
Thank you Letter Assignment


Write a letter of appreciation/thank you to a person of your choice.

Your completed letter will be mailed to the recipient.

(Be sure to view the embedded video)

? Address sheet (Parents should help you complete this)

? This instruction sheet

? The model on your address sheet showing how to properly address an envelope

Assignment is worth __________ pts. Due date ________________

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


1. Use correct friendly letter format.

2. Letter should be approximately ? of a page long, but no longer than one page;

L etter should not be five paragraphs.

3. Leave one line of white space between each part of the letter, including date, greeting, each

paragraph, closing and signature.

4. Write a rough draft in pencil for class on _______________________.

5. Final copy will be written legibly in ink in class; envelope will also be addressed in class.

6. Thank you notes are nicer if written on a nice piece of stationary. You may bring your own

nice paper, envelope, and stamp but notebook paper is acceptable. ONE envelope will be

provided (so if you are prone to mistakes perhaps bring another with you) however you

need to bring one stamp with you to class.

**Suggestion: Even though the letter has to be hand-written in class, consider typing a copy of

your rough draft at home and then using spell check and grammar check. Then you can

bring your “checked” letter to class to copy in ink. Otherwise, have someone proofread

your rough draft before using ink on your final copy.

Thank You Letter Rubric

Correct Letter Format 12 points

Date in Correct Place (3pts) ____________

Salutation (Dear ______, ) in correct place (3pts) ____________

Separated into paragraphs (if needed) (3 pts) ____________

Closing in Correct Place (3 pts) ____________

Correct Length (between ? a page and one page) (10 pts) ____________

Legible Handwriting (neat and precise; can be read by anyone) (10 pts) ____________

Rough Draft Turned in on Time (8 pts) ____________

Neatness (10 pts) ____________

(written in pen, no whiteout, mark outs, neat paper, not wrinkled)

Letter Content: ____________________________________________(40 points)__________

Thanks person for object received or action of person (10 pts) ____________

You state how object or action will impact your life (10 pts) ____________

State something else you appreciate about the person you are writing (10 pts) ____________

Wish your recipient well in some format (10 pts) ____________


(this includes, punctuation, spelling, usage, capitalization and grammar) (10 pts) ____________

*****I should not have to point out that this letter should have NO errors and this should be

an easy ten points for you . However if it does please note I will take two points for

each one I find up to five.

Total points _________/100

