Lawrence R. Jacobs
Curriculum Vitae
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University of Minnesota
Hubert H. Humphrey School of Public Affairs and
Department of Political Science
137 Hubert H. Humphrey Center
301-19th Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55455
Phone: (612) 625-3384
Fax: (612) 624-0068
1990Columbia University,PhD in Political Science
Fields of Concentration: American Politics, Political Institutions,
Comparative Public Policy
1981Oberlin College, BA in History and English
2007-PresentCo-editor, University of Chicago Press, Chicago Series in American Politics
2005-PresentWalter F. and Joan Mondale Chair for Political Studies, Hubert H. Humphrey School of Public Affairs and Department of Political Science
2005-PresentFounder and Director, Center for the Study of Politics and Governance, Hubert H. Humphrey School of Public Affairs
2003-2004Director, 2004 Elections Project, Hubert H. Humphrey Institute
2001-PresentProfessor, Department of Political Science, University of Minnesota
2000-2003 Associate Director, Institute for Social, Economic andEcological Sustainability, University of Minnesota
1994-2001Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, University of Minnesota
1989-1994Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, University of Minnesota
1988-1989Instructor, Department of Political Science, University of Minnesota
TEACHING (selected courses)
“America’s Constitutional Crises, 1946-Present” with Vice President Walter Mondale. For undergraduate and graduate students.
“Governance and Health: Policy, Politics, and Technology.” For undergraduate and graduate students.
“The American Presidency.” For undergraduate and graduate students.
Lawrence R. Jacobs and Desmond King. Fed Power: How Finance Wins. (New York, NY: Oxford University
Press, 2016).
James Druckman and Lawrence R. Jacobs. Who Governs? Presidents, Public Opinion, and Manipulation
(Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2015).
Lawrence R. Jacobs and Theda Skocpol. Health Care Reform and American Politics: What Everyone Needs
to Know. (New York, NY: Oxford University Press. Updated and Revised Third Edition, 2015).
Lawrence Jacobs and Desmond King, eds. Obama at the Crossroads: Politics, Markets, and the Battle for America’s Future. 2nd ed. (New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2012).
Theda Skocpol and Lawrence Jacobs, eds. Reaching for the New Deal: President Obama's Agenda and the Dynamics of U.S. Politics. (New York, NY: Russell Sage, 2011).
Robert Y. Shapiro and Lawrence R. Jacobs, eds. The Oxford Handbook of American Public Opinion and the
Media. (Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2011).
Lawrence R. Jacobs, Fay Lomax Cook, and Michael Delli Carpini. Talking Together: Public Deliberation in America and the Search for Community. (Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 2009).
Benjamin Page and Lawrence Jacobs. Class War? What Americans Really Think about Economic Inequality. (Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 2009).
Lawrence Jacobs and Desmond King, eds. The Unsustainable American State. (New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2009).
Lawrence D. Brown and Lawrence R. Jacobs. The Private Abuse of the Public Interest. (Chicago, IL:
University of Chicago Press, 2008).
Lawrence R. Jacobs and Theda Skocpol, eds. Inequality and American Democracy:What We Know and
What We Need to Learn. (New York, NY: Russell Sage Foundation, 2005). Based on a report from a TaskForce of the American Political Science Association.
James Morone and Lawrence R. Jacobs, eds. Healthy, Wealthy, and Fair: Health Care and the Good Society.
(New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2005).
Lawrence R. Jacobs and Robert Y. Shapiro. Politicians Don't Pander: Political Manipulation and the Loss of Democratic Responsiveness. (Chicago, IL: Chicago University Press, 2000). Winner of book awards
from the American Political Science Association, the American Sociological Association, and the
Kennedy School at Harvard University.
Joel Krieger (editor in chief) with co-editors Margaret Crahan, Lawrence R. Jacobs, William Joseph, George Nzongola-Ntalaja, and James Paul. The Oxford Companion to Politics of the World. Edited volume.
(New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2001).
Robert Y. Shapiro, Martha Kumar, and Lawrence R. Jacobs, eds. Presidential Power: Forging the Presidency for the 21st Century. (New York, NY: Columbia University Press, 2000).
Lawrence R. Jacobs. The Health of Nations: Public Opinion and the Making of Health Policy in the U.S. and
Britain. (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1993).
Special Issues, Symposia, Major Reports, and other Research Projects
Contributor. “Report to the New Leadership and the American People on Social Insurance and Inequality.”
National Academy of Social Insurance. January 2017.
Edited by Lawrence R. Jacobs and Suzanne Mettler. Journal of Health Policy, Politics and Law. Fall 2011
Special issue devoted to public opinion and health and health policy.
Co-led with Theda Skocpol and including eight other scholars. Reaching for the New Deal: President Obama's Agenda and the Dynamics of U.S. Politics. Published online by the Russell Sage Foundation, Fall 2010.
Collaborations with Minnesota Public Radio (May-Nov. 2010). 4 polls and 11 reports on elections, and
launching of PoliGraph (fact-checking investigations of statements by candidates).
Edited by George Edwards III and Lawrence R. Jacobs. Presidential Studies Quarterly. Fall 2008.Special symposium on Vice Presidential candidatesselected.
Edited by Lawrence R. Jacobs and Robert Y. Shapiro.Public Opinion Quarterly. Dec. 2005. Special issue on
polls and campaigns.
American Political Science Association’s Task Force on Inequality and American Democracy (Lawrence R.
Jacobs, Chair), “American Democracy in an Age of Rising Inequality,” 2004.[
Lawrence R. Jacobs. Surveys and Reportson 2004 Elections. Hubert H. Humphrey Institute. Minneapolis, Minnesota. Summer and Fall 2004. [
Marshall M. Bouton and Benjamin I. Page (eds.) with Lawrence R. Jacobs, Richard C. Longsworth, Steven
Kull, Catherine Hug, and Christopher Whitney. Worldviews 2002: American Public Opinion and ForeignPolicy. (Chicago: Chicago Council on Foreign Relations, 2002).
M. Bouton, Benjamin I. Page, Catherine Hug, Lawrence R. Jacobs, and Christopher Whitney. Worldviews
2002: European Public Opinion and Foreign Policy. (Chicago: Chicago Council on Foreign Relations, 2002).
Scholarly Articles
Timothy Callaghan and Lawrence R. Jacobs. “The Future of Health Care Reform: What is Driving
Enrollment?” Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law. 42 (April 2017): 215-246.
James Druckman and Lawrence R. Jacobs. “Critical Dialogue about Who Governs.” Perspectives on Politics.
14 (September 2016).
Lawrence R. Jacobs and Suzanne Mettler. “Liking Health Reform but Turned Off by Toxic Politics,”
Health Affairs. May 2016.
Timothy Callaghan and Lawrence R. Jacobs. “The Interest Group Battle Over Medicaid Expansion: The
Surprising Impact of Public Advocates.” American Journal of Public Health. 106 (January 2016):
Timothy Callaghan and Lawrence R. Jacobs. “Process Learning and the Implementation of Medicaid
Reform.” Publius: The Journal of Federalism. 44 (Fall 2014): 541-563.
Lawrence R. Jacobs. “Health Reform and the Future of American Politics.” Perspectives on Politics.
12 (September 2014): 631-642.
Lawrence R. Jacobs. “The Contested Politics of Public Value.”Public Administration Review. 74 (July/August
2014): 480-494.
Lawrence R. Jacobs and Theda Skocpol. “Progressive Federalism and the Contested Implementation of Obama’s Health Reform.”The Politics of Major Policy ReformEd. by Jeffrey Jenkins and Sidney
Milkis. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2014.
Lawrence R. Jacobs. “Political Parties and Economic Inequality.”CQ Guide to Political PartiesEd. by
Marjorie Hershey. Washington, DC: Congressional Quarterly Press, 2014.
Lawrence R. Jacobs. “Lord Bryce’s Curse: The Costs of Presidential Heroism and the Hope of Deliberative Incrementalism.” Presidential Studies Quarterly. 43 (December 2013): 732-52.
Lawrence R. Jacobs. “Going Institutional: The Making of Political Communications.” Oxford Handbook of Political CommunicationEd. by Kathleen Hall Jamieson and Kate Kenski. (New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2013).
Lawrence R. Jacobs and Timothy Callaghan. “Why States Expand Medicaid: Party, Resources, and
History.” Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law. 38 (October 2013): 1023-1050.
Lawrence R. Jacobs. “The Public Presidency and Disciplinary Presumptions.” Presidential Studies
Quarterly. 43 (March 2013): 16–34.
Joe Soss and Lawrence R. Jacobs. “Guardianship and the New Gilded Age: Insular Politics and the Perils of
Elite Rule.”Working and Living in the Shadow of Economic FragilityEd. by M. Sherraden and Marion Crain. (New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2014).
Lawrence Jacobs and Joel Ario. “Postelection, The Affordable Care Act Leaves The Intensive Care Unit
For Good.” Health Affairs. 31 (December 2012): 2603-2608.
Joel Ario and Lawrence Jacobs. “In the Wake of The Supreme Court Decision Over The Affordable Care Act,
Many Stakeholders Still Support Health Reform.” Health Affairs. Web version, July 11, 2012.
Print version, August 2012.
Lawrence R. Jacobs and Eric P. Schwartz. “Presidential Power and the Internationalization of Domestic Policy.” Georgetown Journal of International Affairs. 13 (Spring/Fall 2012).
Theda Skocpol and Lawrence R. Jacobs. “Accomplished and Embattled: Understanding Obama’s Presidency.”
Political Science Quarterly. 127 (Spring 2012): 1-24.
Lawrence R. Jacobs and Desmond S. King. “Varieties of Obamaism: Structure, Agency, and the Obama Presidency.”Obama at the Crossroads: Politics, Markets, and the Battle for America’s FutureEd. by
Lawrence Jacobs and Desmond King (New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2012).
Lawrence R. Jacobs. “Barack Obama and the Angry Left: The Fight for Progressive Realism.” Obama at the Crossroads: Politics, Markets, and the Battle for America’s FutureEd. by Lawrence Jacobs and
Desmond King (New York: Oxford University Press, 2012).
Lawrence R. Jacobs and Suzanne Mettler. “Why Public Opinion Changes: The Implications for Health and
Health Policy.” Journal of Health Policy, Politics and Law. 36 (December 2011).
Lawrence R. Jacobs and Robert Y. Shapiro. “Public Opinion and Information Interdependence in the New
Media Era.” The Oxford Handbook of American Public Opinion and the Media Ed. by Robert Y. Shapiro and Lawrence R. Jacobs (Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2011).
Shapiro, Robert Y. and Lawrence R. Jacobs. “Pathologies of Leadership, Public Opinion, and the Media Polarization.” The Oxford Handbook of American Public Opinion and the MediaEd. by Robert Y.
Shapiro and Lawrence R. Jacobs (Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2011).
Lawrence R. Jacobs. “America’s Critical Juncture: The Affordable Care Act and its Reverberations.” Journal
of Health Politics, Policy and Law. 36 (June 2011), pp. 625-631.
James Druckman and Lawrence Jacobs. “Segmented Representation: The Reagan White House and Disproportionate Responsiveness.” Who Gets Represented? Ed. by Christopher Wlezien and Peter
Enns (New York, NY: Russell Sage, 2011).
Lawrence Jacobs. “The Betrayal of Democracy: The Purpose of Public Opinion Survey Research and its Misuse by Presidents” in Manipulating Democracyedited by Wayne LeCheminant and John Parrish
(London, UK: Routledge,2011).
Lawrence Jacobs, “The Privileges of Access: Interest Groups and The White House.” The Obama
Presidency: Appraisals and Prospects. Ed. by Bert Rockman, Andrew Rudalevige, and Colin
Campbell. (Washington, DC: Congressional Quarterly, 2011).
Lawrence R. Jacobs. “Presidential Overselling: Presidential Promotion and the Bubble of Irrational
Exuberance.” Governing at Home: The White House and Domestic Policymaking.Ed. by Michael Nelson and Russell Riley (Lawrence, KS: University of Kansas, 2011).
Lawrence Jacobs. “What Health Reform Teaches Us About American Politics.” PS: Political Science &
Politics. 43 (October 2010): 619-623.
Lawrence R. Jacobs and Desmond King. “Varieties of Obamaism: Structure, Agency and the Obama
Presidency.” Perspectives on Politics. 8 (September 2010): 793-802.
Lawrence R. Jacobs. “Democracy and Capitalism: The Limits of Oligarchic Rule.” Politics and Society. 38 (June 2010): 243-254.
Fay Lomax Cook, Lawrence Jacobs, and Dukhong Kim. “Trusting What You Know: Information,
Knowledge, and Confidence in Social Security.” Journal of Politics. 72 (April 2010): 1–16.
Lawrence Jacobs and Joe Soss. “The Politics of Inequality in America: A Political Economy Framework.”
Annual Review of American Politics. 2010. 13:341–64.
Lawrence R. Jacobs. “The Presidency and the Press: The Paradox of the White House Communications
War.” The Presidency and the Political System (9th Edition). Ed. by Michael Nelson (Washington, DC: Congressional Quarterly Press, 2010).
Joe Soss and Lawrence Jacobs. “The Place of Inequality: Non-participation in the American Polity.”
Political Science Quarterly. Spring 2009 Vol. 124 (1): 95-125.
Lawrence R. Jacobs, “Building Reliable Theories of the Presidency.” Presidential Studies Quarterly 39
(December 2009): 771-80.
Lawrence R. Jacobs and Desmond King. “America’s Political Crisis: The Unsustainable State in a Time
of Unraveling.” PS: Political Science and Politics. April 2009: 277-285.
Lawrence Jacobs. “The Threat to Democracy” in The Future of Political Science: 100 Perspectives.Ed. by
Gary King, Kay Schlozman, and Norman Nie. (New York: Routledge Press, 2009).
James Druckman and Lawrence Jacobs. “Presidential Responsiveness to Public Opinion.”Oxford
Handbook ofthe American PresidencyEd. by George Edwards. (Oxford: Oxford University Press,
Lawrence R. Jacobs and Desmond King. “Chapter 1. The Political Crisis of the America State.” The
Unsustainable L. Jacobs and D. King. (New York: Oxford University Press, 2009).
Benjamin Page and Lawrence R. Jacobs. “Chapter 6. No Class War: Economic Inequality and theAmerican
Public” in The Unsustainable State. Ed. by L. Jacobs and D. King. (New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2009).
Lawrence R. Jacobs, “1994 All Over Again? Public Opinion and Health Care.” New England Journal of Medicine. May 1, 2008, Vol. 358 (18): 1881-1883.
James N. Druckman and Lawrence R. Jacobs, “Presidential Responsiveness to Public Opinion” in Oxford Handbook of the American Presidency. Ed. by George C. Edwards III and William G. Howell. (New
York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2009).
George C. Edwards III and Lawrence R. Jacobs. “The new vicepresidency: institutions and politics.”
Presidential Studies Quarterly. 38 (September 2008).
Fay Lomax Cook, Michael Delli Carpini, and Lawrence R. Jacobs. “Who Deliberates? Discursive
Participation in America.”Deliberation, Participation and Democracy: Can the People Govern?
Ed.ByShawn Rosenberg. (New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007).
Lawrence R. Jacobs. “The Implementation and Evolution of Medicare: The Distributional Effects of ‘Positive’
Policy Feedbacks.”Remaking America: Democracy and Public Policy in an Age of Inequality.Ed. by
Joe Soss, Jacob Hacker, and Suzanne Mettler. (New York, NY: Russell Sage Press, 2007).
Lawrence R. Jacobs. “The Promotional Presidency and the New Institutional Toryism: Public Mobilization, Legislative Dominance, and Squandered Opportunities”Politics and Polarization.Ed. by George Edwards and Desmond King. (New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2007).
Lawrence R. Jacobs. “The Medicare Approach: Political Choice and American Institutions.” Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law. 32 (2007): 159-186.
Lawrence R. Jacobs and Robert Y. Shapiro. “Bush’s Democratic Ambivalence: Responsiveness and Policy Promotion in Republican Government.” The George W. Bush LegacyEd. by Andrew Rudalevige and
Bert Rockman. (Washington, DC.: Congressional Quarterly Press, 2007).
Lawrence R. Jacobs and Joanne Miller. “BuckingThe Democratic Sweep in Minnesota: Campaigning in a Hostile Environment and Winning.” The Sixth Year Itch.Ed. by Larry Sabato (Pearson Longman,
Fay Cook, Michael Delli Carpini, and Lawrence Jacobs. “Discursive Capital and Democratic Deliberation” Deliberation, Participation and Democracy: Can the People Govern?Ed. by Shawn Rosenberg. (New
York, NY: Palgrave MacMillan, 2007).
James N. Druckman and Lawrence R. Jacobs. “Lumpers and Splitters: The Public Opinion Information That Politicians Collect and Use.” Public Opinion Quarterly. 70 (December 2006): 453-476.
Benjamin I. Page and Lawrence R. Jacobs. “A Disconnect between Foreign Policy Makers and the Public?”
The Foreign Policy Disconnect: What Americans Want from Our Leaders but Don't Get by Benjamin
Page and Marshall Bouton. (Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 2006).
Lawrence R. Jacobs and Robert Y. Shapiro. “Polling Politics, Media, and Election Campaigns.” Public
Opinion Quarterly. December 2005.
Lawrence R. Jacobs and Theda Skocpol. “American Democracy in an Era of Rising Inequality.”Inequality and American Democracy: What We Know and What We Need to Learn.Ed. by Lawrence R. Jacobs and
Theda Skocpol. (New York, NY: Russell Sage Foundation, 2005).
Lawrence R. Jacobs and Theda Skocpol. “Studying Inequality and American Democracy: Findings and
Challenges.”Inequality and American Democracy: What We Know and What We Need to LearnEd.
by Lawrence R. Jacobs and Theda Skocpol. (New York: Russell Sage Foundation, 2005).
Larry Bartels, Hugh Heclo, Rodney Hero, and Lawrence Jacobs. “Inequality and American Governance.” Inequality and American Democracy: What We Know and What We Need to Learn.Ed. by Lawrence
R. Jacobs and Theda Skocpol. (New York, NY: Russell Sage Foundation, 2005).
Lawrence R. Jacobs and Theda Skocpol. “Restoring the Tradition of Rigor and Relevance to Political Science.” PS: Political Science and Politics. December 2005.
Lawrence R. Jacobs and Benjamin I. Page. “Who Influences U.S. Foreign Policy?” American Political Science Review. 99 (February 2005): 107-124.
Lawrence R, Jacobs. “Health Disparities in the Land of Equality.” Healthy, Wealthy, and Fair: Health Care
and the Good Society. Ed. by James Morone and Lawrence R. Jacobs. ( New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2005).
James A. Morone and Lawrence R. Jacobs. “Introduction: Health and Wealth in the Good Society.”Healthy, Wealthy, and Fair: Health Care and the Good Society. Ed. by James Morone and Lawrence R. Jacobs. (New York: Oxford University Press, 2005).
Lawrence R. Jacobs and James A. Morone. “Conclusion: Prospering in an Age of Global Markets” in Healthy, Wealthy, and Fair: Health Care and the Good SocietyEd. by James Morone and Lawrence R. Jacobs.
New York: Oxford University Press, 2005.
Lawrence R. Jacobs. “Communicating from the White House: From Mass Communications to Specialized Constituencies” in Presidents and Bureaucrats: The Executive Branch and American Democracy. Ed.
by Joel Aberbach and Mark Peterson (Oxford, 2005).
Lawrence R. Jacobs. “The Presidency and the Press: The Paradox of the White House “Communications War.” The Presidency and the Political System (8th Edition). Ed by Michael Nelson. (Washington, DC: Congressional Quarterly Press, 2005).
Lawrence R. Jacobs and Melanie Burns. “Don’t Lump Seniors.” Public Policy & Aging Report. 2005.
Druckman, James N., Lawrence R. Jacobs, and Eric Ostermeier. “Candidate Strategies to Prime Issues and
Image.” Journal of Politics. 66 (November, 2004): 1205-1227.
American Political Science Association Task Force on Inequality and American Democracy (Lawrence R. Jacobs, Chair). “American Democracy in an Age of Rising Inequality.” Perspectives on Politics. 2 (December 2004): 651-666.
Lawrence R. Jacobs and Melanie Burns. “The Second Face of the Public Presidency: Presidential Polling and