will be on socializing with fellow bikers, our Dealership owners & associates and going on rides. Listed below are changes we would like to make to our Chapter.
It is very apparent that most of you really don’t like sitting through meetings. Everyone seems to be complaining that they would like to be riding, rather than listen to someone go on and on about something you’re not interested in. We are starting immediately by cutting our meetings down to two per year, one meeting the first Saturday in April and the second the first Saturday in October. These meetings will be used to discuss the health of the Chapter, both financially as well as our effectiveness to satisfy the needs of our Chapter members. Any information that must be passed on to our Chapter Members between our two formal meetings can be done in several methods. It can be done at the beginning of our monthly social gatherings, posted on the ORHD bulletin board or through an emergency email, or all of the above.
We will continue to meet the first Saturday of every MONTH for a social gathering, other than our two formal Chapter Meeting months. We will try to have all meetings and gatherings at Open Road Harley Davidson. During the summer we will leave on a ride and during the non-riding season, we will have some type of event at ORHD or elsewhere.
Our Newsletters will come out four times per year: Jan., April, July and October. Updates will be given at our meetings and gatherings as needed to inform Chapter Members of upcoming events. We will have our yearly calendar on our website and a copy on the bulletin board at ORHD.
We will try to have 2 Saturday rides and 2 Sunday rides each month during the riding season (June thru Sept.). The Sunday rides would include the Dealer Brunch Runs. We will also have at least 2 Wednesday Night Rides during the summer. Rides do not have to be rides to go and eat; they can just be a ride to get out and put some miles on your bike and enjoy fellowship with other riders.
“Enjoy the Ride”
Your ORHD Chapter Director: Don Sager
APRIL, 2017
April 1st Open Road Chapter Meeting
9:30 am @ NFDL Community Center
April 18th Chapter Dinner–Out Post, Eden
6:00 pm cocktails; 6:30 pm dinner
MAY, 2017
May 6th Chapter Social Gathering
9:30 am @ Open Road HD
May 16th Chapter Dinner
6:00 pm cocktails; 6:30 pm dinner
JUNE, 2017
June 3rd Open Road Chapter Gathering
9:30 am @ Open Road HD Ride to Lunch
June 20th Chapter Dinner
6:00 pm cocktails; 6:30 pm dinner
JULY, 2017
July 1st Open Road Chapter Gathering
9:30 am @ Open Road HD Ride to Lunch
July 18th Chapter Dinner
6:00 pm cocktails; 6:30 pm dinner
AUGUST, 2017
August 5th Open Road Chapter Meeting
9:30 am @ Open Road HD Ride to Lunch
August 15th Chapter Dinner
6:00 pm cocktails; 6:30 pm dinner
April/May 2017 Birthdays:
4/5 Sharyl Williams
4/14 Don Krupna
4/24 Dianne Skarpho
5/1 Michael Henry
5/2 Richard Davis
5/11 Will Vande Slunt
5/13 Larry Anderson
5/14 Brad Mintie
5/16 Mary Halfman
5/21 Rick Skarpho
5/24 Patty Vandeberg
5/29 Jerome Haser
April/May 2017Anniversaries:
4/11 Mr. & Mrs. John Dohr
4/23 John & Pat Maurer
4/26 Jerry & Bonnie Ziegler
4/28 Mr. & Mrs. Norbert Hoerth
5/3 Pat & Paula Freund
5/5 Lyle & Phyllis Collien
5/18 Molly Gehrt
Safety Article: by Leo Udee
Old Green, Old Red, Bikers & Millenials: APRIL 2017
Old Green isn’t stale beer from St. Patty’s Day and Old Red isn’t a sleepy hound dog.
Eric Trow of Stayin Safe Riding schools refers to long green light signals as those getting “Stale” and about to change to red as we approach them.
You would think that light controlled signals might more logically make for safer intersections. They really don’t. As bikers we’ve more often been informed and should know that intersections of all types pose the greatest risks to those of us on two wheels.
Note: The February safety notes reported a study wherein well over 70% of Auto, SUV & Pickup truck drivers who caused accidents with motorcycles don’t consider motorcycles to be a threat to themselves! They are in their steel cocoons!
At controlled intersections where the lights that you are facing have been on for a distance as you approach them, two things are about to occur. 1) The driver or riderapproaching the light tends to “push it” a bit thinking that the light may go Yellow then Red as they arrive at the intersection. 2) Drivers or Riders who have been waiting a bit for their “stale” Red light to go Green may well anticipate jump the light as it changes. Also, vehicles in the left turn lanes of lighted inter- sections will often trigger a light change from red to green.
These all too common driver/rider occurrences at lighted intersections make them some of our most dangerous places!
If that Green or Red has been on as we approach it and is “Stale”, going Yellow, check your mirrors for others close behind, smoothly roll off the throttle and begin braking to a well controlled stop. Keep your eyes moving High and Wide across all of the lanes of that intersection.
Not all Millenials will get a Trophy. Neither will their parents or Grandparents! Per USA Today, the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety’s survey recently learned that 88% ofall drivers ages 19 to 24 have engaged in the 3 risks of Texting, Running red lights, and Speeding while behind the wheel.
The population by all age groups engaging these one or more of the 3 risks breaks down as follows: By Age Groups:
16-18 = 69.3% 19-24= 88.4% 25-39 = 79.2% 40-59 = 75.2% 60-74 = 67.3% 75+ = 69.3%
Keep Eyes High & Wide, Ride Safe & Have Fun. Leo
Open Road HOG Chapter
Minutes from the February3, 2017 Meeting
The meeting was called to order at 9:30 AM by Director Don Sager. Meeting began with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Treasurer’s Report: Claudia Leistikow reported on the checking and savings accounts for both the Chapter and the LOH. Details of the Treasurer's Report are available upon request. The movement of the account to BMO Harris bank is almost complete. Claudia is just waiting for a few checks to clear.
Ladies of Harley Report: Audrey Sager gave the LOH report. The webpage password has been removed. The chapter minutes can now be viewed without entering a password.
LOH Ladies Overnight Weekend (Sassy Sisters Weekend) is set for April 21st-23rd. Cost will be around $110 which includes the room, a breakfast, a massage and fingernail painting.
LOH Breakfast Planning Meeting is March 18th at 9:30 am at Rolling Meadows.
A sign-up sheet is available for working at Road America, Sign up For May 20th: It is the spring Vintage Car Weekend. Everyone who works will receive a wristband that gets you into the races for the whole weekend.
Safety Officer: Leo Udee gave the safety officers report. Leo offered to the chapter that if anyone wants him to research a riding class or any similar training he is willing to do so. Remember it is important to practice, practice, practice and watch out for sand and salt on the roadways.
Approval of Minutes: Don asked if there are any corrections. There were no changes. Leo made the motion to approve the minutes. The motion was seconded by Patty Vandeberg. The motion was carried.
Christmas Party 2016. Don asked what members liked and what they like to see different. Members liked the location (Holiday Inn). Someone suggested changing the food this year. Another person liked the music. Everyone would like to have it kept the same time of the year.
Don said that the members should thank Gordy for getting all of the gift certificates that were given out as prizes.
Chapter Merchandise: Rick Young said that if you need any HOG merchandise you can see him. A new HOG catalog will be coming out in February.
New Business:
New Motto: Enjoy The Ride. Don confirmed that membership in HOG is all about the ride and that's what we plan to emphasize this year.
Road Captain Update: Tony O’Malley gave the Road Captain update. This year we will be emphasizing ride planning as the responsibility for the Road Captains. If you want to be a Road Captain and have had the training all you need to do is go on the chapter website and watch the video. There will be formal training for new Road Captains. See Tony if you are interested.
Calendar for 2017. Check the Chapter's website. The calendar will be on it.
Ride Suggestion for 2017: Put your ride suggestions in the tank. In August we will need volunteers for Ride Around The Lake. The Chapter will receive money for working. Also the members will receive $25 to cover gas and will also receive a meal.
Changes in the Chapter for 2017: Don said there will be no formal meetings from June thru September. We will meet at ORHD and ride somewhere. Everyone who buys a bike from ORHD will receive the rest of that year’s chapter membership for free.
The February 21stChapter Dinner is at Rock the House at 6:00PM.
Chapter Dinner for March 21st will be at Fudgienuckles in Glenbeulah at 6:00 PM.
Chapter Dinners for April 18th will be at the Out Post in Eden at 6:00 PM.
50/50 volunteers for March 4th and April 1st.
March 4th will be Karen Jensen and Jon Soderman.
April 1stwill be Tim Leistikow and Patty Vandeberg.
Open Road HD Report.
Lori gave the ORHD update. There will be dealer rides throughout the riding season. These will be in the newsletter. The Hogs for Heroes Ride for local veterans will be on Saturday June 10th. Volunteers will be needed.
Decade Party is coming up February 18th at ORHD. There will be a food drive to support the “Food for Thought” program during the decade party. For every 5 cans of food you bring in you will get a ticket for the raffle.
Diane Skarpho explained what the Food for Thought program is and how it works and benefits local school children. Besides donating the food Diane says that the program prints a lot of labels at Staples which is very expensive. If anyone knows of a printer that would either donate or print at a lower price you can contact Diane.
Drawings: 50/50 winner was Patty Schultz. Kathy Suprenand made a motion to donate the chapter's 50/50 share to the food pantry. Seconded by Molly Gehrt. Motion carried.
Adjournment: Motion to adjourn by Diane Skarpho. Seconded by Dan Hunt. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned.
Next get together is Saturday March 4th at the Community Center in North Fond du Lac at 9:30 AM.
Dan Hunt, Secretary
The “Florida Chapter”.
Several Chapter members met up in Florida, February, 2017.
Harley Owners Group – Open Road Chapter #2166 The views presented are not necessarily the opinions, expressed or Sponsor: Open Road Harley-Davidson implied, of the officers, editor, Harley-Davidson or Open Road HD. 24 S. Rolling Meadows Dr., FDL, WI 54937 NOTE: All Chapter Rides/ Events will begin in the parking lot of a
Phone: 920.921-2344 designated spot (i.e. Open Road Harley-Davidson).