Winterset HOA Open Meeting
Tuesday, March 29, 2005
Meeting minutes from March 29, 2005, 7pm @ The New Rival Kingdom Church
5 of 7 Board members were present
Various Homeowners were present
Meeting Called to Order @ 7:12pm
Meeting Adjourned @ 9:14pm
A motion to waive the reading of the minutes from the November meeting. The motion was seconded.
The Board stated that it has approx. 65 e-mail addresses for Winterset neighbors on file.
Architectural Review Committee
Site inspections began on Saturday, 3/26/05.
Landscape Committee
This committee is responsible for reviewing all landscape contracts that are submitted, make recommendations to the Board and walk the neighborhood to inspect the work. Volunteers are needed.
Newsletter Committee
The next newsletter will go out in May. More volunteers are needed on the committee.
New Development Committee
There was a meeting on Smith Property meeting on March 14 @ the Equestrian Ccenter. The project is located near Pennsylvania Ave. and Westphaila Rd.
Social Committee
More volunteers are needed. There are only 4 members on the committee.
Proposed Fence Along Brooke Lane
- The 6 foot, wrought iron, steel fence will be installed for security reasons to deter foot and mini motor bike traffic.
- The homeowners were provided a breakdown of the price of the fence and different payment plan options.
- The neighbors present at the meeting asked about maintenance issues and where the fence will stop.
- A question was asked about the fence running behind Foyette Lane. The Marlboro Pointe development will be built behind Foyette Lane.
Community Task Force
The Board asked for every homeowner to look out for their neighbor on the left and right of them.
Mini Motor Bikes
Neighbors complained that the kids are:
- cutting through their yards by way of Brooke Lane.
- riding on the tot lots, tennis court and basketball courts.
- speeding through the neighborhood, and not watching out for pedestrians.
The Board stated …
- that there is presently no law in Prince George’s county regarding the mini motor bides.
- a compromise is been sought with the parents of the mini motor bike riders.
- parents should talk to their kids about the safety concerns and obeying the traffic laws.
- the mini motor bikes should not be ridden on the sidewalk.
Old Business
It was stated that the potholes on Westphalia and Ritchie Marlboro Road are scheduled to be repaved this summer. New Developers will also repair any damage they cause when building.
Please send an email to the HOA Board at to request a detailed copy of the meeting minutes.
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