Daniel Alfonso, M.D.
Address: 9035 Sunset Drive Phone: 305-308-0210 (office) Suite 203 305-273-2176 (fax)
Miami, FL 33173
Miami, FL Orthopaedic Hand Surgeon
Miki and Alfonso Hand and Upper Extremity Center
Founder and Partner
Miami, FLOrthopaedic Hand Surgeon
Miami Hand Center
New York. NY NYU Hospital for Joint Diseases
Emanuel Kaplan Hand Fellowship
ASSH Candidate Member
August 2009 - July 2010
Columbia University
Microsurgery Course and Certification
January 2010
New York, NY NYU Hospital for Joint Diseases
Orthopaedic Surgery Residency
Clinical Intern Lecture Series Coordinator and Instructor
NYU Hand First Place Senior Research Project
Emergency Response Committee Member
July 2003 - June 2009
New York, NY NYU Hospital for Joint Diseases
Orthopaedic Research Fellowship
Research Area: Interleukin 6 as a marker for perprosohetic infection and immunohistochemistry staining
July 2005 - June 2006
Atlanta, GA Emory University School of Medicine
Medical Degree (MD)
Joseph Whitehead Surgical Scholarship
August 1999 - May 2003
Hanover, NH Dartmouth College
Bachelor of Arts
Graduated Cum Laude
Waterhouse Scholarship Recipient
Research Area: Osteogenesis: LMP-1 gene to elucidate the relationship between osteogenic factors.
Research Area: Effects of nitric oxide on the subcutaneous tumors using a mouse
model. (University of Miami)
Awarded Dartmouth’s Outstanding performance in Physics
Captain of National Club Waterpolo Championship Team1998
Collegiate Water Polo Association All Conference Team 1996
September 1995 - June 1999
Licensure and
Medical Doctor (MD) 2003
USMLE Step 1 2001
Medical Doctor (MD) 2003
USMLE Step 2 2003
USMLE Step 3 2004
New York License (active) 2004
Florida License (active) ME99349 2007
American Board of Orthopedic Surgery
ABOS Step I 2009
ABOS Step 2 2013
Baptist Healthcare system (Baptist, Doctors, South Miami) 2010
Tenet Healthcare system (Coral Gables, Palmetto, Hialeah) 2010
Kendall Regional Medical Center 2010
American Society for Surgery of the Hand Since 2010
American Academy of OrthopaedicScoiety (AAOS) Since 2011
English, Spanish
Publications and
Alfonso I, Alfonso DT, Papazian O. Focal upper extremity neuropathy in neonates.
Seminars in Pediatric Neurology. 2000, 7(1):4-14
Alfonso I, Papazian O, Prieto G, Alfonso DT. Melnick SJ. Neoplasm as a cause of brachial
plexus palsy in neonates. Pediatric Neurology. 2000, 22 (4):309-11
Alfonso DT, Sotrel A, Grossman JA. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome due to an intraneural
perineuroma in 2-year-old child. Journal of Hand Surgery-British Volume. 2001, 26(2) 168-70
Grossman JA, Di Taranto P, Alfonso D, Ramos LE, Price AE. Shoulder function following
partial spinal accessory nerve transfer for brachial plexus birth injury. Journal of Plastic,
Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery: JPRAS.2006, 59(4):373-5
Alfonso DT, Toussiant RJ, Alfonso BD, Strauss EJ, Steiger DT, DiCesare PE. Nonsurgical
Complications After Total Hip and Knee Arthroplasty. Am J Orthop. 2006, 35(11) 503-510
Alfonso DT, Vazquez O, Egol KA. Concomitant Ipsilateral Femoral Neck and Femoral
Shaft Fracture Nonunions: A Report of three cases and Review of the Literature. Iowa
Orthop J. 2006, 26:112-8
Alfonso I, Diaz-Arca G, Alfonso DT, Shuhaiber HH, Papazian O, Price AE, Grossman JA.
Fetal deformations: a risk factor for obstetrical brachial plexus palsy? Pediatric Neurology. 2006, 35(4):246-9
Alfonso D, Idjadi J, Lamont JG. Retrieval of a trial femoral head that displaces into the
periacetabular soft tissue during mini-incision total hip arthroplasty. A case report. Journal of Bone 7 Joint Surgery – American Volumen. 2006, 88(4):866-8
Liu CJ, Zhang Y, Xu K, Parsons D, Alfonso D, DiCesare PE. Transcriptional activation of
cartilage oligomeric matrix protein by Sox9, Sox5 and Sox6 transcription factors and
CBP/p300 coactivators. Frontiers in Bioscience. 2007, 12:3899-910
Strauss EJ, Alfonso D, Kummer FJ, Egol KA, Tejwani NC. The effect of concurrent
fibular fracture on the fixation of distal tibia fractures: a laboratory comparision of
intramedullary nails with locked plates. Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma. 2007,21(3): 172-7
Zhang Y, Howell RD, Alfonso DT, Yu J, Kong L, Wittig JC, Liu CJ. IFI16 inhibits
tumorigenicity and cell proliferation of bone and cartilage tumor cells. Frontiers in
Bioscience. 2007, 12:4855-63
Alfonso DT, Howell DR, Strauss EJ, DiCesare PE. Total Hip and Knee Arthroplasty in
Nonagenarians. The journal of Arthroplasty, 2007, 22(6):807-811
Navqi AH, Alfonso DT, Flores P, Grossmann JA, Restrepo R, Alfonso I. Resolution of
brachial plexus palsy due to hemangioma after intravenous corticosteroid therapy. Journal of Child Neurology, 2008, 23(8):956-8
Alfonso DT, Howell RD, Caceres G, Kozlowski P, DiCesare PE. Total Hip Arthroplasty
in the Underwight. Journal of Arthroplasty, 2008, 23(7):956-9
Alfonso I, Alfonso, DT, Price AE, Grossman JA. Cortical Dysplasia and obstetrical
brachial plexus palsy. Journal of Child Neurology, 2008, 23(12): 1477-80
Strauss EJ, Alfonso D, Baidwan G, DiCesare PE. Orthopedic manifestations and
management of psoriatic arthritis. American Journal of Orthopaedics 2008, 37(3): 138-47
Alfonso I, Alfonso DT. How to Write a Case Report. Library of Congress number
TXU 1- 607-602
Feldman D, Alfonso DT. Hip Diastasis in the Treatment of Legg-Calve-Perthes. In Limb
Lengthening and Reconstruction Surgery. Informa 2006 New York, NY
Feldman DS, Schacter AK, Alfonso D, Razi AE. Congenital Scoliosis, in Surgical
Management of Spinal Deformities: EdsErrico, Lonner & Moulton. Elsevier. Wise press Co, London, 2008
Southeastern Surgical Congress Annual Scientific Meeting 2004. Combined Lower
Extremity Arterial and Orthopedic Injuries from Penetrating Trauma: Which to Repair
First Presenter: Alfonso DT. Authors: Alfonso DT, Feliciano DV, Rozycki GS, Ballard
RB, Ingram WL, Salamone JP, Nicholas JM, Ansley JP. Presented on February 2, 2004 in Atlanta, GA
American Society for Surgery of the Hand 2004. Shoulder Function Following Spinal
Accessory Nerve Transfer for Brachial Plexus Birth Injury. Presenter: Alfonso DT.
Authors: Alfonso DT, DiTaranto P, Price A, Grossman JAI. Presented on September
10, 2004 in New York, NY
American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgery 2011. Surgical Interventions to Reduce
Neuroma Formation in a Rat Model. Presenter: Lee SK. Authors: Lee SK, Alfonso D.
Eisemon E, Lin E, Choueka J, Paksima N. Presented on Friday February 18, 2011 in
San Diego, CA