BASIS Chandler Booster Exec. Board meeting

July 11, 2013

Attendees: Roger, Deidre, Michele, Chhoden, Wayley and JoAnne


Start 5:10 pm

Presidents Report

Voting- Nomination for vacant Board member at large- Chhoden Tsoring – introduction discussion concerning if her son leaves the school then she will have to resign from the board but that family decision will be made within a week. Nomination to elect Chhoden1st by Roger and 2nd by Michelle. No other candidates on the floor for nominating. Chhoden was voted on to the board as Member-at –large. - Congrats

We have Three (3) credit card readers. The President, Vice President and Treasurer will receive a reader.

The 10,000 dollar Booster donation was received by the school BUT it was applied to the Annual Teacher Fund. Boosters has already donated to the Annual Teachers Fund $500 for the 2012-2013. Roger will follow up with the school for clarification.

Vice President Report sent via email

Car pool Google site needs to be tested since we have a new Booster website. One member tested and it should have email Regina with her car pool request (just a test no need for carpool).

Lunch Vendors possible two vendors on one day. Possible ask Sals to have another option. See if another vendor has more food options.

Web master/ Social Media report

Boosters’ Website is up and functioning along with PayPal –

Our Membership form will go to a YAHOO account to be accessed by more than one board member. PayPal can accept donations also along with any monies due for membership or t-shirts etc.

Treasurer Report

We have $ 6000 remaining in the Roger thought we might give $1,000 more dollars to the School????? Wait for Heather to provide us with the amount we can give to school.

We have reconciled school year 2012-2013 bank account and all new names are added to the account to conduct new business.

School Spirit Report

Chhoden was asked to get all materials from last year concerning t-shirt vendors etc. so she can gather 2 more vendors to compare BIDS and set up Sales.

Secretary Report

Must obtain 3 BIDS for Booster Signage to showcase Boosters at all Boosters events.

Redesign the Booster form. Have them ready to present by next meeting.

Fundraiser Report

Boosters have completed sign up for Safeway Account, Fry’s account(Roger must check to see if BASIS has received the money from FRY’S) Continue Box tops, Contact Targetto set up an account.

School cents meeting for President and Treasurer AUGUST 11, 2013

Contact Swirl it to come to Orientation night.

Dine out- Possible once a month but will have to wait until the school finalize the school calendar. Possible place to contact: Chili’s,Bay leaf, Yaochinese, Buccos Sals,

****Next Boosters Exec Meeting: Tuesday July 30th 5pm. LocationIrishRepublic in downtown Chandler

Respectfully Submitted

JoAnne Curry

Addendum to the July 2013 Minutes

  1. As of July 17, 2013 Chhden T. Alcorn our newly elected Boosters Member-at-Large had to resign that position is vacant until we have find another candidate.
  1. Exec Boosters voted on by the majority to change the current logo. The new logo will reflect and support the BASIS Chandler Mascot- the BOBCAT. See the image below

Submitted by JoAnne Curry