Practical Exercise: 05
First & Last Name:
Period or Block #:
Create a Personal Logo
Situation Statement: The video projects you have completed over the past 6 weeks have lead to a large number of files that must be store on tape in our archives. For over twenty years, the students of Lakeland Regional High School have proudly preserved their work for the next class of Lancers to view. You are fast becoming the next great film maker and your work must be recognized. A personal logo is a great way to identify yourself.
Setting Statement: You must create a personal logo in order to reflect your work. This logo will be placed at the start of each and every video you produce from this point forward.
Design Brief:
Capital: No money may be used
People:On your own
Information:Who, what, where, when, why & how?
Materials:Story boards, photo images or video clips, and self-made music track
Equipment:A computer with Final Cut Pro, Motion, Live Type, & Garage Band
Energy:Human, electrical
Time:10 - 15 seconds (completed over 5 class periods)
Your personal logo must include the following criteria. If you should fail to meet any one of the design specifications, you will fail to accomplish its goal.
It must include a still photo or video clip.
It must include your first name.
It must include your last name.
It must include an audio clip created using the piano keyboard and Garage Band program.
It must include animated effects.
It must include text for your production company name.
It must fade in from black and out to black.
It is strongly recommended that you start using a Motion Template to begin this project. Always remember to choose an NTSC format template.
Mr. Richard Murek Questions or Extra Help
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