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Deadline for nominations – 21stJuly 2017, 5pm GMT
Open to all current practising primary school teachers (full or part-time), who
- are innovative and creative in teaching science;
- inspire colleagues and contribute to developing science in their school and beyond;
- engage pupils in the excitement and fascination of science.
Why nominate a teacher?
Each award consists of £1,000 prize money for the teacher and £500 prize money for the school – plus a certificate.One award, the Keith Bishop Award, is a special award recognising the achievements of a teacher working in challenging circumstances. Since 2012,some awards have been further endorsed by Learned Societies (e.g.Institute of Physics, Royal Society of Chemistry, Royal Society of Biology and The Geological Society) and other Educational Charities (such as the Comino Foundation, Ogden Trust, SHINE Trust), which recognise the achievements of teachers working in particular areas of science or with particular groups.
Prize winners will be invited to join the PSTT Primary Science Teacher College as a College Fellow. In additionto access to a range of resources and a growing network of excellent primary science teachers, the College has an annual budget in excess £500,000 to support the development of Fellows’ primary science projects, personal CPD and schools’ clusters.
Additional resources from TTS
A selection of TTS science resourceswill also be presented to award winners.
Awards will be presented during the Annual College Conference in October 2018.
Headteachers will be notified of the outcome of the shortlisting panel in September 2017. Shortlisted candidates will be contacted by the Trust to arrange a school visit, which will take place in either the autumn or spring term of the academic year 2017-18, depending on schools’ locations.Two judges will expect to:observethe nominee in a science lesson; have time for discussion with the nominee and meet with the Headteacher.Nominees will be notified of the outcome no more than, but up to, 4 weeks after the visit.
Nomination Form
Deadline for nominations – 21stJuly 2017, 5pm GMT
Late submissions will not be accepted. Please ensure all information is present and correct before submitting. (Click on grey boxes to begin typing.)
Current post (please tick all that apply):
Classroom Practitioner SSL/Science Coordinator Deputy Headteacher
Headteacher Other (please state)
Date of Appointment (mm/yyyy): Full-time Part-time
Current year groups being taught by nominee (please tick all that apply):
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Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
Year 6
Mixed year groups
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Please indicate where you found out about the Primary Science Teacher Awards:
Details of School (please ensure these are correct as they will be used fordirections to the school if nominee is shortlisted):
Name of School:No. on roll:
Age range of pupils:
Post code:Tel. no:
E-mail:School web address:
Dates / School/Employer / Post heldDetails of Headteacher(Proposer) at the nominee’s school:
Name:Tel. no:
Nominations must be made by the candidates Headteacher. Additional support may be provided by one further nominator who recognises the candidate’s impact on primary science teaching.
Details ofSupporter:
Name of Supporter:
Post Code:
Tel. no:E-mail:
With respect to the teaching ofscience at primary level, discussthe candidate’s impact in the following areas and provide specific examples to evidence this (both within and outside of the school).
Click on the grey boxes to begin typing, please write at least150 words for each section.
A.Classroom practice - creating exciting learning opportunities
B. Teaching to induce creativity in the learner
C. Impact within nominee’s own classroom
D. Subject leadership
E. Innovation (both within classroom and beyond)
F. Staff support within school
G. Impact beyond the nominee’s own classroom and school
H. Commitment to primary science
Please submit nominations by uploading the completed form at
If you have any queries regarding your nomination please don’t hesitate to contact us.